Tag : teach-in for justice

Loyola IPS Honors Ignatian Heritage and Sponsors Teach-in for Justice

It is Ignatian Heritage Month and what better way to celebrate than by attending the Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice (IFTJ).

With a exceptional list of speakers and an expected attendance of 1,300 people, IFTJ is happy to offer members of the Ignatian family the chance to unite in social justice to learn, reflect, pray, network and advocate together. This event prides itself on being a place where participants are empowered, inspired, challenged and supported by a community that sees faith and justice integrally linked.


This year, Assistant Professor Marian Diaz will be representing Loyola IPS at the teach-in. She will be hosting a workshop on Sunday 11/16 entitled, Planting the Seeds of Voluntary Poverty: The Call to Life Amidst the Poor and Oppressed. “This presentation will explore the experiences of persons who have chosen voluntary poverty as a way of life and its impact on their work for justice. Special attention will be paid to how this hard choice represents a spiritual incarnation of the gospel and a redefinition of power.”

In addition, Diaz will be attending keynotes and meeting with colleagues who work on behalf of justice in ecclesial and governmental positions during her time in Washington, D.C.

Though this is her first time attending, she knows many of the presenters and has worked with many people in the area of social justice from Jesuit colleges and universities. Diaz is positive that this event will be worth the trip and encourages students to attend.

“Students who attend this teach-in can expect to meet many other students and professionals who share their passion for social justice. The people who attend have varied interests, backgrounds and approaches to advocacy. They will have time to focus on policy, public witness and prayer. The list of break-out sessions look amazing! The challenge will be deciding which one to attend!  Students will come away with new connections, new knowledge and renewed energy in their work toward rooting out injustice,” commented Diaz.

Loyola IPS is proud to be a Xavier Level Sponsor of this wonderful event. We look forward to hearing about the experiences of our faculty and students who attend the teach-in!

Be sure to stop by the IPS table in the exhibition hall. Enrollment Advisor Chrissy Sofranko will be present from 4pm  to 10:30pm on Saturday, 11/16, and from 8am to 8pm on Sunday, 11/17!

To learn more about the event and to register, visit The Ignatian Solidarity Network.

IPS offers travel grants to students wishing to attend events such as this. Download the form here.


For more news and updates, follow @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram!