This past Sunday, Alpha Sigma Nu held its annual Induction Ceremony to welcome its new members.
“Alpha Sigma Nu is the international honor society of Jesuit institutions of higher education. The society was founded in 1915 to honor a select number of students each year on the basis of scholarship, loyalty, and service.”
We would like to say a big congratulations to this year’s inductees from IPS:
- Devona Alleyne
- Carleen Czajka
- Elaine Lindia
- Alicja Lukaszewicz-Southall
- Brian Melton
Loyola IPS is proud to have students who continue to pursue scholarly goals and strive to better their community on a daily basis! Keep up the extraordinary work and it will take you even farther than you imagine.
**Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.