Category : Interfaith Dialgoue

Rosemary Hurwitz on the Awakened World Conference and Interfaith Dialogue

Rosemary Hurwitz, 2004 IPS alumna, wrote about her experience at the Awakened World 2012 conference in Italy. She discusses the interfaith dialogue that occurred between lay and religious teachers and authors in many faith traditions.

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                    OCTOBER 13-22

The convening organizations of this experience were:
The Association for Global New Thought;
Michael Beckwith, Barbara Fields, CA
The International Interreligious Peace Council;
Jim Kenney, Chicago, IL
The Interreligious Engagement Project;

There were approximately 250 people (4 buses) from all around the world who attended this conference. Representatives, including educators, authors and people from several walks of life from South Africa, Africa, USA, India, China, Japan, and Europe, Israel, Italy spent five days together near Rome at Mondomigliore Spiritual Retreat Center in Rocca de Pappa, Italy.  Three days were spent in the Florence, Italy area at the Hilton Florence Metropole Hotel.  There were press conferences held in both the city halls of Rome and Florence.

The structure of the conference was set up with large group Plenary in the morning, which identified our topics and mutual calls to action.  We then broke into smaller groups with interfaith dialogue facilitated by core leaders and assistants.

The most powerful part of the experience was simply sharing in a global commons of oneness with all of these people from different cultures and faiths; Buddhists, Muslims, Jews and Christians represented and in the large plenary and the small groups which reported back to the large group on our mission and calls to action on the following domains;

  1. Reconciling With the Other
  2. Embracing the Earth
  3. Transforming Society
  4. Rediscovering the Sacred

It will not surprise you to hear many of us wanted the same things, peace, social justice and clean air.  We enjoyed stimulating dialogue and learned more of the Global Commons.  We had a camaraderie that was beyond anything I have ever experienced.

We have a follow up web page and many of us would like to continue to work with specific calls to action on the above domains listed.


Connect with Rosemary at or at


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IPS Saddened by Deacon Jimmie Flewellen Passing

The IPS community is saddened to learn of the recent passing of one of our Advisory Council members, Deacon Jimmie Flewellen.

Rev. Jimmie Flewellen passed away on January 31, 2019.  He was 92 years old.

Rev. Jimmie received a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies degree from IPS in 1983 and was honored with a Damen Award from IPS at Loyola University Chicago in 2013.

A video tribute honoring Rev. Jimmie Flewellen was presented at the Founders’ Dinner on Saturday, June 8, 2013.

Rev. Jimmie was the first African-American Catholic chaplain for the United States Justice Department, along with being one of the first deacons in the Archdiocese of Chicago.  He remained an active member of the IPS community for years, serving as a member of the IPS Advisory Council.

To view the 2013 video tribute to Rev. Jimmie, click here.

Courtesy of A.A. Rayner & Sons



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IPS Coordinator of Formation on Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Counseling

Submitted by Carol Taliaferro, IPS Coordinator of Formation

Which is right for me?  Spiritual Direction and/or Pastoral Counseling?

This is a really good question and one that comes up often. So let’s start by defining terms.  First, spiritual direction, as the name implies, is primarily about the spiritual life: our relationship with God and the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  It is also involved in fostering personal growth in and deeper intimacy with God (as experienced in prayer and lived out in discipleship).

Counseling and psychotherapy are different.  These terms are often used interchangeably so I’d like to make a distinction here as well.  Counseling helps us to work through and resolve problems in our lives and relationships.  Psychotherapy, on the other hand, goes deeper and is primarily focused on the emotional life and helps us to heal past hurts and to look at and resolve unhealthy patterns in our lives.

When should you pursue counseling/therapy vs. spiritual direction?

If you are struggling with emotional pain and negative patterns of behavior in your life, dealing with depression or mood disorders, anxiety, addictions or other diagnosable conditions, psychotherapy is your best option.   Do you need guidance and support sorting out your life and your relationships?  Counseling would be the way to go.

Are you trying to grow in your relationship with God and discern the movement of the Holy Spirit in your life?  Then, spiritual direction is what you should pursue.

Keep in mind that each discipline is not mutually exclusive and you can participate in spiritual direction along with therapy and counseling.

(Adapted excerpt from: – Catholic Spiritual Direction – What is the Difference between Counseling and Spiritual Direction?)

“Pastoral counselors hold a unique position in the field of counseling.  With their combination of theological training and advanced education in the behavioral sciences, they are poised to provide effective mental health counseling that is capable of respectfully integrating religious and spiritual components.”

(The Misunderstood Pastoral Counselor: Knowledge and Religiosity as Factors Affecting a Client’s Choice, Walker, et. al., Paper based on a program presented at the 2012 American Counseling Association Annual Conference and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, March 23-25,)

Reflection Corner

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards to God’s varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10

Spiritual formation requires taking not only the inward journey to the heart, but also the outward journey from the heart to the community and ministry.  Christian spirituality is essentially communal.  Spiritual formation is formation in community.  In community, we learn what it means to confess our weakness and to forgive each other.  In community, we discover our own woundedness but also a place of healing.  In community, we learn true humility.  Without community, we become individualistic and egocentric.  Therefore, spiritual formation always includes formation to life in community.

(Henri Nouwen, Following the Movements of the Spirit, Spiritual Formation with Christensen, M. J. & Laird, R. J.)


You can reach Carol Taliaferro at    
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IPS Launches Spiritual Formation Webpage

IPS is proud to announce the launch of the IPS Spiritual Formation webpage.

This webpage offers IPS students opportunities for growth in personal faith, emotional maturity, moral integrity and public witness.  It also provides opportunities to interact with and reflect on their experiences with fellow students.

When asked about the importance of formation for IPS students, Coordinator of Formation Carol Taliaferro says, “formation is a lifelong process that addresses our personal relationship with God and helps us to discern with others our mission as disciples of Christ.”

The webpage will be updated to include information on small reflection groups, retreats, service opportunities, spiritual directors, pastoral counselors, special events, worship sites, etc.

Click on the below for upcoming LUC events relevant for Spiritual Formation:

Ignatian Silent Retreat
MSA Sister’s Retreat 2018-19
MSA Brother’s Retreat 2018-19
Women’s Retreat
The Busy Student Retreat
Alternative Break Immersion
Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice

Click here for Off-Campus Worship Sites

For more information, go to the formation webpage.  Consult with Carol Taliaferro at to see if funding may be available to cover full or partial costs of activities and services.


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For those interested in applying to IPS, go to

IPS co-hosts “Integrity and Accountability in the Catholic Church”

Close to 90 people gathered at Regents Hall in Lewis Towers or joined in online this past October 11th to participate in a panel-led discussion on “Integrity and Accountability in the Catholic Church”.

IPS Dean Schmisek noted, “Many attendees engaged in a meaningful way with the panelists, who offered insightful analysis and thought-provoking comments. One of the participants said it felt as though the panelists were offering ‘ministry’ to those in the audience.”

The evening was a culmination of a joint effort from IPS, Dr. Murphy and the Hank Center, and Jocelyn Cheng from Alumni Relations.  Rebecca Weller was also on hand as a resource and advocate.

To view photos from the evening, go to:

To view video of the evening, go to:


Below are Dean Schmisek’s opening remarks:

Welcome to Loyola University Chicago’s Water Tower Campus. My name is Dr. Brian Schmisek, Dean of the Institute of Pastoral Studies here. On behalf of our Institute and Dr. Michael Murphy, Director of the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage, tonight’s co-sponsor of the event with us, I thank you for being here.
Welcome to Loyola University Chicago’s Water Tower Campus. My name is Dr. Brian Schmisek, Dean of the Institute of Pastoral Studies here. On behalf of our Institute and Dr. Michael Murphy, Director of the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage, tonight’s co-sponsor of the event with us, I thank you for being here.
We have assembled a distinguished panel to discuss the topic “Integrity and Accountability in the Catholic Church.” With more and more revelations forthcoming in the news, we consider it part of our mission and duty as a Jesuit Catholic University to provide this forum in an academic setting.
Let me say at the outset that we will be discussing some sensitive topics. With statistics telling us that one in three women and one in six men will have experienced some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime,  it is likely that there are some here tonight who have had this happen to them. This is a tragedy and our sympathies go out to you.
We also have with us tonight Rebecca Weller, an advocate who can provide support and resources for anyone that feels upset or triggered by the subject matter. Rebecca also has literature and other handouts available.
I should also mention that this event is being live-cast and recorded. If you have a comment or question for our panel, but are not comfortable being on camera you can wait until after we conclude at 8:30 to come up and ask your question or make your comment.
So with that, let me introduce our panel. Each will speak for about 10-15 minutes from their own perspective. After each has spoken, I’ll moderate the discussion, and Dr. Murphy will have a roving microphone. We will conclude at 8:30.
Justice Anne Burke has served on the Illinois Supreme Court since 2006. Before that, she served as a Justice on the Illinois Court of Appeals since 1995. She is a founder of the Special Olympics in 1968. She also was one of the first members appointed to the National Review Board for the Protection of Children and Young People and served on that board from 2002 – 2004.
Dr. Rick Gaillardetz is The Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology and Chair of the Department of Theology at Boston College. He served as president of the Catholic Theological Society of America in 2013-14, the largest professional association of Catholic theologians in the world with over 1400 members. He is a noted expert on ecclesiology and his books include a revised and expanded edition of By What Authority? Foundations for Understanding Authority in the Church, published by Liturgical Press this year.
Dr. Jennifer Haselberger holds a Ph.D. from the University of London in England, and a licentiate in canon law from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. She served as the Chancellor for Canonical Affairs in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul until April of 2013, when she resigned in protest of the Archdiocese’s handling of sexual misconduct by clergy. That same year she was selected as the Person of the Year, by the National Catholic Reporter. The following year she received the Michael J. Ehrlichmann Public Service Award from the Minnesota Association of Justice and the Trivison Award for demonstrating visionary leadership in the Catholic Church.
We are so pleased to have these distinguished panelists here to share their thoughts.


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