Category : Art & Religion

Stazioni Quaresimali: A Reflection on the Roman Lenten Tradition of Station Churches from Dr. Michael Canaris

Click on the map of Rome below, to learn more about this Roman tradition.

Martin Luther King Celebration

The University’s annual MLK luncheon and keynote lecture, occurring Wednesday, February 1, which will feature poet and civil rights activist Nikki Giovanni.  Giovanni has spent her life as a voice for civil rights and equality — issues that resonate with members of the Loyola community who take the University’s mission to heart. In her appearances at Loyola, Giovanni will share her captivating stories and inspire individuals in the audience to embark on their own path toward making a difference.

The MLK luncheon runs from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Kasbeer Hall at 25 E. Pearson on the Water Tower Campus. Giovanni’s keynote address will occur later that same evening, from 6 to 8 p.m., on the 4th floor of the Klarchek Information Commons at the Lake Shore Campus. Tickets are not required for either event, but space is limited so attendees are advised to arrive early.

Dalai Lama coming to Loyola

As we move into the new semester, we wanted to remind you that on April 26, 2012, His Holiness the Dalai Lama will return to Chicago.  Loyola University Chicago will serve as the host site for his visit.  The University is planning a special afternoon program for Loyola students, faculty, staff, and alumni (alums will pay a nominal fee) that will feature an address by the Dalai Lama.

Visit the TIBETcenter’s website at for additional information on their event. Details of the Loyola-specific afternoon program, placing a special emphasis on the theme of interfaith collaboration, will be posted on and Inside Loyola in the weeks ahead.