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IPS Students Return from Kenya Trip

From L-R: Dennis Erwin, Connie Johnson, Alexa Jordan, Kim Riley, Virginia Rivera, Erin Kane, Brittany Barton, Jen Morales-Crye, Jennifer Haworth, Dr. Heidi Russell, and Dr. Bob O'Gorman with some of their Kenyan hosts.

Recently a group of  eight IPS students and two IPS faculty members returned from a 2 week trip to Kenya. 

The Social Justice and East Africa course offered its participants an opportunity for personal and educational interactions with communities of folks in local schools, churches and hospitals, women’s cooperatives, AIDS support organizations, homes for orphans, and cultural centers of East Africa.

Themes of the course included geography and history, racism and the effects of colonialism, African Christianity and inculturation, and social justice practices. A focus on African issues of social justice explored areas such as the effects of HIV/AIDS on community life in East Africa and the need for empowerment of disadvantaged groups and communities.

Catholic University of Eastern Africa’s Center for Social Justice and Ethics served as the group’s academic and residential base. The group also visited urban Nairobi and in rural Naivasha, in addition to observing the wildlife at Lake Nakuru National Park.  

Brittany Barton, MASJ alumna, created a powerful video documenting her experience on the trip. You can view it here:

Ignatian Service Day Information

There are a number of events this summer scheduled for faculty and staff to engage in the mission of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and to honor his Feast Day of July 31.  Please consider participating.

Ignatian Service Project: Friday, July 20
Loyola staff, faculty, and retirees will volunteer at Misericordia, in Rogers Park, and at St. Procopius Parish, a Jesuit-sponsored institution in Pilsen, on Friday, July 20. Full details on the service projects, departure times, and transportation are available now at the registration page. Registration is open through Friday, July 13.

Collection boxes will be available at all campuses gathering the materials listed below for St. Procopius. Food pantries often run lowest in their supplies during the summer months, so please consider being generous in all of these categories:

  • July 2–6: School Supplies (copy paper, crayons, pencils, construction paper, arts and crafts materials)
  • July 9–13: Clothing (especially work wear for men)
  • July 16–19: Food (especially staples such as rice, beans, and pasta)

Mass and Picnic: Friday, July 27
On Friday, July 27, we will celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Ignatius of Loyola with a Mass in Madonna della Strada Chapel at 11 a.m., and our annual picnic on the East Quad, beginning at 12:15 p.m. All are welcome. For those interested in singing in the choir at Mass, please contact Steven Betancourt at Rehearsal will begin at 10 a.m. on July 27 in the MDS Chapel.

IPS Center for Parish Leadership and Mission Approved!

Loyola University Chicago President Fr. Michael J. Garanzini, SJ has approved a proposal to develop a new Institute of Pastoral Studies (IPS) Center for Parish Leadership and Mission. The Center will begin operating sometime during 2013, and will be the first of its kind in the United States. It will be dedicated to organizing and relating research on the leadership of vital parish communities to services of consultation and education. The Center will maintain a strong partnership relationship with the Archdiocese of Chicago. The Center’s design is a product of learning from INSPIRE, a nine-year Lilly Endowment, Inc., Sustaining Pastoral Excellence project at Loyola and the Archdiocese. INSPIRE’s Lead Team–comprised of Institute of Pastoral Studies faculty and Archdiocesan Directors–will develop the Center to sponsor research on parish vitality and mission, identify pastoral leadership education programs, and offer consultation services to Catholic pastors, their staffs, and parishioner leaders. The Center aspires to serve parish life the U.S. and internationally.

Dr. Eileen Daily, IPS Faculty Member, Featured in National Catholic Reporter

Dr. Eileen Daily, Director of our Master of Arts in Religious Education program is featured in the June 8 edition of the National Catholic Reporter! Eileen created an android/iPhone app called art/y/fact.Xn. It helps users analyze Christian Art. Way to go, Eileen! Here is the story behind the story:

To access the full article, you must be a NCR subscriber. If you get the chance, stop by the IPS office where we will have several copies of the feature story! Also, don’t forget that you can purchase art/y/fact.Xn in your App Store for only $1.99!

Loyola Spring Block Party

Put on your party hats and join in as Loyola celebrates with the annual Spring Block Party.  

The WTC Spring Block Party will be held on Wednesday, April 25th, from 11 am-2pm. There will be food from different vendors, a photo booth, a climbing wall, live band karaoke and PRIZES!  There will be something for everyone and fun by the bucket-load.  Sponsored by Water Tower Campus Life.

Women’s Leadership Conference

Women’s Leadership Conference: April 20, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., The Westin Michigan Avenue

The  Women’s Leadership Conference, originally started in 2008 as a culmination for women who completed the Women’s Leadership certificate through Loyola’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS).  Since then, according to Carolyn Gosselin, program director at SCPS, the event has grown to a 150 person day of workshops, speakers, and networking.

This year the keynote speaker is Dr. Diane Osgood of Osgood Sustainability Consulting, who is a global expert in food sustainability and human rights issues. In addition, she advises Fortune 500 companies and is a senior adviser for the Clinton Global Initiative.  The conference, whose theme this year is “Resilience,” includes a morning inspirational speaker, a panel of women discussing their leadership journey, a luncheon with a keynote speaker, afternoon workshops on different issues facing women and leadership, and a final opportunity to network with fellow conference attendees.  The conference is open to anyone–undergraduate students to working professionals, and will be presented in an educational context that offers tools women can apply to their lives immediately.

For more information, visit the Women’s Leadership Conference website here.

Sri Lanka Information Meetings

Because of the over whelming interest in the proposed “Journey to Sri Lanka class” three more information sessions have been arranged to get the word out.

 1) First Session option will be before Kate Lassiter’s class at 5:30 PM on Thursday, March 22nd in the IPS conference Room (LT Suite 630.) 
2) Second Session option on Thursday, March 22nd, at 7:00 PM in the IPS Conference room on Thursday March 22nd.
3) Third session option –  Saturday, March 24 in the Corboy Law Center, Room # 325 at 12:15 PM.  
Here’s hoping that your interest has been raised and that you will be able to attend one of these information sessions.

Ticket Information on His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama Event

The following information has been published about this event:

It is a great honor for Loyola University Chicago to partner with the TIBETcenter of Chicago in hosting His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama on Thursday, April 26, 2012 from 1:30–3 p.m. on the Lake Shore campus in the Gentile Arena. The Dalai Lama will be awarded an honorary Loyola degree and will address the Loyola community on the topic of interfaith collaboration.  This program is a private event for Loyola students, faculty, staff, alumni, and their guests. There is also an event open to the public and organized by the TIBETcenter of Chicago that same morning in the Gentile Arena.

Due to the heightened security measures that will be in place on April 26, ticket holders must arrive at the Gentile arena by noon in order to clear security. We have been advised that guests who have not cleared security by 1 p.m. are not guaranteed entry into the Gentile Arena that day.

Tickets for this event will be handled via an online ticketing system that allows you to print your tickets at home. This system is the only avenue through which you can purchase tickets, and tickets can only be purchased with a credit card (Rambler bucks cannot be used to purchase tickets). There will be no will-call window at the Gentile Arena on April 26.

Tickets will be available for purchase in the following waves:

  •   Monday, March 26, at 8 a.m.
  •   Friday, March 30, at 8 a.m.
  •   Wednesday, April 4, at 8 a.m.

    Ticket prices are detailed below, and individuals may purchase up to two tickets at any level they desire.

    • $10 – upper bowl bleacher seating, reserved by section
    • $15 – lower bowl reserved seating
    • $25 – main floor reserved seating – back half
    • $50 – main floor reserved seating – front half
    • $100 – first four rows on main floor

    You will receive an email from notifying you when ticket sales open and giving you a unique identifier to use when purchasing your tickets. Ticket purchases are limited to two (2) tickets per individual. The event ticket prices are set at a level to cover the costs of this event, and to meet the requirements of the contract we have to host His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama at no expense to the host institution. You will be asked to confirm your identity by entering the required information below at the time of purchase:

    • Legal name (as it appears on your passport or drivers license)
    • Unique identifier (sent to you via email the night before tickets go on sale)
    • Date of birth
    • Daytime phone number
    • Affiliation (student, faculty, staff, alumni, etc.)

    All event information, including specifics regarding security and parking, is online at Additional updates regarding this exciting event will be circulated in the weeks ahead. Questions can be directed to


    The Dalai Lama Coordinating Committee

    Looking Forward to Things to come

    Jim Wallis is coming to Loyola on April 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.  We invite you to join us for a lecture and dialogue with one of America’s leading voices on faith and social justice.  In addition to his work as speaker, author and editor-in-chief of the influential Sojourner’s magazine, Jim Wallis also recently served on the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships and currently serves as the chair of the Global Agenda Council on Faith for the World Economic Forum.

    Please join us for this event at Regents Hall (16th Floor) Lewis Towers, 111 E. Pearson Street.  This gathering is free and open to the public.  For further information: