Monthly Archives: April 2014

IPS adjunct faculty, Sr. Christine Athans, BVM, nominated for publishing award

In Quest of the Jewish Mary written by Sr. Mary Christine Athans, BVM, current IPS adjunct faculty, has been announced as a finalist in the Association of Catholic Publishers’ “Excellence in Publishing Awards.”

Congratulations, Christine!

For more information, click here:

Seeking IPS students for a revamped Student Engagement Committee

IPS Students & Classmates!

We would like to give you an update on a new development at IPS.  It came to light in recent months that it would be helpful to have student representatives to share our perspectives with IPS faculty and staff. To that end, Matt Lieser & Bonnie Phelps (MAPC program) approached Brian Schmisek to explore possibilities.  Brian is completely open and enthusiastic about our involvement and suggested we meet with the Student Engagement Committee.  The Student Engagement Committee (SEC) is comprised of Fr. Stephen Krupa, Dr. Peter Jones, and new Student Coordinator, Koonal Patel. The following is a synopsis of the outcome of our meeting on April 2nd.

In the past the SEC has organized IPS parties and department events.  The SEC will now include student representatives and will likely include one additional faculty member to help assist in better communication between students, faculty and staff as well as improvements on standard operating procedures in the IPS department.  Matt Lieser and Bonnie Phelps will serve as the MAPC representatives and we would like to add 2 representatives from each of the other five programs in IPS. As the committee evolves, methods may be implemented to democratically elect reps, but for the time being, we would like to invite volunteers from each program to contact us. Student reps will have a dual responsibility to bring a consensus of perspectives, concerns, and opinions from their cohorts to committee meetings as well as communicate with their classmates on developments in committee meetings.

Another initiative to improve communications at IPS is to generate a newsletter to assure that students receive regular updates on developments at IPS.  This newsletter format will include links to pertinent information, answers to questions and concerns, and a place for students to contribute suggestions.  We have already suggested that IPS T-Shirts and logo materials be developed.  This suggestion was met very enthusiastically, so stay tuned for developments in that area.

We encourage you to discuss this development among members of your cohort and choose 2 representatives to join the committee.  Please contact Bonnie Phelps or Matt Lieser by email if you want to be one of the two student representatives to the Student Engagement Committee, or if you have any concerns or questions.  We would like to have reps in place prior to the end of the Spring term so that we can be fully organized and operational by Fall 2014.  We are eager to share the new and exciting changes at IPS and hopeful to find others interested in maximizing the potential of IPS. Please volunteer to represent your department and assist us in elevating the IPS programs to a higher standard.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Have a Blessed & Happy Spring!




IPS alum, James Mastaler, featured on Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies “Profiles in Stewardship” Blog

IPS alum (MASJ ’08) and current PhD candidate, James Masteler, is featured on the Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies blog in a, “Profile of Stewardship.” Please click here: to read the post.

James was also recently featured on the North Park University website in an article called, “The Significance of Science, Profiles in Lives of Service.” You can read that article here: