Tag : Loyola IPS

Graduating Student Feature: Meet David

David Gibbons will be completing his four year journey with IPS in just a couple weeks when he graduates with his MA in Pastoral Counseling. Like many of our students, it was a challenge for David to balance life, work and education, but he did it and did it successfully!

“Just take it one day at a time – it will not last forever and every day is a wonderful opportunity for learning and growth. Make the most of the community of peers and the wisdom of the professors,” advised David.

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I am originally from Portsmouth, UK and have been living for the past 7 years in Barrington Hills, IL.

What did your studies focus on at IPS?
I have been taking the MA in Pastoral Counseling since 2011, taking all classes on campus except one – The Counseling and Care of Men, which I took online.

What do you want to be doing upon graduation?
I will continue as Rector of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Barrington Hills and work part time as a counselor at a Counseling Center in the Northwest suburbs.

What has been your biggest accomplishment while at IPS?
Taking another step on the path to integration!  Plenty of work to do, but the great gift that IPS offers: its classroom experiences, friendships, learnings, and opportunities to put the class learning into practice has helped make a significant shift in my personal growth journey.

Were there any challenges you had to overcome during your time here?
Juggling full time work, family, classes, internship and commuting has been a significant challenge.

What was your favorite class and why? 
Pastoral Psychodynamic Assessment and Intervention because it provided a rich framework for plotting a client’s current situation as well as needs and some strategies and plans toward healing and wholeness.

Do you have any advice for future students? 
Just take it one day at a time – it will not last forever and every day is a wonderful opportunity for learning and growth. Make the most of the community of peers and the wisdom of the professors.

As a recent graduate, in what way will you go forth to “change the world?”
Hopefully – I’d like to be part of the emergence of spiritual growth and integration into our society to influence and even heal our culture.


Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Holy Week and the Death Penalty

The article, “400+ Catholic and evangelical leaders want to kill the death penalty” from The Washington Post, talks about the recent letter from Archbishop Joseph A. Fiorenza that supports the abolishment of the death penalty in the US. The letter was signed by hundreds of Catholic and evangelical leaders, including professors from IPS. 


“As Christians preparing for the holy days of Christ’s suffering and death on the cross, we speak out with renewed urgency against the death penalty. Torture and execution is always a profound evil, made even more abhorrent when sanctioned by the government in the name of justice when other means of protecting society are available. All who reverence the sanctity of human life, created in the image of God, must never remain silent when firing squads, lethal injections, electric chairs and other instruments of death are viewed as morally acceptable.

We urge governors, prosecutors, judges and anyone entrusted with power to do all that they can to end a practice that diminishes our humanity and contributes to a culture of violence and retribution without restoration. We especially ask public officials who are Christian to join us in the solidarity of prayer this week as we meditate on the wounds of injustice that sicken our society. In many ways, capital punishment is the rotten fruit of a culture that is sown with the seeds of poverty, inequality, racism and indifference to life. We silence our hearts in prayer for those killed and families who mourn their loss. We can never know your pain and anger. Let us work together for healing, restorative justice and a system that punishes criminals without bringing more darkness and death into our world. As Pope Francis has reminded us, capital punishment is “cruel, inhumane and degrading” and “does not bring justice to the victims, but only foments revenge.”

It remains a shameful reality that the United States is one of the few developed nations in the world that still executes its citizens. Last week, the governor of Utah signed a bill that will bring back firing squads. Missouri recently executed a prisoner with severe brain damage. In Georgia, hundreds of clergy and other faith leaders have asked the state to commute the death sentence of Kelly Gissendaner, a Christian and student of theology, to life without parole. Several botched executions in recent years have pulled back the veil on this inhumane and ineffective practice. We are heartened by polling that shows Americans are increasingly opposed to the death penalty. Now is a critical time. The U.S. Supreme Court recently announced it would take up an appeal by a Florida death-row inmate challenging the state’s capital sentencing procedure, which permits inmates to be executed even when the jury is not unanimous. In April, The Supreme Court will hear a case that will decide the constitutionality of lethal injection protocols in Oklahoma.

In this sacred season of suffering, death and new life, we pray that our simple Christian witness is received with open hearts.”

In faith,

Archbishop Joseph A. Fiorenza (Ret.) Former President
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Houston, TX


Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

IPS Celebrates Six Retiring Faculty Members

As this year comes to an end, IPS must say goodbye to six incredible faculty members. It has been an honor to have each of them as members of the IPS and greater Loyola community. They have been mentors for our students, enriched the lives of everyone at IPS and continue to be leaders in the community. You will always be a part of IPS.
Thank you.

140820_WTC_Summer02Please read what our IPS retirees would like to share:

Stephen Krupa, S.J.
“The IPS years have been very special for me. I will miss most my IPS Faculty and Staff colleagues and, of course, the students. I am grateful for all that my students and colleagues taught me over the years, and I hope that I contributed to the moving forward of the gospel and mission of Jesus by what I taught while at the Institute.”

Mary Christine Athans, BVM, Ph.D.
“As a Loyola alum from my undergraduate days, it has been wonderful to be teaching at IPS since I returned to Chicago in 2002. The enthusiasm, remarkable background and diversity of the students as well as my marvelous colleagues at IPS made my first ‘retirement’ a joy. Thank you for becoming a special part of my life!”

Dr. James Whitehead
Dr. Evelyn Whitehead
“Over forty years the Institute of Pastoral Studies has been for us a community of colleagues and friends, a fruitful setting for our ministry, and our spiritual home. We are most grateful!”

Dr. Gerard Egan
Dr. Jeanette Egan
“We would like to thank Fr. Garanzini for his tenure as President. The improvements we have witnessed in the years we taught here at Loyola (Gerry 40, Jeanette 29) have been amazing. Thank you Fr. Garanzini.

Next, we would like to thank all the IPS directors, faculty and staff from Fr. Jerry O’Leary to the present. THANK YOU ALL. We especially like to thank Paul Giblin for his help in experimenting with a variety of ways in teaching the counseling skills courses, but also in suggesting ways to develop the core of these courses, which we have team taught since IPS offered a MA in Pastoral Counseling. THANK YOU PAUL.

Lastly, and most importantly, we wish to thank our students, male and female, lay and religious, young and not so young, from over a dozen countries around the world. You have been wonderful, helping us in every instance to form communities of trust which are essential for our mode of teaching. You have enriched our lives. We have learned, grown and had some good times together. THANK YOU to each and everyone of you.

We will miss the IPS community.”

flagsPlease join us on April 10th for a retirement celebration as we say farewell to these six wonderful IPS faculty members. We will celebrate and honor their achievements, remarkable careers and devoted service in their communities.


Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Graduating Student Feature: Meet Pearl

May 2015 graduation is quickly approaching! In honor of our wonderful graduates, IPS will begin to feature graduating students on the blog.

To kick off this series, we would like to first feature IPS Graduate Assistant Pearl Chiang. She has been so helpful and has brought so much joy to the office, we are going to miss having her here!

Read about her future plans below and find out what we already know… that she is an amazing person with a bright future ahead of her!

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Hometown: Troy, Michigan

Degree: Pastoral Counseling

What do you want to be doing upon graduation?
Working in a private practice, preferably a Christian Counseling practice, with emphasis on family therapy and holistic methods of therapy. My end goal is to start my own practice with a couple friends who are in the field.

I currently have a couple interviews lined up, so hoping for the best!

What has been your biggest accomplishment while at IPS?
Becoming more aware of who I am, what my needs are and what my limits are.

Were there any challenges you had to overcome during your time here?
I was diagnosed with stage 3 Breast Cancer at the beginning of last year and by the grace of God was able to stay the course and finish my studies. I am now in remission and appreciate the support of IPS and my cohort in the hardest and most transformative year of my life.

What was your favorite class and why?
It’s a tie for Psychopathology and Assessment & Intervention with Michael Bland. These classes are the most relevant and I refer to my notes from those classes almost every day in my internship setting.

Do you have any advice for future students?
Take advantage of every opportunity to get to know your classmates because 3 years goes by in the blink of an eye. Also, go out to coffee with your professors. They are extremely wise and you can gain a wealth of knowledge by racking their brains.

As a recent graduate, in what way will you go forth to “change the world?”
When I’ve been asked that question before in other contexts, it was very easy to give a carbon copy answer and say, “I want to help people and these are the ways…” Now having been through IPS MAPC program, my outlook has changed. I still want to change the world by helping people and the way that I feel that I have been called to do that is to provide counseling. It also means meeting people where they are and supporting them in that, without imposing your own agenda.


Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.