Tag : Pearl Chiang

Graduating Student Feature: Meet Pearl

May 2015 graduation is quickly approaching! In honor of our wonderful graduates, IPS will begin to feature graduating students on the blog.

To kick off this series, we would like to first feature IPS Graduate Assistant Pearl Chiang. She has been so helpful and has brought so much joy to the office, we are going to miss having her here!

Read about her future plans below and find out what we already know… that she is an amazing person with a bright future ahead of her!

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Hometown: Troy, Michigan

Degree: Pastoral Counseling

What do you want to be doing upon graduation?
Working in a private practice, preferably a Christian Counseling practice, with emphasis on family therapy and holistic methods of therapy. My end goal is to start my own practice with a couple friends who are in the field.

I currently have a couple interviews lined up, so hoping for the best!

What has been your biggest accomplishment while at IPS?
Becoming more aware of who I am, what my needs are and what my limits are.

Were there any challenges you had to overcome during your time here?
I was diagnosed with stage 3 Breast Cancer at the beginning of last year and by the grace of God was able to stay the course and finish my studies. I am now in remission and appreciate the support of IPS and my cohort in the hardest and most transformative year of my life.

What was your favorite class and why?
It’s a tie for Psychopathology and Assessment & Intervention with Michael Bland. These classes are the most relevant and I refer to my notes from those classes almost every day in my internship setting.

Do you have any advice for future students?
Take advantage of every opportunity to get to know your classmates because 3 years goes by in the blink of an eye. Also, go out to coffee with your professors. They are extremely wise and you can gain a wealth of knowledge by racking their brains.

As a recent graduate, in what way will you go forth to “change the world?”
When I’ve been asked that question before in other contexts, it was very easy to give a carbon copy answer and say, “I want to help people and these are the ways…” Now having been through IPS MAPC program, my outlook has changed. I still want to change the world by helping people and the way that I feel that I have been called to do that is to provide counseling. It also means meeting people where they are and supporting them in that, without imposing your own agenda.


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