Tag : Loyola

Parish Health & Wellness Ministry Certificate Week

IPS’s Parish Leadership and Management Programs, in conjunction with Catholic Extension, recently held the first of four “Parish Health and Wellness Ministry Certificate” weeks.

The program focuses on the under-resourced mission dioceses of Catholic Extension who can benefit the most from this intensive training week. Catholic Extension polled all their mission dioceses, asking what their needs were. The top response was the need to assist people who work in parishes where questions regarding mental and physical health are constantly occurring. This ranged from addictions, to pregnancies, to violence, to depression, to long term care for the elderly, and more.

In response to this need, Catholic Extension partnered with Loyola IPS to create a week-long training in parish heath and wellness ministry, grounded in the belief that parishes should be a place of health and wellness of the mind, body and spirit.

LUREC group photo

IPS’s Coordinator of Parish Leadership Management Programs Mark Bersano said the goal of this initiative is to reach out and serve parishes in innovative ways by providing the kinds of courses and trainings that are outside of the typical degree programs currently offered at IPS.

The week long event began on a Sunday evening with a mass and reception dinner. The following four days of programming consisted of prayer services, workshops, speakers, skills development and more. The week concluded on Friday morning with a sending ceremony where the participants received a certificate from IPS.
LUREC certificate

This is a 4 year program that began with the first cohort in October 2015. The following cohorts will consist of different people each year, occurring in October 2016, 2017 and 2018. By the time the program is finished, Mark said that they could have up to 200 participants, with 40-50 participants each year.

“The grant funding currently allows 4 years, but we are hoping that it will turn into something that is sort of a movement in the church. There’s hope that we will be able to work with the local Chicago parishes and partner with them to build this concept that the parish is a place of health and wellness of mind, body and spirit.”

Participants consisted of people from dioceses across the United States including: Rapid City, SD; Boise, ID; Helena, MT; Las Cruces, NV; Beaumont, TX; Charlotte, NC; Brownsville, TX; Gaylord, MI; Marquette, MI; Jefferson City, MO; Belleville, IL; and more.

Mark said, “The people who were there were all pastoral ministers in one capacity or another at either the parish or diocesan level. Many of them already had something to do with healthcare and some of them were thinking about starting new ministries or expanding ministries they already had.”

Some of the highlights from the week were Kevin O’Connor’s session “Active Listening and Issue Diagnosis,” Timone Davis’s “Theology of Baptismal Vocation & Missionary Discipleship,” Dan Rhodes’s “Theology of Service” and Anna Mayer’s “Walking with the Dear Neighbor: A Model of Accompaniment.”

LUREC class
Posted with permission from Catholic Extension. Copyright 2015 www.catholicextension.org

“Again, the real theme was the parish as a place of health and wellness of mind, body and spirit and also that by getting involved in these things, parishoners and people in parishes could raise up their own baptismal vocations and become missionary diciples helping others,” stressed Mark.

He gave the example of someone starting their own domestic violence ministry. Or on a very basic level, someone getting involved with elderly people in the parish who might not always remember to take their medication. Something as simple as making phone calls to remind them can make a difference.

IPS Administrative Assistant Mirta Garcia was also in attendance and helped organize and run the event. She said the week went extremely well.

“All the presenters and facilitators did a great job with their individual subjects, and with weaving each topic into the next for a seamless participant experience. It was fascinating to see how the participants became more engaged with each successive day.  Seeing them make new connections and bonding with people who have similar interest and ministries was truly amazing. It was an honor to be part of this week-long intensive certification program. My favorite part was making new friends and connections with people who are passionate about their faith and ministry. I am looking forward to hearing how the participants will take everything they learned and make it blossom in their communities.”

Mark agreed, saying “people had a really good experience. They bonded extremely well. At the end of the week, they were all saying they missed their families and wanted to get home, but at the same time they didn’t want to leave. One participant even suggested having a reunion. They were there for a week and already felt that.”


Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Staff Profile: Mirta Garcia

IPS welcomes new staff member, Mirta Garcia. Mirta is the Administrative Assistant for Parish Leadership and Management Programs. This is a new position created in response to the success of the Hispanic Ministry segment of these programs that are spearheaded by Coordinator Mark Bersano.

“Given her extensive administrative experience, religious education background and fluency in Spanish, we are very fortunate to have Mirta on our team to serve parish communities,” commented Mark.

Mirta has only been in the office for a short time, but she already feels like she is part of the IPS family; and we agree!

“I am very thankful and blessed to be part of such wonderful group of people. From the first day that I walked into IPS office, I felt at home. I am looking forward to a great start, supporting and helping kick-off the great program that Mark Bersano and Felipe Legarreta-Castillo are leading in the office of Parish Leadership and Management Programs,” said Mirta.

Read the Q&A with Mirta below to learn a little more about her and be sure to welcome her to the IPS community!

Mirta Garcia
Where are you from?
I was born in Melrose Park, IL, raised in Chicago, and my parents are from Durango, Mexico.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy taking a walk with my husband, Cesar. Together we enjoy watching our son, Andrew, play college football at Augustana College. For the past 4 years, we’ve enjoyed watching our daughter, Alexis, cheer on the High School football and basketball teams. My youngest daughter, Maya, kept us on our toes last year. She participated in volleyball, basketball, cheerleading and dance. Next month Maya will be entering Leyden HS where she will be part of the Marching Band. Is it football season yet?

What is a fun fact or story about you?
I am a Catechist and teach CCD at my parish, St. John Vianney, since 2011. I’ve helped students prepare to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This fall I will be teaching the teenage girls in their first year of Sacrament of Confirmation preparation.  

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment, personally or professionally, so far?
My biggest accomplishment was having the opportunity to coach my daughter, Maya, plus 25 other cheerleaders with Leyden Bears – United YFL. I share this experience with my daughter, Alexis, who was one of my teen coaches. This experience created a bigger bond between my daughters and I. Having the opportunity to shape, form and encourage these young ladies was priceless. Bringing home three times Regional and National Champs trophies was a big plus too.

How did you feel when you were offered the position at IPS?
Excited… I even did the happy dance.

What previous education or experience has best prepared you for this role?
I have an associates degree in Secretarial Science from Robert Morris University. I am skilled in Office Management in the areas of Administration, Quality Control, Event Coordination, and Human Resources. I have worked for a Fortune 500 company. One of my unique strengths is the ability to support multiple VP Level executives and multi-task effectively.

What are you looking forward to bringing to this new role at IPS?
I am looking forward to bringing my solid background experience in office administration, my enthusiasm, and my passion towards my Catholic faith.

Do you have a mentor or an experience in your life that helped shape who you are today?
My participation in Spiritual Exercises retreats have really shaped my spiritual life. It is in the silence of the retreat that I am able to enter and deepen my faith and reach other levels of my spiritual journey. Having Daire Ryan, a Consecrated Women of Regnum Christ, as my Spiritual Director has made a positive impact in my spiritual journey.

*Connect with Mirta on Facebook and LinkedIn!


***Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Student Feature: Meet Elizabeth

Elizabeth Schultz is earning her Masters in Pastoral Studies with a Health Care Chaplaincy concentration through IPS online courses. She has Masters in Engineering, flew a helicopter at 18 years old, loves long walks with her husband and has recently accepted a position as a hospital Staff Chaplain.

Check out our Q&A with Elizabeth below to read a little bit about her journey and her future goals.

Elizabeth with her husband Joe
Elizabeth with her husband Joe

Nickname: Betty Jean (my middle name is Jean, and Betty is a nickname for Elizabeth!)

Hometown: I was born and raised in NJ, went to college in Delaware and Syracuse, NY, and I’ve lived in Lititz, Pennsylvania for the last 23 years.

What do you enjoy doing outside of school? One of my favorite pastimes is going for a walk/run with my husband on a beautiful evening.

What is a fun fact or story about you?
I flew a helicopter when I was 18! Actually, I was in the co-pilot seat, but the pilot let me fly, hover, and land the Army helicopter. I was working at a military base in NJ during the summer between high school and college. One of the Army pilots gave me a flight suit to put on and took me (unofficially) on a flight along the ocean and up to NYC. We flew around my house, then up to the Statue of Liberty, and back to the base. Waving to the kids on the beach was almost as cool as actually getting to fly the helicopter by myself.

A quote, prayer, etc. that has significance to you?
What is a blessing but a rain of grace
falling generously into the lives
of those in need; and who among us
is without need?
May the divine Spirit
touch your spirit in the course of this day.
May your work this day be your love made visible.
May you breathe upon the wounds
of those with whom you work.
May you open yourself to God’s breathing.
May you honor the flame of love
that burns inside you.
May your voice this day
be a voice of encouragement.
May your life be an answer to someone’s prayer.
May you own a grateful heart.
May you have enough joy to give you hope,
enough pain to make you wise.
May there be no room in your heart for hatred.
May you be free from violent thoughts.
When you look into the window of your soul
may you see the face of God.
May the lamp of your life
shine upon all you meet this day.

Sr Macrina Wiederkehr

What is your previous education? I graduated from the University of Delaware with a Bachelors of Electrical Engineering in 1985 and from Syracuse University with a Masters in Engineering in 1988.

What were you doing before beginning your IPS journey? In August of 2011, I decided to take a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). That was a period of discernment which had begun over 6 years prior when I did a one year stint as a volunteer Eucharistic Minister in the hospital. After finishing my unit of CPE, I was hired part-time as a per diem chaplain. In August of 2012, I began a one-year CPE residency. THEN, I began at IPS. I did things a bit backwards!

What made you decide to come to Loyola IPS?
The maturity of the online curriculum. I looked at many online programs at Catholic universities and none seemed as rich and well-developed as Loyola’s.

What degree are you seeking?
I am in the final year of a Masters in Pastoral Studies with a Health Care Chaplaincy concentration. This curriculum will prepare me well for seeking board certification with the National Association of Catholic Chaplains.

Do you have a favorite class or one you look forward to taking?
Boy, that’s a hard question. What I’ve discovered as an adult learner is that I want to soak in as much as I can and all of my courses thus far met that desire. I loved IPS 417: Literature of Ancient Israel and IPS 404: Theology of Suffering. I’m looking forward to taking IPS599: Theology and Ethics at the End of Life this fall.

Do you see any challenges you will have to overcome during your time here? 
Probably my biggest challenge has been learning in the online environment. I tend to process information best by talking face to face with fellow students, colleagues, and instructors. So, conversing via posts in our message boards continues to be my biggest challenge. That being said, the synchronous classes are a blessing. The other MAPS programs I researched prior to applying to IPS did not offer nearly as many (if any) synchronous classes. Of course, professors and fellow students are only a phone call away for verbal discussion and learning.

Do you have any recommendations for future students?
Don’t hesitate to utilize all of the resources IPS offers. I’ve found the professors to be available and more than willing to help me reach my goals both academically and professionally.

Tell us about your new job. 
I have accepted a permanent position at Lancaster General Hospital as a Staff Chaplain. The position is contingent upon finishing my degree and being Board Certified within 2 years. The IPS curriculum has me right on track (thanks to the Integration Project specifically for Health Care Chaplaincy)! I am the lead chaplain for our critical care units which include medical ICU, surgical ICU, Intermediate ICU and trauma/neuro ICU. That’s about 60 beds. I am to provide a consistent presence and read-access for staff, families and patients on those units. I will also provide mentorship to our CPE students assigned to those units and coordinate the provision of spiritual care. Other parts of the position include: attending and facilitating debriefings, participating in follow-up meetings for organ donation cases, attending ethics committee meetings, providing staff education, and working on advanced care planning.

What goals do you have for this job?
My primary goal is to be available to provide for the spiritual and emotional needs of our staff, patients and families. One of the ways in which to achieve part of this goal is to help patients and their families work together with the interdisciplinary team to develop a plan of care which is consistent with their goals and values.

Feel free to reach out to Elizabeth at: betty.j.schultz.9@facebook.com


**Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Loyola Looks to the Future with New Archbishop

This past weekend, Pope Francis appointed Bishop Blase Cupich of Spokane, Washington, to succeed Cardinal Francis George as the Archbishop of Chicago.

We would like to personally add our congratulations to Archbishop-designate Cupich and look forward to working with him to meet the needs of the Archdiocese of Chicago!

This is a time of joy and hope for the people of the Archdiocese and we share that joy and hope in a profound way.

Welcome Archbishop-designate Cupich!

Bishop Blase Cupich, 65
Bishop Blase Cupich, 65

Cupich, is originally from Omaha, Nebraska, and is one of nine children raised in a devout Catholic home. In 1975, he was ordained a priest in his hometown and went on to become Bishop of Rapid City in 1998. He has been Bishop of Spokane since 2010.

Cupich has been successful at guiding the 100,000 Catholics in Spokane, but asks for patience as he gets to know the 2.2 million Catholics in Chicago. Cupich smiled during the press conference on Saturday, saying that he looks forward to personally meeting every member of the Archdiocese.

“The Holy Father’s appointment of me to Chicago humbles but also encourages me… I bow my head in the hope that everyone in Chicago will pray for me in the days ahead,” requested Cupich.

Being the country’s third largest Roman Catholic diocese, Chicago plays a vital role in the American church. Watch to find out more about what Cupich has planned for its future.

It is clear to see that Cupich takes a highly personal approach to his leadership style. He has already been on a whirlwind tour of the Archdiocese and we look forward to his future visit here at Loyola.

Archbishop-designate Cupich will be installed on November 18 as the ninth archbishop of Chicago.

Speakers Bureau Explores Hospitality in the Church

One of the biggest factors that affect a person’s experience of a church is whether or not they feel welcomed. But what does it truly mean to be welcoming, and what difference does hospitality really make?

Loyola IPS explored answers to those questions and more during its first Speakers Bureau Workshop Series event held last week.

Carol Knoerzer, director of liturgy at Mary Seat of Wisdom parish, came to the event to acquire new ideas on how to improve her parish’s usher and greeter ministry.

“The workshop was just terrific on many counts,” proclaimed Knoerzer. “The presenters… were full of ideas, enthusiasm, energy and successful stories.”

When asked what she will bring back with her to Mary Seat of Wisdom, Knoerzer said she learned the importance of making good eye contact and asking newcomers to help with tasks or inviting them to a parish event. In addition, she noted that it is good sit in different pews to encounter new people and be aware of those standing by themselves, so someone can reach out to them.

Loyola IPS is both proud and grateful to be able to create these events as platforms for parishioners to learn how they can continue improving the church community experience.

Hospitality2  Hospitality1
There were more than 50 attendees representing 16 different parishes and diocesan organizations who were able to bring back new ideas and thought-provoking dialogue back to their community.

Here at Loyola IPS, we believe that it is important to provide innovative learning experiences in leadership, outreach and inter-parish discussion. The IPS Speakers Bureau Workshop Series certainly fills those criteria.

Christina Bax, pastoral associate for Saint Clement Parish, and Tim Weiske, chair of the Stewardship Council and co-chair to the Young Adult Community Board in Saint Clement Parish, facilitated the evening with their effective and knowledgable presentations.


For more updates, follow me on Twitter @BrianSchmisek

Student Feature: Meet Rebekah

Starting this week, IPS will feature a different student on our blog once a week.

It’s a chance to get to know our students better and for our students to connect with one another.

So without further ado…

Meet Rebekah.
Full name: Rebekah Turnbaugh

From: Sacramento, CA

What is your previous education?
I graduated in 2008 with a BA in Sociology from California State University, Stanislaus.

What were you doing before beginning your IPS journey?
Prior to moving to Chicago I was working at a statewide public policy and advocacy nonprofit organization called The Campaign for College Opportunity, which aims to ensure that all students in California have the opportunity to pursue and be successful in higher education.

What made you decide to come to Loyola IPS?
I decided to come to Loyola because of the MA in Social Justice degree program. I was drawn the unique blend of faith and social justice, as well as the openness of the program to welcome individuals of all faiths or of no articulated faith at all. For me, the potential for a diverse student body and being able to hear and learn from a plurality of perspectives was really appealing.

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing during your time here at Loyola IPS and how does that relate to your future goals?
I think one of my primary goals here is to have a better understanding of what I may be called to after graduation. I’m looking forward to exploring new issues, developing my own skills, and using both to inform my direction moving forward.

Do you have a favorite class or one you look forward to taking?
I am really looking forward to the Contextual Education class that I will take next year. I am excited to be able to work with a local organization and also have a place where I can engage in reflection about that experience and what I am learning about my own vocation.

Do you see any challenges you will have to overcome during your time here?
While I have an understanding of an issue [criminal justice] about which I am passionate, I think I will be challenged to discern how/if God is calling me to lend my voice to this realm.

In what way will you go forth to “change the world?”
With openness to the idea of this changing entirely while I am here, I have an interest in engaging in research and policy analysis around criminal justice issues, lending a voice of compassion and forgiveness to public discourse.

What is a fun fact/story about you?
I love the mishaps of travel. Once as an exchange student in Mexico, some friends and I took a weekend trip to Oaxaca. After driving most of the night, we decided to spend the night in Puebla. We had not made any hotel/motel reservations and simply assumed that we could easily find an inexpensive place to stay at any hour. This, however, was not as easy a task as presumed. We ended up finding a motel that would only rent rooms to us for four hours at a time. Ahem. They were gracious, however, and permitted us to stay for eight hours.

Some of her favorite booksLittle Women, Tattoos on the Heart, The Shack, The Autobiography of an Execution

Connect with her on Facebook: facebook.com/rebekah.turnbaugh

Alpha Sigma Nu Recognizes Extraordinary Loyola Student

This past Sunday, Alpha Sigma Nu held its annual Induction Ceremony to welcome new members and recognize the most outstanding new inductee with the Rev. Ronald J. Ferguson, S.J., Award.

This year, that honor went to Staycie Flint from IPS. Congratulations!

The award recognizes a student who has shown extraordinary commitment and care for his or her fellow students and the community as a whole. It is tradition for the Jesuit community to present this award in remembrance of Fr. Ferguson, S.J., who passed away in 2002. He left behind a legacy of loyalty, service and scholarship that will be honored for years to come.

We also would like to congratulate new Alpha Sigma Nu inductees from IPS:

  • Eric Lejeune
  • Rachel Lyons
  • Elizabeth Reardon
  • Denise Thompson

With over 68,000 members worldwide, Alpha Sigma Nu is the honor society of Jesuit institutions of higher education. It recognizes upperclassmen and graduate students who rank academically in the top 15 percent of their class and who have demonstrated service and loyalty to the Jesuit ideals.

Loyola IPS is proud to have students who continue to pursue scholarly goals and strive to better their community on a daily basis!


For more updates, follow @BrianSchmisek on Twitter! 

Student Feature: Meet Daniel Guzman

Just from answering a few questions, it is evident that Guzman is the type of person to have a lasting, positive affect on people. With a personality that leaps off the page, Guzman would like to tell you a little more about himself:


Nickname: Guzy

A favorite thing: I’m a HUGE Golden State Warrior fan!!!

Hometown: Hayward, California

What is your previous education?
BA in Sociology: Concentration in Criminology from San Jose State University (SJSU)

What were you doing before beginning your IPS journey?
Teaching transformative learning practices in marginalized communities and traveling for leisure

What made you decide to come to Loyola IPS?
The city of Chicago and the opportunity to pursue a dual degree (M.A. in Social Justice and an M.S.W.) related to creating transformational change in both local and global communities propelled and motivated my decision to attend Loyola University.

What are your studies focused on?
My studies are concentrated on the criminalization of black and brown youth, restorative justice practices, community organizing, and critical pedagogy.

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing during your time here at Loyola IPS and how does that relate to your future goals?
Transformational growth, coupled with strengthening mind, body, and spirit during the next three years at Loyola will enable be to be a catalyst for change in any context or setting. My future goals include obtaining a PhD and starting my own business.

Do you have a favorite class or one you look forward to taking?
I am looking forward to taking IPS 635 (Community Organizing and Community Development) & IPS 660 (Leadership for Social Transformation).

Do you see any challenges you will have to overcome during your time here? Is so, what is one of them?
Anytime you transition to a new environment there are unexpected stressors you will inevitably encounter, however, I choose to focus on the positive rather than highlighting the negative, thus I see my experience at Loyola, as well as my transition to the city of Chicago as a beautiful struggle.

Do you have any recommendations for future students?
Come to graduate school with a purpose. Continually ask yourself self-reflective questions such as what am I working towards, and what do I hope to accomplish by the time I walk the stage with my diploma in hand? Keep an end goal in mind; otherwise you’re working hard and straining yourself without any clear direction. Figure out your why and represent a just cause!!

In what way will you go forth to “change the world?”
“I’m not saying I’m going to change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world.” -Tupac

What project(s) are you currently working on?
I’m currently working on a research paper studying the effects and correlation of gentrification and crime.

What is a fun fact or story about you?
I recently entered a hip-hop karaoke competition and won accolade from the crowd and a free t-shirt for my stellar performance.

Final thoughts to share:
In Lak’ Ech – an ancient Mayan concept that provides us with an alternative framework for doing social justice by relaying the message: you are my Other me


Follow me on Twitter @BrianSchmisek for more exciting news and updates! 

Speakers Bureau Workshop Series Continues Success

The latest event of the series, titled “When Task and Ministry Collide,” explored Western culture, along with the call of the Vatican II which describes the goal of communion for the Church.

Presenter: Carole Veronesi, IPS Parish Consultant (licensed organizational development professional)
Presenter: Carole Veronesi, IPS Parish Consultant (licensed organizational development professional)

During the workshop, the 150 plus attendees were given time to discuss issues and how they impact ministry. For instance, the participants:

  • Gained understanding about the culture of their teams
  • Identified the practices that get in the way of communion
  • Explored new ways of being with each other in order to fulfill the call to communion
Attendees discussing communion in the Church
Attendees discussing communion in the Church

Proving to be beneficial, the event created a platform for important discussions and critical thinking about communion in the Church. The workshop ended asking, “What can be done to more fully answer the call to communion?” Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

The IPS Speakers Bureau Workshop Series is presented through IPS Parish Leadership and Management Programs in service to the Church.

The next event will be “Administrando Resultados en un Mundo Diverso,” featuring a discussion in Spanish about managing results in a diverse world. It will be held on Saturday, November 8th at St. Donatus Parish. For more details or to register, contact Dina Carr at dcarr1@luc.edu. Hope to see you there!

Let’s Tweet! For more updates, follow @BrianSchmisek on Twitter!

IPS Alumnus’s First Book Published: commends Loyola for help along the way

We would like to extend our congratulations to IPS Alumnus Michael Cahill on getting his first book published! Catholic Watershed is a compelling book that openly discusses the ever-changing Catholic Church and its hope for an even brighter future.


As a 1984 Loyola IPS graduate, Cahill commends the program for helping him keep in “touch with the importance of real people and their struggles to be faithful.”

As for his most memorable courses and professors at IPS, Cahill spoke fondly of Dick Westley and Jim Zullo. Westley taught “Form Me A People” and “Redemptive Intimacy,” two classes based on the work of Chicago priest Leo Mahon, one of Cahill’s true heroes. Zullo taught “Psychology of Young Adults” which meant a lot to Cahill, both academically and personally.

“This book focuses on the importance of the pastoral in relation to the doctrinal,” states Cahill, “or, another way of putting it, the Church as community in relation to the Church as institution. Much of that emphasis was stressed at IPS.”

About the Book 

Catholic Watershed provides readers with a close look at how the Catholic Church has changed since the Second Vatican Council.

In order to write the book, Cahill interviewed six priests who were ordained for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1969. They opened up to Cahill about their seminary training, assignments, triumphs and disappointments.

Through interviewing these men, Cahill was able to write about topics that are rarely openly discussed within the church, especially by priests. These include:

  • Their personal spirituality
  • Their relationships with fellow priests and cardinal archbishops
  • Celibacy
  • The sexual abuse crisis

Cahill chose these six priests because they were classmates of one another and had good reputations. Moreover, he was aware that they’d likely be retired when the book was published and therefore, would be more frank about the topics at hand.

The motivation for writing this book came from his desire to explore what became of the Catholic Church he grew up admiring. Cahill struggled to feel comfortable in a Church that seemed to be rejecting much of what he learned from an entire generation of Catholic leaders.

It was with the loss of a dear friend, Father Bob “Red” McLaughlin, that gave him the final nudge to investigate these queries. Cahill realized now was the time to share the stories of priests who lived through three distinct periods of American Catholic history: the pre-Vatican II, Vatican II and post-Vatican II.

When asked if he thought the spirit of “aggiornamento” unleashed at Vatican II was still vibrant today, Cahill replied, “It is vibrant at the parish level and our Pope is bringing that vibrancy back for the universal Church. Faithful priests like these 6 men, as well as many great laypeople and religious, have kept the spirit alive, even in the face of much criticism.”

About The Author

Before beginning his journey at IPS, Cahill had been studying at Mundelein Seminary to become a priest. After deciding that priesthood was not for him, Cahill chose to continue his education at IPS.

“It was a happy time in the sense that it coincided with the period of my engagement and then wedding to Cathy O’Connell, herself a Loyola Grad.”

After IPS, Cahill worked as an alcoholism counselor for adolescents at St. Elizabeth Hospital for two years. With a growing family, Cahill then decided to become a financial planner, which has been his primary occupation for 27 years.

Regarding his first book, Cahill concludes, “It was a labor of love that I thoroughly enjoyed, especially having the privilege of interviewing these 6 good men.”

If interested, you can purchase the book here.


For more updates, follow @BrianSchmisek on Twitter!