Category : IPS

IPS Damen Award nominations

Dear IPS Alumni,

It is our sincere hope that this letter finds you well.  We are contacting you as fellow Loyola University Chicago alumni and members of the Development Committee of the Institute of Pastoral Studies Advisory Council.  In brief, we are seeking your assistance in identifying outstanding IPS alumni as candidates for the Damen Award.

The Damen Award is an annual award, named for Arnold J. Damen, S.J., one of the founders of Loyola University Chicago.  It is bestowed on alumni from every school and college at LUC to recognize their exemplary leadership and service to others.  The most recent Institute of Pastoral Studies honoree for 2016 was Sr. Norma S. Pimentel (MA’95), a sister with the Missionaries of Jesus and executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley.  Sr. Pimentel’s ministry has been devoted to serving people in need and advocating for justice in social structures.  Pope Francis has praised her ministry to immigrants and refugees on the U.S. southern border.  Click here or see below to learn more about past nominees.

Loyola’s IPS has been educating students for ministry for more than 50 years and alumni are geographically scattered near and far.  As a result, many IPS alumni, along with their ministry and accomplishments, are unknown to us or current faculty and staff.  We need you to raise our awareness of inspiring alumni whose commitment and service deserve recognition and honor.  A likely candidate is someone who graduated from an IPS program more than a few years ago and has shown outstanding ministerial leadership and service to Church and beyond.

We invite you to nominate IPS alumni for the 2017 Damen Award by completing this short form online with the name, a description of their work and accomplishments, and why you think they deserve this award.  Deadline is November 29, 2016.

Thank you, in advance, for participating in this search and nomination process.  Through the Damen Award, IPS’ outstanding alumni will be recognized for their leadership and service, and the honor they bring to their alma mater.  We look forward to learning from you and celebrating the extraordinary lives and service of our fellow alumni.

Peace and Blessings,


The Development Committee of the Institute of Pastoral Studies Advisory Council

Nancy Braund Boruch (MBA ’79, MPS ’02)
Donna Gawlas (BS ’75, MPS ’88)
Laura Howard (MPS ’01, MDiv ’07)
Meredith Onion (MSIR ’87, MDiv ’13)
Beth Reece (MDiv ’10)


Institute of Pastoral Studies Damen Awardees

2008 – Dr. Terrance P. McGuire, MPS ‘02
2009 – Rich F. Clark, MRE ’78
2010 – Ms. Shirley A. Giacomi, MPS ’98, MDiv ‘ 02
2011 – Sr. Maura Twohig, MA ’95
2011 – Sr. Mary M. Daly, MA ’95
2012 – Joseph Paprocki, BA ’81, MPS ’85
2013 – Rev. Jimmie L. Flewellen, MPS ‘83
2014 – Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson, MPS ‘82
2015 – Pam Coster, MRE ’02
2016 – Sr. Norma Pimentel, MAPC ’95

Election Statement from IPS

Dear Students,

Today marks one week since our nation’s historic election. Thoughtful and informed statements have been issued by Loyola’s new President Dr. Rooney, our Vice President for Student Development and President of Student Government, our Archbishop, and countless others calling for harmony in working for the common good, mutual respect and dialogue, and care for one another based in our Jesuit sense of cura personalis. I echo and endorse these sentiments and add this short note to the IPS community.

This campaign was perhaps the most divisive in living memory and many people feel hurt, marginalized, and demeaned while some are feeling empowered, emboldened, and hopeful. We have seen racial and other intimidation and even violence erupt this week in direct response to the election. Some have likened the feelings provoked by the election results to that of 9/11 and that comparison itself is uncomfortable for others.

This tumultuous week calls to mind our own IPS mission statement, which says in part that we are developing “diverse and dynamic leaders for creative, compassionate, and courageous service to church and society.”

The day after the election our IPS faculty came together and discussed what it will mean to live our mission as we move forward. We are firmly rooted in our Jesuit values, particularly solidarity with the poor and the marginalized; and we uphold the American ideal of “liberty and justice for all.” Creative, compassionate, and courageous service has been at the heart of IPS and each of us are dedicated to that. In the days and weeks ahead we encourage you to speak with one another, including your faculty and colleagues, to provide mutual understanding and support based on our common mission, as we adapt to the “rapidly changing religious and social landscapes” in which we find ourselves.

Brian Schmisek, Ph.D.
Director, Institute of Pastoral Studies
Loyola University Chicago

Meet Mike McCauley


 Meet Mike McCauley, in coming to IPS, he’s actually training for his third or fourth career. He’s worked as a journalist, communication professor and health communication researcher. Now Mike is in the IPS Mdiv program.

Why did you decide to come study at Loyola?

While I was good at my past jobs, they did not allow me to work as directly as I’d like with other people – in terms of being a one-on-one helper. Over the past few years, I’ve been captivated with the idea of becoming either a chaplain or pastoral counselor. So, I’m here to begin a new journey!

What do you do outside of class?

I like to run, and enjoy nice meals with friends. I also enjoy movies and books, and will sometimes sneak away to a club to hear great blues or jazz.


Talk a little about a class, professor or mentor who inspired you.

Jack McLeod, my first grad school mentor at the University of Wisconsin, is a wonderful man who’s had a huge influence on my life. Every time I went to Jack’s office with a question, he gave me two or three more questions to think about. That’s the mark of someone who really understands mentorship – a teacher who wants to know, with all his heart, that his students will surpass him one day, in the name of greater knowledge and understanding for all.

Any spots on campus or in Chicago that you like the most?

I spend lots of time in Highland Park on the weekends, and enjoy many of the restaurants, pubs and shops there.

What is your favorite quote?

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”   ~ Howard Thurman

A favorite book, or one that impacted you and why?

Illusions by Richard Bach. If you want to know why, just read it yourself!

What is the best compliment that someone has given you?

That I think about ordinary things in really interesting ways.  😉

Tell us about your volunteer/service work and what it means to you.

I spent last summer working as a CPE Intern at Aurora Sinai, a medical center In Milwaukee which serves traditionally marginalized population groups. I’ve never met a group of patients who were so deeply in need of care – and so grateful to the people who cared enough to provide it.

Any advice you would give students about how to get the most out of their education?

Spend enough time discerning your path, working to better understand just what, and who, you’re called to become. Once you can see this path (at least for now), dive into your studies head-on!


And finally, what do you hope to be doing 10 years from now?

Working in a role where I can use my life experience to help other people find their way. This could mean working as a chaplain or pastoral counselor, or it might involve some sort of job that I haven’t even thought of yet.

Meet Elesha West


Meet Elesha West, she’s a recent grad of Baylor University in Waco,Texas. During her undergraduate career she studied Medical Humanities and Religion. Over the years she has been actively involved in outreach and evangelism ministry in the capacity of running a summer outreach program for the south suburbs of Chicago for six consecutive years. She did Mission Work in Haiti, Croatia, Washington, D.C. , and Detroit and worked as Assistant Director for Chicago Urban Outreach.

Elesha is currently a first semester grad student in the dual Master of Divinity/ Master of Pastoral Counseling Programs.

I am so excited to start this new journey with the Loyola community. While in undergrad I was enrolled Church History and Old Testament. So, I have some knowledge of the history and the Bible, but I am eager to learn more on a greater level.

What do you do outside of class?

I love traveling, going to plays and culture events, and anything to do with water (I love the beach!).

Any spots on campus or in Chicago that you like the most? 

If I had to pick a spot in Chicago I like the most is anywhere sitting in front of the lakefront. Often times I will go up north and sit by the water for hours. 

A favorite book, or one that impacted you and why? 

The Healers Calling- Daniel Sulmasy- focuses on professionals administering healthcare from a holistic perspective . I enjoy topics such as health care from a Christian perspective, end of life care, suffering, and medical ethics.

Any advice you would give students about how to get the most out of their education? 

Ask a lot of questions and submit yourself to someone bigger and better to you! Learn from those who are doing what you would like to do.

What do you do outside of school?

I currently work part-time at Arrupe College of Loyola University and Cornerstone Christian Center.

What is your favorite quote? 

Proverbs 31: 17-18 – She equips herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] And makes her arms strong.18  She sees that her gain is good; Her lamp does not go out, but it burns continually through the night [she is prepared for whatever lies ahead].

What are your plans for after graduation?

When my program is over, I aspire to open up my own counseling practice focusing on family counseling and adolescents. My desire is to see other young people lay their life down for the church, unashamed, unhindered, and free to do what God has called them to do. Also, to be on pastoral staff at a local church as an evangelism/teaching pastor.

Meet Elesha West


Meet Elesha West, she’s a recent grad of Baylor University in Waco,Texas. During her undergraduate career she studied Medical Humanities and Religion. Over the years she has been actively involved in outreach and evangelism ministry in the capacity of running a summer outreach program for the south suburbs of Chicago for six consecutive years. She did Mission Work in Haiti, Croatia, Washington, D.C. , and Detroit and worked as Assistant Director for Chicago Urban Outreach.

Elesha is currently a first semester grad student in the dual Master of Divinity/ Master of Pastoral Counseling Programs.

I am so excited to start this new journey with the Loyola community. While in undergrad I was enrolled Church History and Old Testament. So, I have some knowledge of the history and the Bible, but I am eager to learn more on a greater level.

What do you do outside of class?

I love traveling, going to plays and culture events, and anything to do with water (I love the beach!).

Any spots on campus or in Chicago that you like the most? 

If I had to pick a spot in Chicago I like the most is anywhere sitting in front of the lakefront. Often times I will go up north and sit by the water for hours. 

A favorite book, or one that impacted you and why? 

The Healers Calling- Daniel Sulmasy- focuses on professionals administering healthcare from a holistic perspective . I enjoy topics such as health care from a Christian perspective, end of life care, suffering, and medical ethics.

Any advice you would give students about how to get the most out of their education? 

Ask a lot of questions and submit yourself to someone bigger and better to you! Learn from those who are doing what you would like to do.

What do you do outside of school?

I currently work part-time at Arrupe College of Loyola University and Cornerstone Christian Center.

What is your favorite quote? 

Proverbs 31: 17-18 – She equips herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] And makes her arms strong.18  She sees that her gain is good; Her lamp does not go out, but it burns continually through the night [she is prepared for whatever lies ahead].

What are your plans for after graduation?

When my program is over, I aspire to open up my own counseling practice focusing on family counseling and adolescents. My desire is to see other young people lay their life down for the church, unashamed, unhindered, and free to do what God has called them to do. Also, to be on pastoral staff at a local church as an evangelism/teaching pastor.

Meet Grace Girardot

Grace Girardot is a current student in the MA in Social Justice program. When she is not busy working in Water Tower Campus Ministry as a Grad Assistant or doing her school work, you can find her doing yoga, cooking, being outside, attempting to play piano or guitar, knitting and trolling used book and record stores for hidden treasures. To learn more about Grace and her experience as a student, please continue to read below.

What is a little of your background?

I am a Chicago area native, hailing from the western suburbs. When I was 18, I was transplanted to South Bend, IN, where I attended the University of Notre Dame for my undergraduate years. Although I am a die-hard Fighting Irish fan, I got a lot more out my time in South Bend than simply the football seasons. I studied Spanish, Latino Studies and Poverty Studies. During this time I developed a deep love of Latin American Literature and music, which forced me to examine themes of marginality and otherness. Through service learning experiences abroad as well as in South Bend, I was able to deepen my interest in these topics, which has eventually led me to pursue the MA in Social Justice at IPS.

Why Loyola?

I chose to pursue the MA in Social Justice at Loyola due to the unique emphasis on faith as being the foundation upon which we understand the work of social justice. As an undergraduate leading service learning immersion seminars, I had relied on the tools and language that Catholic social teaching provided to help students (and myself) name the sensations that we were experiencing. Just as on an airplane you must secure your own oxygen mask before helping those around you, I wanted to continue to build up my own lens of CST, so that I would better be able to help others to identify their experiences through that same lens.

What have you learned by studying at IPS?

By studying at IPS, I have learned how to reimagine the world. I continue to learn about the complexity of the interconnectedness of our relationships with our environment, others, God and ourselves, and how these complexities relate to certain themes and events that we experience in the world today.

What is your favourite quote?

I am torn between two. Both are relatively short.
“Thou mayest.” –John Steinbeck, East of Eden
“The strength of a tree lies in its ability to bend.” –Zen Proverb

Tell us one fun fact about you.

I know how to hula dance.

What is the best compliment that someone has given you?

I think the best compliment that someone has given me is not necessarily something they have stated verbally but through their actions. I feel most humbled and flattered when friends, students, or family members show their trust in me by asking for help, advice, or coming to me to chat about their innermost ponderings.

IPS becomes an associate member of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS)

IPS is pleased to announce that, as of June 29, 2016, it is officially a member of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). With more than 270 member graduate schools of theology, ATS is comprised of schools in the US and Canada that offer graduate theological degrees, are demonstrably engaged in educating professional leadership for communities of the Christian and Jewish faiths, and meet the specific standards and criteria maintained by the Association. The diversity of ATS members reflect a broad spectrum of doctrinal, ecclesiastical, and theological perspectives.

Therese Lysaught, IPS Associate Director, casts the IPS¹ first vote as an Associate Member of the ATS at its 2016 Biennial Meeting in St. Louis
Therese Lysaught, IPS Associate Director, casts the IPS first vote as an Associate Member of the ATS at its 2016 Biennial Meeting in St. Louis

Membership in the Association will help bolster IPS’s standing in the broader community of theological institutions. It will enhance the ability of IPS and other American theological schools to learn from one another’s experience, collaborate on common tasks, as well as promote IPS’s values of transformative Ignatian education and the blending of faith and justice in service. Membership in the ATS is also a first crucial step in gaining ATS accreditation. IPS Director Brian Schmisek gave this statement welcoming the approval, “We are proud to be recognized as an Associate Member of ATS, which is a seal of our academic quality. The news represents a milestone in the dedicated work of our faculty and staff especially over these past four years. Our students also appreciate the high standards for which we have been recognized. We very much look forward to membership in this association.”

Congratulations, IPS!

***Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

IPS by the Numbers: 2016

As a way to recap the 2015-2016 school year, we’ve gathered 16 quantifiable facts about IPS students, faculty and staff. Read below to see how IPS measures up!

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  1. Number of students graduating from IPS: 65
  1. Number of new IPS hires who started this year: 5
    • Mirta Garcia, Administrative Parish Leadership and Management Programs
    • Kristin Butnik, Enrollment Advisor
    • Felipe Legarreta, Clinical Professor
    • Michael Canaris, Assistant Professor
    • Timone Davis, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology, with emphasis in Black Catholic Theology
  1. Number of new degrees, concentrations and certificates: 3
    • Church Management concentration
    • Church Management certificate
    • Counseling for Ministry degree
  1. Number of events held: 37
  1. Number of students who work full time: 117
  1. Number of books & articles published by IPS faculty: 56
  1. Number of classes held: 1,420
  1. Number of merit and matching scholarships awarded: 96
  1. Number of travel grants awarded: 12
  1. Number of faculty members who fly to get to work: 1
    • Peter Jones lives in Fort Worth, TX and commutes weekly via plane to work
  1. Number of miles traveled by faculty & staff (not including commute): 108,748
    • This is equivalent to going around the world’s equator almost 4.5 times
    • Some places include: Rome, San Antonio, Puerto Rico, Washington DC, Baltimore, Canada, Anaheim, Guatemala, Atlanta, New York, Albuquerque, Norway, Orlando
  1. Number of faculty who received promotions: 2
    • Dr. Heidi Russell
    • Dr. Timone Davis
  1. Number of cups of coffee consumed at the IPS office: 314,159*
  1. Number of people going to Rome this summer: 19
  1. Number of pets owned by IPS faculty & staff: 10
  1. Number of snow days: 0

*rough estimation

Congratulations and thank you to everyone for another successful school year! #IPSGreatGrads

***Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.