IPS Students to Work with Campus Ministry

Two of our IPS students, Elizabeth (Liz) Palmer and Christina (Tina) Cisarik, will be Graduate Assistants for LUC Campus Ministry this upcoming academic year.
LUC Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry’s graduate assistantship is a program for Loyola graduate students who are exploring a call to ecclesial ministry. While examining this call in the context of a university community, Graduate Assistants work toward proficiency in the skills necessary to answer the call, namely pastoral leadership, pastoral care and program management. (For more information, visit the IPS Financial Aid site.)

We are so pleased to have students like Tina and Liz who are eager to give back to the Loyola community and represent IPS in such a wonderful way. Continue reading to find out how these ladies plan on bringing their unique passions, experiences, attitudes and goals to set the world on fire.


First, meet Liz Palmer. She is earning her Master of Divinity (MDiv) at IPS and expects to graduate in 2018.

Liz Palmer
Liz Palmer

Any classes in particular you look forward to taking at IPS? 
This fall, I am enrolled in Introduction to Theology and Ministry. I anticipate this class to create a strong foundation for my studies. I am excited to learn more about the history and traditions of theology and to be able to apply that knowledge practically in ministry. I hope to grow professionally while learning and growing in my faith.

Tell us about your new role at LUC Campus Ministry:
I am privileged to work with Campus Ministry as Retreats Assistant this year. This role will allow me to lead retreats such as Loyola 360, Unwritten, Transfer Student Retreat, among others at Loyola’s Retreat Center throughout the year. Working collaboratively with other students and mentors, I look forward to developing opportunities for students to be reflective, to explore their faith, and to foster relationships. My goal is for the retreats to branch into all areas of life and have an impact even after the retreat weekend ends. Life is a retreat that should be embraced daily. I am eager to spend my time in the Campus Ministry offices to connect with the Loyola community.

What are you looking forward to bringing to your new internship outside the classroom that you have learned inside the classroom?
Pursuing my undergraduate education at Saint Mary’s College (Notre Dame, Indiana) taught me that the mind must be educated simultaneously with the heart. I discovered this as a Biology and Psychology major with a Religious Studies minor. This culmination of disciplines allowed me to understand that faith and reason coexist. I also learned the importance of walking in solidarity with others. Conversations with my mentors and peers highlighted our shared humanity and the value of human relationships. I hope to integrate these lessons into my role of Retreat’s Assistant at Loyola.

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing during your time here at Loyola IPS and how does that relate to your future goals?
During my time in Loyola IPS, I most look forward to learning about and embracing the Jesuit identity. Through my studies and internship, my goals include promoting justice through my words and actions. This translates to my future plans where I hope to plunge into my baptismal waters as an advocate for human dignity, solidarity, and social justice—where I can promote caring Christian relationships that encompass listening, companionship, and trust.

Any other project(s) you are working on that you wish to share?
I will be serving as the Women’s Varsity Soccer Team Chaplain. As a former collegiate athlete, I look forward to combining my passions for athletics and faith at Loyola.


Now, meet Tina Cisarik. She is earning her Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies (MAPS) and anticipates graduating in May 2016.

Tina Cisarik
Tina Cisarik

Any classes in particular you look forward to taking at IPS? 
This Fall, I’m looking forward to taking “Art & Spirit: Sacred & Secular” with Linda McCrary. As my Bachelors degree is in Graphic Design, I’m very delighted to have the opportunity to explore the relationship between my two passions through the coursework and discussions provided through the class.

Tell us about your new role at LUC Campus Ministry:
As a graduate assistant in Campus Ministry on Loyola’s Lake Shore Campus, I will be assisting primarily with the “Loyola Companions” program, a peer minister-supported imitative whose mission is to build community on our campus through various faith and service leadership opportunities, including welcoming new students, offering hospitality and providing support to students within residence halls. Additionally, I will have the opportunity to gain experience in various other components of campus ministry, including retreat direction and small group faith sharing facilitation.

What are you looking forward to bringing to your new internship outside the classroom that you have learned in the classroom?
I’m excited to see what I read on paper and discuss in the classroom “come to life” in my internship. Whether through implementing new spiritual practices with students or translating theological terms into college-friendly, applicable language, I’m looking forward to seeing how I can further relate my studies to my role as a staff member at a Jesuit institution.

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing during your time here at Loyola IPS and how does that relate to your future goals?
During my time as an IPS student, I’m looking forward to gaining a deeper understanding of my own, growing spirituality while learning the tools and strategies necessary in assisting others seeking more faith-filled lives. I am confident that the education provided through IPS will equip me with an array of skills and experiences that can translate into a wide variety of career and ministry options.



Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Staff Profile: Mirta Garcia

IPS welcomes new staff member, Mirta Garcia. Mirta is the Administrative Assistant for Parish Leadership and Management Programs. This is a new position created in response to the success of the Hispanic Ministry segment of these programs that are spearheaded by Coordinator Mark Bersano.

“Given her extensive administrative experience, religious education background and fluency in Spanish, we are very fortunate to have Mirta on our team to serve parish communities,” commented Mark.

Mirta has only been in the office for a short time, but she already feels like she is part of the IPS family; and we agree!

“I am very thankful and blessed to be part of such wonderful group of people. From the first day that I walked into IPS office, I felt at home. I am looking forward to a great start, supporting and helping kick-off the great program that Mark Bersano and Felipe Legarreta-Castillo are leading in the office of Parish Leadership and Management Programs,” said Mirta.

Read the Q&A with Mirta below to learn a little more about her and be sure to welcome her to the IPS community!

Mirta Garcia
Where are you from?
I was born in Melrose Park, IL, raised in Chicago, and my parents are from Durango, Mexico.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy taking a walk with my husband, Cesar. Together we enjoy watching our son, Andrew, play college football at Augustana College. For the past 4 years, we’ve enjoyed watching our daughter, Alexis, cheer on the High School football and basketball teams. My youngest daughter, Maya, kept us on our toes last year. She participated in volleyball, basketball, cheerleading and dance. Next month Maya will be entering Leyden HS where she will be part of the Marching Band. Is it football season yet?

What is a fun fact or story about you?
I am a Catechist and teach CCD at my parish, St. John Vianney, since 2011. I’ve helped students prepare to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This fall I will be teaching the teenage girls in their first year of Sacrament of Confirmation preparation.  

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment, personally or professionally, so far?
My biggest accomplishment was having the opportunity to coach my daughter, Maya, plus 25 other cheerleaders with Leyden Bears – United YFL. I share this experience with my daughter, Alexis, who was one of my teen coaches. This experience created a bigger bond between my daughters and I. Having the opportunity to shape, form and encourage these young ladies was priceless. Bringing home three times Regional and National Champs trophies was a big plus too.

How did you feel when you were offered the position at IPS?
Excited… I even did the happy dance.

What previous education or experience has best prepared you for this role?
I have an associates degree in Secretarial Science from Robert Morris University. I am skilled in Office Management in the areas of Administration, Quality Control, Event Coordination, and Human Resources. I have worked for a Fortune 500 company. One of my unique strengths is the ability to support multiple VP Level executives and multi-task effectively.

What are you looking forward to bringing to this new role at IPS?
I am looking forward to bringing my solid background experience in office administration, my enthusiasm, and my passion towards my Catholic faith.

Do you have a mentor or an experience in your life that helped shape who you are today?
My participation in Spiritual Exercises retreats have really shaped my spiritual life. It is in the silence of the retreat that I am able to enter and deepen my faith and reach other levels of my spiritual journey. Having Daire Ryan, a Consecrated Women of Regnum Christ, as my Spiritual Director has made a positive impact in my spiritual journey.

*Connect with Mirta on Facebook and LinkedIn!


***Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Rome Recap

We hope you have been enjoying your summer! We talked with a couple people to hear what they had to say about their experience in the IPS Rome program this summer.

The course, Peacebuilding in a Global, Interfaith Context, was taught by Dr. Marian Diaz. The course explored the theory and practice of peacebuilding from a variety of religious perspectives. Peacebuilding involves the period of time after a conflict has come to some resolution. The course focused on how a lasting peace can be forged in a given context in light of cultural and religious differences.

Both Christine Collins and Susan Schemper heard about this special course through IPS staff and faculty. Susan said her advisor, Bill Schmidt, suggested it, and Christine actually found out about this program on a fluke.

“I went to a seminar Loyola was having at the Cuneo property in Vernon Hills one night about graduate school. I really didn’t have a direction, and thought by attending I might find an avenue to pursue. I spoke with Chrissy Sofranko that night and she asked me some questions that led to her telling me about the Rome program,” mentioned Christine. “When I left that night I knew I wanted to go to Rome with Loyola!”

Christine and Susan each had unique moments that were the most memorable for them on the trip.

“I loved the Sant’ Egidio visit and talk given by Marco,” said Christine.

For Susan it was “sitting with the group from Rondine and getting a sense of what that peace-making group is about.”

The IPS Rome program offers learning and cultural experiences that you can’t find in a classroom in Chicago.

“I learned how much more there is to the world. In all aspects. Historically, politically and just globally in general,” said Christine.

“The overwhelming thing I learned was just how complex peacemaking is in a world of different belief systems and religions. Yet, it is also always between people or people and their environment,” noted Susan.

When asked if they would recommend this program to other students, they both said, “absolutely!”

“You can not get this experience/education in a classroom or out of a book,” added Christine. “I loved every minute of our time in Italy. I learned so much from the people and places we visited. I also learned a lot from our Professor and my classmates. It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. I will never forget it!”

Susan did have a bit of good advice for future participants of the program:

“Take good shoes for walking and an open-mind. It will take awhile to metabolize the content of the trip over time. Relax and let that happen.”

Christine concluded, “It is an amazing experience – enjoy!”


Thank you to all who attended this year. We hope to see more of you in the Rome program next summer! Check back on the IPS website during the 2016 Spring semester for updated information.


**Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

New Career Liaison for IPS

Sarah Syversen has joined the Career Development Center (CDC) as the new Career Liaison for IPS, SoE and School of Social Work.

Sarah, an experienced advisor, studied education as an undergraduate at the University of Arizona and completed a Master’s degree in counseling at DePaul University.

“My journey in career services began right after I graduated college when I served as an Americorps VISTA volunteer. As a VISTA, I worked at the Youth Job Center of Evanston assisting young adults in securing entry-level employment and setting short and long term career and education goals. It was there I discovered my passion for counseling and, in particular, career counseling,” said Sarah.

Now as a Liaison at Loyola, she will:

  • Provide career counseling to the students and alumni of IPS and the other schools and programs
  • Deliver CDC career courses and workshops
  • Partner with IPS and the other schools and programs to deliver in class presentations
  • Work with faculty and school-based practicum/internship coordinators
  • Facilitate career exploration, preparation, and readiness for a successful transition outside of the Institution
  • Conduct outreach to appropriate employers
  • Coordinate large events with other universities with similar academic programs

Sarah not only has the skills to assist people in landing a job, but she also has a passion for it.

“I LOVE hearing people’s stories: what do they enjoy doing, what their career and life journey has been like so far, how they define success, how their life experiences have shaped who they are and who they want to be, etc. When I can help others ‘connect the dots’ and clarify their goals, values, and career path, I feel fulfilled and excited about my work,” commented Sarah.

Sarah Syversen
The mission of the CDC is “to educate, counsel, and empower Loyola students and alumni through their self-identity and career exploration process.” In addition, the CDC recognizes the power of  “personal reflection and intensive exploration” while job searching. “Career satisfaction is born of an authentic understanding of the self and the needs of the world,” as stated on the CDC website.

Sarah went into further detail as to what services the CDC provides for undergraduates, graduates and alumni.

“We provide one:one career advising and small group workshops for those students and alumni who could use some help determining career goals, clarifying direction, and overcoming obstacles. We also host several career fairs throughout the year, critique resumes and cover letters, discuss interview and networking strategies, and maintain RamblerLink: Loyola’s online volunteer, internship, and employment database.”

Sarah continued, “Our website also has a TON of useful information and links on all of the above topics. Check it out when you get a chance! www.luc.edu/career.”

Moreover, Sarah offered some insight to what tends to be the most challenging part for students about finding a job and shared some advice to overcome this challenge.

“Students often have on ‘blinders’ and are so focused on one particular career path or one narrow definition of success that they become easily disappointed or frustrated. On the other hand, when students are patient, keep their minds open to different or unexpected opportunities, and take the time to truly explore and reflect on their career values and interests, they tend to view themselves as much more successful and happy in their careers.”

In addition, she shared a couple of the best tips for success when searching for a job:

  • Have a career advisor critique your resume! Not only can we critique it for spelling and grammatical errors, but we can help you reformat your resume to emphasize relevant experiences or re-word a job description to highlight your transferable skills!
  • Learn how to use your network effectively. Nowadays, your network is key to finding a job. I can coach you on how to build your network and use it to your advantage.

Sarah was also kind enough to share some helpful resources:

To conclude Sarah said, “I’m looking forward to working with you all!”

For more help, you can find Sarah at the Water Tower Campus in Corboy 800. Stop by for some advice or to say thank you and welcome to Loyola’s WTC!


**Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Student Feature: Meet Elizabeth

Elizabeth Schultz is earning her Masters in Pastoral Studies with a Health Care Chaplaincy concentration through IPS online courses. She has Masters in Engineering, flew a helicopter at 18 years old, loves long walks with her husband and has recently accepted a position as a hospital Staff Chaplain.

Check out our Q&A with Elizabeth below to read a little bit about her journey and her future goals.

Elizabeth with her husband Joe
Elizabeth with her husband Joe

Nickname: Betty Jean (my middle name is Jean, and Betty is a nickname for Elizabeth!)

Hometown: I was born and raised in NJ, went to college in Delaware and Syracuse, NY, and I’ve lived in Lititz, Pennsylvania for the last 23 years.

What do you enjoy doing outside of school? One of my favorite pastimes is going for a walk/run with my husband on a beautiful evening.

What is a fun fact or story about you?
I flew a helicopter when I was 18! Actually, I was in the co-pilot seat, but the pilot let me fly, hover, and land the Army helicopter. I was working at a military base in NJ during the summer between high school and college. One of the Army pilots gave me a flight suit to put on and took me (unofficially) on a flight along the ocean and up to NYC. We flew around my house, then up to the Statue of Liberty, and back to the base. Waving to the kids on the beach was almost as cool as actually getting to fly the helicopter by myself.

A quote, prayer, etc. that has significance to you?
What is a blessing but a rain of grace
falling generously into the lives
of those in need; and who among us
is without need?
May the divine Spirit
touch your spirit in the course of this day.
May your work this day be your love made visible.
May you breathe upon the wounds
of those with whom you work.
May you open yourself to God’s breathing.
May you honor the flame of love
that burns inside you.
May your voice this day
be a voice of encouragement.
May your life be an answer to someone’s prayer.
May you own a grateful heart.
May you have enough joy to give you hope,
enough pain to make you wise.
May there be no room in your heart for hatred.
May you be free from violent thoughts.
When you look into the window of your soul
may you see the face of God.
May the lamp of your life
shine upon all you meet this day.

Sr Macrina Wiederkehr

What is your previous education? I graduated from the University of Delaware with a Bachelors of Electrical Engineering in 1985 and from Syracuse University with a Masters in Engineering in 1988.

What were you doing before beginning your IPS journey? In August of 2011, I decided to take a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). That was a period of discernment which had begun over 6 years prior when I did a one year stint as a volunteer Eucharistic Minister in the hospital. After finishing my unit of CPE, I was hired part-time as a per diem chaplain. In August of 2012, I began a one-year CPE residency. THEN, I began at IPS. I did things a bit backwards!

What made you decide to come to Loyola IPS?
The maturity of the online curriculum. I looked at many online programs at Catholic universities and none seemed as rich and well-developed as Loyola’s.

What degree are you seeking?
I am in the final year of a Masters in Pastoral Studies with a Health Care Chaplaincy concentration. This curriculum will prepare me well for seeking board certification with the National Association of Catholic Chaplains.

Do you have a favorite class or one you look forward to taking?
Boy, that’s a hard question. What I’ve discovered as an adult learner is that I want to soak in as much as I can and all of my courses thus far met that desire. I loved IPS 417: Literature of Ancient Israel and IPS 404: Theology of Suffering. I’m looking forward to taking IPS599: Theology and Ethics at the End of Life this fall.

Do you see any challenges you will have to overcome during your time here? 
Probably my biggest challenge has been learning in the online environment. I tend to process information best by talking face to face with fellow students, colleagues, and instructors. So, conversing via posts in our message boards continues to be my biggest challenge. That being said, the synchronous classes are a blessing. The other MAPS programs I researched prior to applying to IPS did not offer nearly as many (if any) synchronous classes. Of course, professors and fellow students are only a phone call away for verbal discussion and learning.

Do you have any recommendations for future students?
Don’t hesitate to utilize all of the resources IPS offers. I’ve found the professors to be available and more than willing to help me reach my goals both academically and professionally.

Tell us about your new job. 
I have accepted a permanent position at Lancaster General Hospital as a Staff Chaplain. The position is contingent upon finishing my degree and being Board Certified within 2 years. The IPS curriculum has me right on track (thanks to the Integration Project specifically for Health Care Chaplaincy)! I am the lead chaplain for our critical care units which include medical ICU, surgical ICU, Intermediate ICU and trauma/neuro ICU. That’s about 60 beds. I am to provide a consistent presence and read-access for staff, families and patients on those units. I will also provide mentorship to our CPE students assigned to those units and coordinate the provision of spiritual care. Other parts of the position include: attending and facilitating debriefings, participating in follow-up meetings for organ donation cases, attending ethics committee meetings, providing staff education, and working on advanced care planning.

What goals do you have for this job?
My primary goal is to be available to provide for the spiritual and emotional needs of our staff, patients and families. One of the ways in which to achieve part of this goal is to help patients and their families work together with the interdisciplinary team to develop a plan of care which is consistent with their goals and values.

Feel free to reach out to Elizabeth at: betty.j.schultz.9@facebook.com


**Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Senator Dick Durbin Spoke on Undocumented Students

This past December, Senator Dick Durbin came to Loyola to speak about undocumented students, the challenges and opportunities they face, and how his own work for comprehensive immigration reform has been informed by his Catholic faith and his experience as a first-generation American.

Senator Dick Durbin addressing the Loyola community
Senator Dick Durbin addressing the Loyola community

IPS Professor Dr. Michael Canaris was one of many IPS community members in attendance and he had this reflection to share about the event and the Senator’s speech:

“The Scriptures and Christian teaching are unambiguous in their call to stand in solidarity with the marginalized, the disadvantaged, and the exile, and to respect the dignity of every human person. Senator Durbin’s work on behalf of migrants and refugees throughout his career has echoed this mandate and, when traced through sponsorship of the DREAM Act for instance, helped in many ways to inspire a re-appreciation of Loyola’s commitment to this underserved population across disciplines. It’s an issue that reflects our values as a university rooted in Catholic and Jesuit traditions, and has historical antecedents going back to the school’s founding and in fact to the original Company of Ignatius.”

Senator Durbin’s talk hit home for many Loyola students who were in the audience who are immigrants and/or a part of the Senator’s DREAM (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) Act. These students, affectionately called Dreamers, continue to grow in number and attend colleges across the country, with the largest population right here at Loyola Chicago.

The event titled, “Undocumented Students: Perspectives from a US Senator informed by the tradition of Catholic Social Teaching and his own family’s story,” was live tweeted through the Loyola IPS Twitter account and spurred conversation using the hashtags: #SenDurbinSpeaks and #SenDurbinVisitsIPS. You can see some of the conversation below.

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Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Student Feature: Amanda Thompson

Our latest student feature is about Amanda Thompson, a returning IPS student who has a lot to share about her unique journey and some good advice for those just beginning theirs. See what she has to say below.

Amanda Thompson, Director of Catholic Campus Ministry, Student Affairs, DePaul University, is pictured in a studio portrait Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2015. (DePaul University/Jeff Carrion)
Amanda Thompson, Director of Catholic Campus Ministry, Student Affairs, DePaul University. (DePaul University/Jeff Carrion)

I am very excited to be back at IPS! Twenty-two years ago I began my Masters of Pastoral Studies through the internship program at Loyola’s University Ministry. I graduated in 1996, got a full-time job as a campus minister and residence hall chaplain at the Lakeshore Campus and began my Masters of Divinity. I met my husband, Chuck at Loyola and we decided in 1999 to leave and start a family on the Northwest Side of the Chicago in Jefferson Park. I left not knowing if I would ever return to complete my degree.

In the meantime, Chuck and I had 3 beautiful children, Maggie (15), Hannah (14), and Leo (11). After 11 years of running a licensed daycare in my home and working in our parish, I got a job with the Archdiocese. I continued to pray that God would help me find a way to return to school. Then I applied for a scholarship and got it! My dream of finishing the Divinity degree was coming true…God was blessing me with this opportunity. So I began classes in the summer of 2014.

I am so thrilled to be back in the classroom that every class I have taken is a joy! I took my first three classes online and loved the Sakai platform. The classes were surprisingly interactive with the professors and my other classmates. Now I am in the classroom this semester and am enjoying the face to face interaction.

I was hired this August as the Director of Catholic Campus Ministry at DePaul University and I am enjoying working with the students and staff at DePaul. The students have such a passion for life and faith that gives my hope for the future of the Church. I am also the part-time youth minister at my parish, St. Mary of the Woods. Working with the teens is pure delight as well.

My favorite Bible verse has always been 2 Cor. 12:10, “For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” Always reminding me to trust that God is working through my weaknesses. I can only be my true self when I am being vulnerable in my relationship with God and those around me.

My favorite book that I just read over the Christmas is “The Man Called Ove” by Fredrik Backman. It is a beautiful story of a cranky old man who is loved back into the world by the most unlikely characters around him. It made me laugh out loud and cry real tears. I highly recommend it.

My recommendation to future students is to develop a friendship with Jesus and through that relationship don’t be afraid to put yourself into situations that you don’t feel qualified for. Trust that with time and openness, God will bring into your life people who will mentor you along the way. What might seem crazy in the beginning, usually turns out to be an amazing journey, if you stay open and pay attention!


Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Meet Elesha West


Meet Elesha West, she’s a recent grad of Baylor University in Waco,Texas. During her undergraduate career she studied Medical Humanities and Religion. Over the years she has been actively involved in outreach and evangelism ministry in the capacity of running a summer outreach program for the south suburbs of Chicago for six consecutive years. She did Mission Work in Haiti, Croatia, Washington, D.C. , and Detroit and worked as Assistant Director for Chicago Urban Outreach.

Elesha is currently a first semester grad student in the dual Master of Divinity/ Master of Pastoral Counseling Programs.

I am so excited to start this new journey with the Loyola community. While in undergrad I was enrolled Church History and Old Testament. So, I have some knowledge of the history and the Bible, but I am eager to learn more on a greater level.

What do you do outside of class?

I love traveling, going to plays and culture events, and anything to do with water (I love the beach!).

Any spots on campus or in Chicago that you like the most? 

If I had to pick a spot in Chicago I like the most is anywhere sitting in front of the lakefront. Often times I will go up north and sit by the water for hours. 

A favorite book, or one that impacted you and why? 

The Healers Calling- Daniel Sulmasy- focuses on professionals administering healthcare from a holistic perspective . I enjoy topics such as health care from a Christian perspective, end of life care, suffering, and medical ethics.

Any advice you would give students about how to get the most out of their education? 

Ask a lot of questions and submit yourself to someone bigger and better to you! Learn from those who are doing what you would like to do.

What do you do outside of school?

I currently work part-time at Arrupe College of Loyola University and Cornerstone Christian Center.

What is your favorite quote? 

Proverbs 31: 17-18 – She equips herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] And makes her arms strong.18  She sees that her gain is good; Her lamp does not go out, but it burns continually through the night [she is prepared for whatever lies ahead].

What are your plans for after graduation?

When my program is over, I aspire to open up my own counseling practice focusing on family counseling and adolescents. My desire is to see other young people lay their life down for the church, unashamed, unhindered, and free to do what God has called them to do. Also, to be on pastoral staff at a local church as an evangelism/teaching pastor.