Category: VoiceThread

Talk Amongst Yourselves: Collaborative Learning with VoiceThread

Talk Amongst Yourselves: Collaborative Learning with VoiceThread


This blog post is about collaborative learning, the new and improved VoiceThread, and the elusive sweet spot between collaborative learning and collaborative overload in which students receive the most impactive and effective learning experience. Collaboration is often cited as a key component of effective learning. It encourages teamwork, enhances communication skills, and fosters a deeper understanding of content through shared perspectives. Despite these positive aspects, there is a growing concern about “collaborative overload,” a phenomenon where the demands of collaborative activities become counterproductive.  

The term “Collaborative Learning” itself tends to inspire a broad range of reactions that range from an explosion of enthusiasm (“I LIVE for collaboration”) to benign affirmations (“sure, sounds good”) to extreme distaste (“Group projects are the kiss of death”), but such a wide range of attitudes and experiences inherently suggests that there must be an ideal amount of collaboration to ensure the ideal learning scenario.  

To facilitate an impactful collaborative learning experience with all the benefits mentioned above while also avoiding “collaborative overload”, VoiceThread serves as an excellent resource. With the help of such an effective tool, you can achieve this balance.  

Collaboration with the New & Improved VoiceThread 

VoiceThread, an interactive, web-based application that allows users to create and share multimedia slideshows with images, videos, documents, and presentations, has many features that are conducive to collaborative learning. What sets VoiceThread apart is its ability to facilitate asynchronous discussions. Users can leave comments on slides using text, audio, or video, creating a rich, multimedia conversation around the content.  

As of Summer 2024, the new and improved VoiceThread is available to all users and further enhances the power of collaborative learning. VoiceThread’s new release features significant updates, including enhanced accessibility, bulk comment management, audio slide descriptions, and improved navigation with zooming and panning while commenting. The update introduces a more compact homepage, media sources in uploads, and an integrated comment timeline. With these improvements to accessibility, commenting, and navigation, participating in group learning with VoiceThread is now more intuitive than ever.  Above all else, we firmly believe this update will prove invaluable for the facilitation of collaborative learning.  


While collaboration is an essential component of modern education, it is crucial to recognize and address the risks of collaborative overload. By finding a balance between group and individual work, setting clear objectives, managing communication, and monitoring student well-being, educators can create a more sustainable and effective collaborative learning environment. As a tool that allows for individual and collaborative work, VoiceThread is excellent for creating balance in classroom assignments.  

For more information about VoiceThread, be sure to check out the ITRS VoiceThread page. To book an appointment for assistance with VoiceThread or any other instructional technology, use the ITRS booking link 

ITRS looks forward to collaborating with you!

Empowering Learners to Work in Community: Designing for Collaborative Learning

Empowering Learners to Work in Community: Designing for Collaborative Learning

Collaboration, teamwork, community: these terms are familiar across disciplines and industries, and often, they reflect organizational values and goals. Collaboration is supposed to be a worthwhile practice for the benefit of the stakeholders involved.  

And yet, why do students dread group projects? As a lifelong student and instructor of adult learners, let’s together consider the dynamics of a typical group: one or two students do most of the work, one disappears from group communications until the day before a deadline due to unforeseen circumstances, and the less dominant members offer contributions that are either dismissed or less prioritized by the self-appointed group leaders.  

As an instructor or one possessing instructional design responsibilities for learning, there are ways to facilitate collaboration for students that might avoid common pitfalls to meaningful and equitable peer exchange. This includes student-to-instructor exchange, as a common approach to online learning via prerecorded lectures and auto-graded feedback leaves students without a feeling of human connection or presence—hardly collaborative.  

Collaborative learning and learning design  

Continuing a keywords-inspired approach of unpacking a learning design referent to extract pedagogical and practical applications, let’s take on the subject of collaborative learning design.  

The way I refer to collaborative learning is inspired by my time in writing center work and composition studies, namely Andrea Lunsford’s (1991) article “Collaboration, Control, and the Idea of a Writing Center.” Lunsford’s work on collaboration and learning has found collaboration to engage students and encourage active learning; lead to higher academic achievement; support deeper critical thinking; and lead to deeper understanding of others (p. 5). Such collaboration is not synonymous with lack of direction, support, or inclusion for its members. 

Research-based keys to collaborative learning  

Both the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) and the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) offer research-based support for collaboration. Below are some synthesized findings between a learning design perspective, student perspectives for collaborative learning, and a renewed approach to inclusive teaching. Insights are lifted from the CAST Universal Design for Learning Guidelines, the 2024 OLC Report, “Empowering Change Together: Student Perspectives on Quality Online, Digital, and Blended Learning,” and insights from the Inclusive Teaching in STEM course faculty edX.  

Sustain engagement through careful learning community. According to CAST (2018), learners in the 21st century “must be able to communicate and collaborate within a community,” as such mindfully structured peer work can “significantly increase the available support for sustained engagement.” Student feedback highlighted the desire for community in online learning environments, as well as faculty responsibility for fostering class participation in such a way that acknowledged social challenges from not being in a physical classroom (OLC, 2024, p. 12). For instructors stuck with a lack of engagement, defining peer roles, expectations, and means for providing one another with feedback instills a sense of responsibility in one another’s learning and success.  

Create a culture of collaboration by enabling learners to be active agents in designing their learning. UDL Checkpoint 8.3: Foster collaboration and community specifies a strategy to “Create cooperative learning groups with clear goals, roles, and responsibilities.” The OLC finds that students also “want to be consulted as co-creators of community and DEI strategy,” moving beyond buzzwords to adaptable, actionable frameworks for practice (p. 13). A course lends itself as a space to facilitate a community of practice that rises out of a body of theory or aligned with learning goals. Allowing each member of a course community to co-design their individual roles and recognize their own commitments to the greater whole helps to build rapport while learning.  

Collaborative learning tool spotlight: VoiceThread 

Learning tools designed to facilitate feedback and collaboration can help instructors save time on designing technical logistics for student activities. Some tools also offer multiple modes of engaging dialogue and feedback between members. 

Though several learning tools may overlap in learning activity type, such as written discussions or conversations, few offer specifically collaborative engagement adaptable for a variety of activities as much as VoiceThread. With the new user interface to be fully implemented by this June, VoiceThread also offers a more accessible tool for learners to engage in collaborative learning. VoiceThread facilitates multimodal means for members to give one another feedback, including written, audio, and video commenting.  

Learning design for collaboration 

Let us also not forget Lunsford’s (1991) warning of collaboration misconstrued in pedagogical application, where such can “masquerade as democracy when it in fact practices the same old authoritarian control” (p. 3-4). Collaborative learning design must be careful and clear in its aim to empower students to take part in constructing their learning contexts and sense of community.  


CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2.
Retrieved from 

Lunsford, A. (1991). Collaboration, Control, and the Idea of a Writing Center. The Writing Center Journal, 12(1), 3–10.  

Weber, N.L. & Gay, K. (2024). Empowering change together: Student perspectives on quality
online, digital, and blended learning. Online Learning Consortium.  

Image credit: Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Striving and Thriving: The New and Improved VoiceThread

Striving and Thriving: The New and Improved VoiceThread

This blog entry is about VoiceThread – a collaborative multimedia slide tool that enables users to upload multimedia in slides where their peers can interact asynchronously – and it’s new and improved interface. The best tools for asynchronous learning are the ones that can most effectively facilitate learning outside of the course meeting times while also consistently striving to deliver a more engaging, user-friendly, and inclusive experience for all students. With a brand-new look and many enhancements, VoiceThread stands out as a high-caliber tool that keeps getting better.  

As one of the many technologies available to members of the LUC community, VoiceThread displays a strong dedication to constant improvement in their new and improved interface. The following improvements make for an even better experience using VoiceThread: 

  • Screen-reader accessibility 
  • Simplified conversation structure that is more user-friendly 
  • Zoom & Pan controls for moving as you add a comment 
  • Easier slide navigation for viewing and commenting 

The new interface is available to you now and can be toggled by logging into VoiceThread and going to the Display Preferences page. For anyone who prefers the legacy interface, please keep in mind that it will still be available until summer of 2024. 

For more information, be sure to take a look at the ITRS VoiceThread Page and VoiceThread Documentation. 

For assistance with VoiceThread, feel free to book an appointment with an ITRS Team member. 

Linked in Lessons: Internal & External Tools 

Linked in Lessons: Internal & External Tools 

This blog post is about the Sakai Lessons tool, links to other Sakai tools, VoiceThread, Top Hat, and how to maximize the effectiveness of a course using your Sakai site. Just as the main purpose of an LMS is to enhance the learning process, you can – and absolutely should – utilize Lessons in Sakai to deliver educational resources to your course in an orderly, easily navigable fashion. Of all the internal tools available in Sakai, Lessons plays a special role by enabling you to organize the learning materials in your course and minimize student confusion in locating readings, assignments, assessments, discussion forums, and even external tools.  

When assisting faculty with Sakai one-on-one or in the context of an orientation/group presentation, my colleagues in Instructional Technology and Research Support (ITRS) and I often explain to faculty that Lessons is a “three ring binder” that allows you to arrange the content in all the other tools. You can create a Lessons page for each week (Week 1, Week 2, etc.) or module (Module 1, Module 2, etc.) or any other increment that you use in your class.  

Why Lessons? 

To obtain a more detailed and extremely specific understanding of the value Lessons can bring to your course, imagine yourself in the following (quite cumbersome) scenario: 

You are teaching a course with a Sakai site and it is Week 3 of the academic term. You just finished uploading the Week 3 Readings to the Resources tool, creating the Week 3 Assignment in the Assignments tool, added a Week 3 Topic to the Discussions tool, published your Week 3 Quiz in the Tests & Quizzes tool, built a “project idea” recording assignment in VoiceThread, and made an icebreaker activity for in-class completion using Top Hat. To notify your students, you compose a message using Announcements and ask your students to…: 

  • Go to Resources and locate the assigned readings in the Week 3 Readings folder. 
  • Submit your Week 3 Assignment in Assignments 
  • Access the Week 3 Topic in the Weekly Discussions forum and post your reading response (and respond to a classmate) in the Discussions tool.  
  • Take the Week 3 Quiz in Tests & Quizzes 
  • Go to VoiceThread and “record yourself.”  
  • Complete the icebreaker in Top Hat during the class meeting.  

Do you feel fatigued from reading that scenario? I feel that way from writing it. In this scenario, it is also not difficult to imagine that a sizable portion of your students reported problems with finding and completing the assigned content. Fortunately, there is a much more effective strategy for simplifying the process.  

Internal Tools in Lessons 

As an alternative to the situation described in the previous section, you can include links to all the activities in different Sakai tools within a Lessons page. Once you’ve uploaded/created the weekly content, you can create a new lessons page titled “Week 3”, add the weekly assignment/quiz/discussion/readings to the page, mark each item as a prerequisite for advancing to the next week’s page (if applicable), and direct your students to “Complete the activities in ‘Week 3.’”The majority of Sakai tools are linkable within a Lessons page and can potentially reduce confusion (and the process of navigating to so many different tools, of course). Using this habit, you may not even need to send so many announcements (and hope everyone reads them).  

VoiceThread & Top Hat: Interactive, Asynchronous Learning 

Along with the tools available within Sakai, some of the external tools available to you can now be added to a Lessons page thanks to recent upgrades and enhancements. For instance, several enhancements to the VoiceThread tool such as new assignment types and a deeper integration in Sakai have resulted in a much more streamlined experience for assigning, completing, and grading work. As of 2022, Assignments in VoiceThread – a multimedia recording/uploading tool for collaborative learning via asynchronous interaction – can now link directly from a Lessons page. Instead of requiring students to select the VoiceThread tool (to authenticate their account) and directing them to complete the assignment in the VoiceThread tab in Sakai, you can now add a link to a VoiceThread assignment such as creating a recording, commenting on a recording, or just watching one. Once completed and graded, scores for these assignments will also populate in the Sakai Gradebook tool directly.  

In addition to this improvement, a much more recent upgrade to Top Hat now enables you to link to assigned content through a Lessons page using the same method as linking to VoiceThread. As a tool for interactive learning with a vast array of features to facilitate and track student engagement, you can use Top Hat for live, interactive quizzes as well as tracking attendance, creating assessments, sharing reading materials, and more. Although it is important to note that Top Hat requires a student fee and for users to create their accounts directly through the tool, grades for assigned content will now populate the Gradebook just like VoiceThread.  

Going Forward: Help & Resources 

Based on the (perhaps excessive) details provided in the sections above, the value and purpose of Lessons pages is apparent. In short, there are many ways you can incorporate content from other sections to simplify the process of navigating Sakai for your students.  

For assistance with Sakai, VoiceThread, Top Hat, or any other instructional technology, please schedule a consultation with an ITRS team member. Here are some additional help resources for Sakai Lessons, VoiceThread, and Top Hat: 

Sakai Lessons Documentation 

VoiceThread Documentation  

Top Hat Documentation 

Top Hat Support 

ITRS Updates: February 2020

ITRS Updates: February 2020


Here is a list of upcoming events, services, and other updates from the ITRS team.  

Upcoming Events

The 5th Annual Information Technology Showcase will take place on February 20th from 9am to 3pm in the Damen Student Center on the 2nd floor. Stop by for a program featuring optional breakout sessions and service provider partner presentations on Zoom, LOCUS, Top Hat, VoiceThread, and many more. We encourage you to register for the showcase for free catered lunch and prize opportunities. 

Training & Support

We offer training sessions for SakaiPanopto, and Zoom.  

For 1:1 assistance, please feel free to utilize our drop-in hours or contact us to schedule an appointment: 


*No drop-ins will be available on February 18th and 20th due to staff conferences and events.  

Rediscover VoiceThread

Rediscover VoiceThread

Are you looking for ways to enhance your course’s PowerPoints or create more interactive discussion boards?

VoiceThread may be your solution! VoiceThread allows instructors to facilitate online discussions, so students can post, comment, and collaborate with their peers in a fun and engaging way.

These conversations are not live, so the timing of discussions allows students to participate whenever and wherever it is convenient for them. Discussions may include a mixture of images, videos, documents, and media files. VoiceThread is fully integrated with Sakai. VoiceThread can be placed on a Sakai course lesson page or added to a Sakai course as a standalone tool.

For more information about VoiceThread, visit the ITRS VoiceThread information website: