IPS students gathered on November 15th at the Chicago Center for Family Health to attend a workshop titled Integrating Spirituality in Clinical Practice with Presenter Dr. Froma Walsh. Her approach addresses developmental, systemic, cultural, and spiritual influences in suffering, healing, and resilience.
Here is what Kathie Smith (pastoral counseling student) said about it:
“Attending DR. Froma Walsh’s workshop on Integrating the Spiritual Dimension in clinical Practice: Suffering, Healing, and Resilience nurtured my learning cognitively, emotionally and spiritually. For my intended work in Pastoral Counseling, it is critical that I learn how to approach spirituality for wholeness in a client. Dr. Walsh’s content was deep and relevant. Her technique for sitting with clients to learn, ask and explore rather than assume will stay with me as I go on to practice. Because I believe in the pastoralness of practice, it doesn’t mean that a client will. I will need to be gentle, to seek and connect with where a client is in unfolding what they believe. Of note was her comment on understanding that a client could have a fear of going to a pastoral counselor because they may feel shame or guilt for not “practicing” and yet, to their surprise it can be revealed that their prayers in time of crisis are key to their connection and healing. Finally, I was introduced to new concepts of trauma and of creating resilience. To work through the key concepts of recovery from crisis, navigate disruptive life transitions, cope with multiple stresses and overcome the barriers to thrive with a client with respect and unfolding were insightful and supportive structures to build upon for my work. I would highly recommend reading, listening and attending further workshops with Dr. Walsh. There is so much more to discover and learn.”