Category : Jesuit University

IPS Advisory Council Meeting (photos)

IPS Advisory Council Meeting
May 2, 2018
Beane Hall, Lewis Towers

Link to photos:


IPS Saddened by Deacon Jimmie Flewellen Passing

The IPS community is saddened to learn of the recent passing of one of our Advisory Council members, Deacon Jimmie Flewellen.

Rev. Jimmie Flewellen passed away on January 31, 2019.  He was 92 years old.

Rev. Jimmie received a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies degree from IPS in 1983 and was honored with a Damen Award from IPS at Loyola University Chicago in 2013.

A video tribute honoring Rev. Jimmie Flewellen was presented at the Founders’ Dinner on Saturday, June 8, 2013.

Rev. Jimmie was the first African-American Catholic chaplain for the United States Justice Department, along with being one of the first deacons in the Archdiocese of Chicago.  He remained an active member of the IPS community for years, serving as a member of the IPS Advisory Council.

To view the 2013 video tribute to Rev. Jimmie, click here.

Courtesy of A.A. Rayner & Sons



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IPS Coordinator of Formation on Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Counseling

Submitted by Carol Taliaferro, IPS Coordinator of Formation

Which is right for me?  Spiritual Direction and/or Pastoral Counseling?

This is a really good question and one that comes up often. So let’s start by defining terms.  First, spiritual direction, as the name implies, is primarily about the spiritual life: our relationship with God and the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  It is also involved in fostering personal growth in and deeper intimacy with God (as experienced in prayer and lived out in discipleship).

Counseling and psychotherapy are different.  These terms are often used interchangeably so I’d like to make a distinction here as well.  Counseling helps us to work through and resolve problems in our lives and relationships.  Psychotherapy, on the other hand, goes deeper and is primarily focused on the emotional life and helps us to heal past hurts and to look at and resolve unhealthy patterns in our lives.

When should you pursue counseling/therapy vs. spiritual direction?

If you are struggling with emotional pain and negative patterns of behavior in your life, dealing with depression or mood disorders, anxiety, addictions or other diagnosable conditions, psychotherapy is your best option.   Do you need guidance and support sorting out your life and your relationships?  Counseling would be the way to go.

Are you trying to grow in your relationship with God and discern the movement of the Holy Spirit in your life?  Then, spiritual direction is what you should pursue.

Keep in mind that each discipline is not mutually exclusive and you can participate in spiritual direction along with therapy and counseling.

(Adapted excerpt from: – Catholic Spiritual Direction – What is the Difference between Counseling and Spiritual Direction?)

“Pastoral counselors hold a unique position in the field of counseling.  With their combination of theological training and advanced education in the behavioral sciences, they are poised to provide effective mental health counseling that is capable of respectfully integrating religious and spiritual components.”

(The Misunderstood Pastoral Counselor: Knowledge and Religiosity as Factors Affecting a Client’s Choice, Walker, et. al., Paper based on a program presented at the 2012 American Counseling Association Annual Conference and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, March 23-25,)

Reflection Corner

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards to God’s varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10

Spiritual formation requires taking not only the inward journey to the heart, but also the outward journey from the heart to the community and ministry.  Christian spirituality is essentially communal.  Spiritual formation is formation in community.  In community, we learn what it means to confess our weakness and to forgive each other.  In community, we discover our own woundedness but also a place of healing.  In community, we learn true humility.  Without community, we become individualistic and egocentric.  Therefore, spiritual formation always includes formation to life in community.

(Henri Nouwen, Following the Movements of the Spirit, Spiritual Formation with Christensen, M. J. & Laird, R. J.)


You can reach Carol Taliaferro at    
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IPS and Pontifical Gregorian University partner on Christian Spirituality degree

Dean Brian Schmisek recently traveled to Rome for the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Loyola University Chicago Institute of Pastoral Studies (IPS) and fellow Jesuit institution, the Pontifical Gregorian University (PGU).

This agreement between IPS and PGU essentially means that IPS will accept the “Diploma in Ignatian Spirituality” offered at PGU as twelve (12) credits towards the “Master of Arts in Christian Spirituality,” a 36-hour degree program offered here at IPS.

This agreement will be in effect for six years, after which time it may be renewed.

Of this recent development, IPS Dean Schmisek says, “This past August when Fr. Sosa [Father General of the Society of Jesus] encouraged Jesuit universities to work together, share resources, and collaborate, we immediately though of our MA in Christian Spirituality and the Diploma in Ignatian Spirituality offered at the Greg.  Then last month, the Society named “Discernment and the Spiritual Exercises” as one of its four priorities [universal apostolic preferences] in the coming years.  So this agreement comes at an opportune time, especially when so many are looking to the resources of Ignatian Spirituality for the modern world.”

Fr. James Grummer, SJ, the superior of the Pontifical Gregorian University Jesuit Community in Rome and director of the Ignatian Spirituality Center at PGU, adds, “The diploma program we offer at the Gregorian allows students to learn a great deal about Ignatian spirituality in an exceptional atmosphere.  Since our teachers and students come from all over the world, they have a unique opportunity to learn with one another.  The different experiences and perspectives they bring to class illuminate the breadth and depth of the Ignatian tradition in ways that transform the participants academically, professionally, and personally.”


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IPS Enrollment Advisor Mariclare Kanaley settles in

Mariclare Kanaley began her new role as IPS Enrollment Advisor this past January.

Courtesy of LUC GPEM

Earlier this semester, IPS Associate Dean Peter Jones introduced Mariclare, writing “Mariclare comes to IPS with a range of experiences that will no doubt enable her to succeed in this role. A graduate of Marquette with a degree in education and an appreciation for the Jesuit mission, she is also bilingual, having lived and studied in Spain for two years. Mariclare was most recently a teacher at St Matthias School here in Chicago (teaching Spanish and also religion courses).”

We recently sat down with Mariclare to learn more about our new enrollment advisor.

Mariclare with her family

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?  (Grew up where, family, etc.) I grew up in Glenview, IL, a bit north of Chicago, with my parents, older brother, two younger sisters, and our dog. We all attended elementary school, high school, and college together (yes, all four of us, by choice!) and afterward went our separate ways. My parents still live in Glenview and after a few years of all working and living in different states and countries, we are all back in Chicago within a few miles of one another. My family is the most important part of my life!

What is your current role at IPS? I am the Enrollment Advisor for IPS. I work with prospective students and applicants of our programs as they determine which areas match their interests, how they are going to finance their education, and I try my best to be as supportive as possible as these candidates take a very important step in their personal and educational journey. I offer personalized conversation by e-mail, and encourage students to sign up for a one-on-one appointment with me to take the time to walk through all of their questions. That’s my favorite part of my role! I love getting to know the people interested in IPS programming and helping find solutions to questions, problems, or worries with the help of the IPS and GPEM staff. A one-on-one meeting can take place over the phone, over an online face-to-face program called Zoom, or in my office here at Chicago’s Water Tower Campus. Interested students can sign up for a meeting on the Enrollment Advisor Appointment Page!

What were you involved in prior to working at IPS? Before joining IPS in January, I had been a classroom teacher for 8 years. I taught middle school in Milwaukee, Spain, and Chicago – they continue to be some of the best years and most inspiring moments of my life. I have a passion for educating, caring, and understanding, and am a big supporter of teachers, adolescents, and parents everywhere. Outside of the classroom I taught yoga – I specialized in hot power yoga and yin restorative yoga; while I don’t currently teach, I still practice as often as I can!

How did you discern IPS to be a next step? I mentioned earlier that my siblings and I all attended the same schools, and both our high school and our university were Jesuit. I saw what an impact Jesuit education had on our character formation, and wanted to stay connected.  Loyola University had always been a dream for me, and I felt that my background and skill set as a teacher would be helpful in the role as the Enrollment Advisor at IPS. I feel truly blessed to be here and continue to learn and grow surrounded by the teams and communities in which I work.

Are you currently involved in other formal pursuits, other than IPS?       I am pursuing my MA in Community Counseling, another goal of mine.

What are some of your favorite Chicago-related pursuits? I love to walk around the city and enjoy the life and architecture, but not during winter! Chicago has a wealth of wonderful restaurants that I like to try, and discovering new places with culture and history is one of my favorite parts of this city.

Finally, can you share a personal spiritual practice that continues to restore and re-energize your mind, body, heart and spirit?     Yoga and meditation are part of my self-care practice. Clearing my mind and ensuring I am available to meet others’ needs was a necessity as a teacher, and it has become a part of my standard restoration practice. There are plenty of apps and tutorials if anyone is interested in trying something new!

We want to thank Mariclare for sharing with us, and we wish her all the best in this new life chapter.

Finally, to view a video of Mariclare prepared by Loyola Chicago’s Graduate and Professional Enrollment Management team, click here.

You can reach Mariclare Kanaley at
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Michael Bland promoted to Adjunct Associate Professor

Long-time Adjunct Faculty member Michel Bland has recently been promoted to Adjunct Associate Professor.

Dr. Bland is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and works as an educator, therapist, a consultant, and a psychometrician.  Dr. Bland has a wide-range of experience in providing direct clinical services to adolescents and adults with post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, as well as individuals dealing with identity issues, life changes, including vocational, employment, relational issues, grief/loss, and geriatric issues in various clinical settings.  Dr. Bland also has provided outreach to victims of sexual abuse including providing individual counseling and group therapy for victims and their families.

We recently asked Professor Bland to share with the IPS community.

How long have you been affiliated with IPS?  In what capacity?        I am completing the end of my tenth year. 

Are you currently involved in other formal pursuits, other than IPS?        I have a private practice on the north side of Chicago.

What classes are you currently teaching this semester?        This semester I am teaching: IPS 512: Ethics for Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Direction, IPS 520: Testing, Measurement & Assessment, and in the fall, I will be teaching IPS 509: Psychopathology.

What continues to draw you to IPS?        After being invited as a guest speaker a few times, I quickly found the spirit and mission of IPS to be very attractive, and in the Spring of 2009, I was asked to teach Psychopathology. I remain because of that same spirit, ministry, and passion. I enjoy the community and the diversity of the student population.

Can you share a personal spiritual practice that continues to restore and re-energize your mind, body, heart and spirit?        I find it important for me to take quiet time for myself to be able to find my foundation and center. I also enjoy having Labrador Retrievers as they remind me to relax, enjoy and walk! Walking them a few miles a day forces me to enjoy the outdoors as well as my time with them!

We congratulate Professor Bland on his recent promotion and hope that he continues to be part of the formation of IPS students.

You can reach Professor Michael Bland at