Author: Minh Ha (Millie) Le

Delightfully chaotic,
Such a ‘Bler: My First Playwriting Assignment

Such a ‘Bler: My First Playwriting Assignment

Playwriting is perhaps the theatrical class I had been most excited to take since I declared my Theatre minor. This is however, also a course that I feel equally anxious about. This is because I am a writer at heart, I am very rusty after taking more design-based courses in my first 3 semesters here, and in general lack theatrical knowledge in comparison to my peers who have been deeply surrounded by theatre their whole lives. Nevertheless, I am passionate and pumped to grow!

Our first writing assignment made me smile – frankly because it was fun, but also because it was exactly what I needed. We were asked to record a conversation between two other people, that had to be at least five minutes – equivalent to five script pages- long, and then transcribed it precisely. This meant every pause and stutter, no matter how odd had to be recorded accordingly. Our professor stressed the importance of this, even if it meant uncomfortable punctuation and grammar because that is just how people really talk!

I appreciated this because I’ve never been too great with dialogue if I must confess. This exercise really put me into perspective with the rawness needed to write good dialogue, or at least one pertaining to the naturalistic and realistic spectrum of theatre.

You could say this is a pretty good start and that this writer is ecstatic for an adventurous semester. Wish me luck!




Such a ‘Bler: Career Week 2019! | My Summer Internship Hunt! (Part 2)

Such a ‘Bler: Career Week 2019! | My Summer Internship Hunt! (Part 2)

 I walked in this Tuesday with my bright mustard yellow resume and interactive online portfolio. I was confident – I had been prepping for this review all Summer after learning from the previous year’s Career Week Workshops. However, I knew there was much left to learn.

The extravagance began with a panel discussion on good business writing and other crucial things to keep in mind when striving to put your best foot forward. The three guest speakers were informative, funny and inspiring. I can honestly say that I’ve even met the individual I hope I will have the honor to mentor me. But I got his card (!) and also gave out my business card for the first time – it was a very official conversation.

The next day continued with the circulation of our resumes through a group of professionals both from the more corporate and creative world. I also ran them through my website, or online portfolio and it was interesting to see the different insights. Overall, I need to be more specific with my information according to each desired internship, but my overall brand received many thumbs up!

The Career Week finishes with a a Networking Night and Job Fair but I am already learning so much and feel much more confident after 2 evenings. I can honestly not thank the School of Communications and Quinlan School of Business enough for such a helpful string of events.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to have my complimentary headshot taken and get my Linkedin ready.

Here’s my freshman photo from last year’s Career Week:





Such a ‘Bler: Theology 107 with an Agnostic Atheist

Such a ‘Bler: Theology 107 with an Agnostic Atheist

I was born and raised in Vietnam. A large part of our country’s population is Buddhist. However, though the majority of the rest do follow the religion’s practices, they are in fact not Buddhist. This was the case for my family. Around sophomore year of high school, I deemed myself as an Agnostic Atheist. So what, you may ask, am I doing as a undergraduate sophomore in a Jesuit Institute?

This exact question revisited my mind on the first day of Theology 107 – Introduction to Religion Studies. I’ll be honest and say that my university background check was quite poor during the application process. However, I have never once regretted my decision about Loyola – and especially regarding this aspect. I have never felt cornered or discriminated for my religious affiliation or bothered by those of my peers.

Although I still look down grinning to myself half the time when I hear something my Agnostic mind can’t comprehend, I do appreciate the myriad of new perspectives. It’s comforting to know that though there are so many ways the heart has chosen to believe the universe came about, we are still able to celebrate it all together.

I’m only two weeks into the course and I still have a lot to learn but I do hope courses like these come as informative to others as it is currently coming to me. Then maybe we’ll smile at the floor less and at one another more.

I’ll keep you posted. Keep believing.




Such a ‘Bler: My Summer Internship Hunt! (Part 1)

Such a ‘Bler: My Summer Internship Hunt! (Part 1)

One of my top goals for this semester is to land a good internship to explore this Summer! Over Winter break, I’ve been crafting my resume and doing extensive online research for them. So far, I have 3 theatres in mind!

During the first week back, I also sat down with my theatre advisor to discuss recommendation letters and my current plans. It’s always so nice to chat with her to make sure I am going in the right direction. With all our theatre professors being heavily and extendedly involved in the Chicago Theatre scene, I know I’m in good hands. Currently, it looks like I’m in a pretty good place so let’s keep our fingers crossed. I’m also quite sure about my current choices for application but the School of Communications’ Career Week is also right around the corner!

I am a Communications Studies major with minors in Theatre and Creative Writing so there are honestly A LOT of options and I’m super excited to discover even more beyond my online hunt during Career week!  With this combination, it is also a tad more difficult for me to craft a fitting resume for my myriad of interests and involvement so the workshops the Career Week is provided will come in handy! I’m buzzing – let’s go let’s go let’s go!!!




Such a ‘Bler: Spring 2019 Student Organization Fair!

Such a ‘Bler: Spring 2019 Student Organization Fair!

With a new semester comes a whole new Student Organization Fair! This is a showcase of the student organizations currently active at Loyola in hopes to spark student interests and provide mediums for exploration outside daily academics. I was back again with the e-board of Diminuendo Literary and Arts Magazine. I am currently the AD/PR Chair and am super psyched for what this semester’s got in stored!

We are Loyola University Chicago’s longest running Student Literary and Arts Magazine. We curates, edit together and then publish two issues of student literary and visual art each year! Our editorial staff includes three main committees – AD/PR, Tech and Design and Digital Media. On top of that, we have two co-presidents, a treasurer and secretary. Our most recent issue is said to be our best and most competitive one yet, so I was pumped to encourage even more submissions for the next!

In between my enthusiastic speels, I roamed Gentile Arena for any possible new adventures. I always try to do a round in case there are any new organizations or if I suddenly decide to finally pick Soccer back up. I’ve been to every one since my freshman year, and there is at least 5 new ones each time! There honestly is something for everyone. I highly recommend passing by even for a short stroll because that’s where I found Diminuendo Fall of Freshman year and I have been so grateful ever since!

This e-board is excited for a brand new explosive issue! Our Fall 2018 issue can be found at Connection’s Café in the IC and on our website:

Stay tuned and most importantly, try something new this semester!




Such a ‘Bler: Language Competency Exam Results

Such a ‘Bler: Language Competency Exam Results

Earlier last semester, I decided to take the Vietnamese Language Competency Exam. Here’s a closer look at my process and why it was such a nerve-wracking experience for me:

During Winter break, I finally received the results via email: I PASSED and honestly feel very empowered. After growing up nervous and even embarrassed about my control of the language, I can now truly say that I am academically certified in Vietnamese, a have an extra 6 credits for my 4 years at Loyola! All it took was an hour each in two separate buildings and a dash of courage.

For those looking to free up credit hours for more courses, I highly recommend taking a Language Competency Exam if you are bilingual. I’m so glad I did. Simply email David Pankratz, the Director of the Language Learning Resource Center ( and he can easily help you set up an exam. Just trust yourself, what you know, and you’ll do just fine.




Such a ‘Bler: Sophomore Fall Reflection

Such a ‘Bler: Sophomore Fall Reflection

Look alive ramblers, SPRING 2019 IS UPON US.

With a new year and 14-week adventure beginning, here are a few things this sophomore has taken away from a rollercoaster of a semester:

  1. Don’t trust your bi-weekly planning routine. There’s a reason the syllabus is prewritten and read through for specific queries on the first day of class – professors aren’t looking to let you have an easy start with the ‘tell us a fun fact about yourself’ ice breaker – THIS IS THE REAL EASY START. From this year onwards, I’m committing to jotting down ALL my quizzes, exams, assignments, presentations, extra sleep days – they type it, I write it – to make sure I have a clear vision of the semester and am able to preplan and reschedule more strategically.
  2. Be honest about your mistakes. Not only is it right, but the truth will always work in your favor one way or another. Frankly, professors are human – very intellectual and organized humans – but humans. They will listen to your concerns and fears if you let them. They want you to succeed, so be honest and let them help the way they can.
  3. Venture when you get the chance. This includes on-campus events, off-campus events, new study spots, odd hour adventures and things you want to go to but somehow landed in the situation of going alone. Doing this not only allows you to refresh your mind in order to tackle more words but always remember that you are here to experience. JUST GO! YOU. WILL. LOVE. IT.
  4. And well, take the chance! I’m essentially reiterating the last point because it is THAT important. Budging out of that burrito of comfort is so important because you’ll never know if you don’t try. That thing you’re so afraid of, may be the best thing ever. It may be the thing you’ve always been searching for. I took plenty of chances this semester and can’t even say that I regret the ones that ended less pleasant.

I’m ready for another ball game, are you?




Such a ‘Bler: Theatre Scenic Practicum Final: I Made A Miniature Drum Set!

Such a ‘Bler: Theatre Scenic Practicum Final: I Made A Miniature Drum Set!

I felt adventurous last semester and took THTR 312S or Theatre Practicum: Scenic Construction. In this course, we learn about the making of the stage, its setting and properties and the unmaking of them. Within the scene shop and Loyola’s two stages, we touched upon idea formulation, research, design, cut lists, scenic machines, tools, setting up, strikes etc. The experience overall consisted of a lot of hands on work but also very fundamental theories.

Feeling even more adventurous towards the end of the course, I embarked on the challenge of creating a miniature drum set for my final project. With this last piece, we were asked to create anything of our desire from scratch. This accumulated all we’ve learnt throughout the semester and buckets of imagination.

Here’s a closer look at my process:

And here is the final product!

It is a lot more simplistic than my initial drawings, and definitely not as clean cut as ideal but, and as cheesy as it sounds, I really did learn so much while making it. A lot of trial and error, deconstruction and reconstruction and patience went into this little piece.

One month, 2 cuts and 1 burn later, my scribbles and scratches are a 10”x15” reality. I am proud and am ready to walk confidently towards new and even more challenging visions.

Such a ‘Bler: Sophomore Fall 2018 Student Organizations!

Such a ‘Bler: Sophomore Fall 2018 Student Organizations!

I am currently pursuing a major in Communication Studies at Loyola’s School of Communications and there are a lot of student organizations featured:

The Loyola Phoenix: This is Loyola’s student newspaper. Being an award-winning student newspaper is definitely something worth applauding. I myself have expressed interest in the publication for its professional coat and commitment to weekly issues. Its articles are extremely up to date, informational and stylish. I was editor and chief of my middle school’s newspaper, before it crashed due to our low population of word nerds but that’s beside the point, and this would be a stack of paper fourteen-year-old me would look at in awe.

Having also met some of the writers myself, the space behind the print is one really worth entering. They eagerly welcomed me since last year and as of the beginning of sophomore year, I honestly considered joining their Arts and Entertainment Section. But I am quite convinced that I am perhaps too abstract for their choice of writers. We’ll see where things go!

Kettle Camp Studios: KCS is Loyola’s student production team. Each semester they write and produce an original web show which is then posted on their YouTube channel. Like the Phoenix, their work is extremely professional and oh so pretty. After watching their past series, I attended a few meetings and went on set as a crew member of the Production and Post-Production team. I even got to make a small cameo as an extra in the evacuation scene of the new series: Incidental!

I eventually had to drop out because my schedule was getting out of hand and I felt like I couldn’t deliver my best efforts to the team, but I am definitely considering rejoining next semester! I miss these shutterbugs heaps.

Diminuendo Literary & Arts Magazine: While the magazine isn’t sponsored by LUC’s School of Comm, I still wanted to mention it because it is the student organization that I’ve been most involved in and been involved in for the longest. As of this year, I am Diminuendo’s AD/PR Chair!

Every semester we publish a free issue that supports and promotes student artwork and literature. The creative works are submitted by students, reviewed anonymously by students, then assembled by students into a magazine. With every release of an issue, we have an event open to the public, whereat the published artists read and present their work. For several years now, faculty have participated in our open mic afterwards presenting their favorite works, and sometimes works of their own.

Our Fall 2018 Issue was just published last Friday and copies can be picked up at Connections Cafe in the Loyola Information Commons now! I couldn’t be prouder.

It’s been great fun and I can’t wait to see what next semester will be like…stay tuned!




Such a ‘Bler: Finals Fun

Such a ‘Bler: Finals Fun

How’s finals been for you? Here’s a sneak peak of my theatre scenic practicum final: it’s a miniature drum set. It’s not quite finished yet but I’m getting there. All the other scenic students are also wrapping up their work so it’s been quite an exciting atmosphere in the scene shop.

I’ve been stressed if I am honest. But things around campus have been very jolly so my energy are sort of still intact. The Christmas tree in the Damen Student Center is up and beautiful. Everyone gathered for the annual lighting with hot chocolate and the Damen ice rink! There’s one week left, and well two weeks until Christmas but my roommate and I also put up our Christmas tree for extra motivation.

The sun was also sweet enough to shine so prettily through my window this afternoon. Marquette South Hall really isn’t that bad guys, it even smiles at you sometimes.

I’ve been seeing a lot of events around campus lately, from build your own break parfaits at Damen Dining to holiday movie nights. I think I’m going to see the Polar Express tomorrow at the Damen Cinema as a study break. It’s honestly weeks like these when I feel extra grateful for campus activities.

Happy Finals Ramblers!