Author Archives: Jessamyn Anderson

Student Feature: Meet Doreen

Loyola IPS student, Doreen Kelly joins us from a small town in Michigan, but is already achieving big things. Read more about her below and see how IPS is helping her on her journey to “go forth and change the world.”


Hometown: Originally from Holton, Michigan, a tiny town 20 miles northeast of Muskegon.

Previous education: Aquinas College, Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts, 1984

A favorite of yours?
I enjoy reading. Favorite authors include: Jodi Picoult, Amy Tan, Elizabeth Berg, Maeve Binchy, Gail Tsukiama, Lisa See.

A bible verse that has significance to you?
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for woe, plans to give you a future full of hope.” This has been a favorite verse since I was an undergrad and searching for direction. I was able to write an exegetical paper on it for IPS 417; it was an amazing experience to delve into the background of this oracle delivered by Jeremiah to the exiles.

What were you doing before beginning your IPS journey?
I work as a Teacher Assistant in 7th grade special education, assisting students with learning needs in their regular education science and social studies classes. I’ve also been involved in several ministries in my parish, most recently our Christ Renews His Parish ministry as a team leader and in support of teams actively in formation. I am also a Eucharistic Minister.

What made you decide to come to Loyola IPS?
For most of my life, I have found great fulfillment and a sense of purpose through volunteering in ministries in whatever parish I have been a part of. In these last few years, I have felt a call to leadership in ministries and at the same time a need for more knowledge and exploration of different aspects of our faith which would strengthen my leadership potential. I chose Loyola because I feel drawn by the Jesuit mission of service and because I experienced a great sense of welcome, enthusiasm and deep dedication of the staff and faculty of IPS to preparing people to not only lead extraordinary lives but preparing ministers to serve God’s people in extraordinary ways.

What degree plan are you in? I am in the MAPS program.

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing during your time here at Loyola IPS and how does that relate to your future goals?
I am looking forward to gaining real knowledge and self-awareness that will help direct my path to working in ministry full time.

Do you have a favorite class or one you look forward to taking?
So far, I have only taken Literature of Ancient Israel and Christian Origins, and I have really enjoyed them both.

In what way will you go forth to “change the world?”
I am a true believer in the mission of St. Ignatius to find God in all things. I pray that as I continue to be formed by my Loyola education, my ability to look first through the eyes of Jesus at situations and people I encounter will grow stronger and stronger. Ignatius changed the world through serving others. There’s no greater calling.

Are you currently working on any interesting project(s)?
I am writing an exegetical paper on part of the “The Road to Emmaus” story from the Gospel of Luke. I have always loved this post-resurrection account of the two disciples encountering Jesus on their journey. I am excited to delve into what the biblical text meant “when the ink was wet” as Fr. Madden says.


Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Faculty Profile: Michael Canaris

We are happy to announce that Dr. Michael Canaris has joined our faculty and will begin teaching classes this upcoming fall semester!

Canaris already has some great ideas and a lot of knowledge to offer our students. Moreover, he is eager to not only instruct them, but also to learn from them.

“I’m excited to teach not only the Church and Mission class, but related topics like hermeneutics, ecumenism, the theology of immigration, and the interpretation of Vatican II. I’ve also had wonderful experiences with a Theology of Hell class I designed (using Dante, Sartre, C.S. Lewis, Rahner/von Balthasar, etc.) and am currently trying to develop one on the Theology of Bergoglio/Francis, which will obviously include elements of his Ignatian spirituality. I’m hoping these may interest both administration and students at Loyola down the line. The pope’s recent call for theologians, and not just bishops, to have the ‘smell of their sheep’ has really resonated with me as I take up this position.”

Canaris is a valuable resource for IPS and we encourage students to reach out to him with any questions, help or just to say welcome to IPS.

Read his Q&A below to get to know more about Canaris and his different teachings, life lessons and some interesting facts you would not expect.


How did you feel when you were offered the position at IPS?
I spent fifteen years on Jesuit campuses, both as a student and teaching, and then the last few abroad in the UK and Rome, at universities which were not in that network. And while I love those international experiences and have developed some amazing friends, colleagues, and expanded horizons through them, my first instinct when I was offered the position was one of homecoming. That may sound strange, as I’m from the East Coast originally and have only visited Chicago without ever living there, but there was this overwhelming sense of returning to my roots and somehow being welcomed home by members of my Ignatian/AJCU family once again that went much deeper than just being back on American soil.

What are you looking forward to the most about teaching at IPS, and what are you looking forward to accomplishing while at IPS?
More than anything I’m excited about interacting with the students. Of course, the research facilities and institutional support for scholarship at a place like Loyola are unrivaled. But IPS offers such a unique environment for theologians and experts in various disciplines, where we as faculty members can help with formation of those who will be on the frontlines of the encounter between the church and the contemporary world. I honestly believe it’s a place where the faculty likely learn as much from the life experiences of our students as we can teach them. I’ve always been committed to viewing pedagogy as a sort of “co-traveling” toward wisdom and holistic learning. Loyola IPS seems a truly remarkable place for this type of exchange to take place.

What challenges do you foresee and how will you prepare for them? 
I have some experience teaching non-traditional students at various stops, both in America and at the Pontifical Beda College for second-career seminarians in Rome. I’m excited to broaden my perspectives teaching such a wide range of students as constitute the IPS, not only in terms of religious and denominational backgrounds, but especially those who for the most part differ markedly from 18-22 year-old traditional undergrads. There will undoubtedly be some challenges involved in planning successful classes and discussions in this new setting, but ones I feel confident, prepared and excited to find innovative techniques through which to foster transformational learning.

What can students expect when taking your classes, and what do you hope that they take away from your teachings?
Three themes from my own Jesuit education form the pillars of my approach to teaching: cura personalis, eloquentia perfecta, and seeking to become together “men and women for others.” Briefly for this setting: the first means my students will always be my main priority and I will always be accessible to them to help them grow holistically – whether it be intellectually, spiritually, socially, etc. The second demonstrates my conviction that it’s important not only to wrestle with the “big” questions in life about meaning, value, purpose, vocation, what it means to live a successful life, and the like, but also to develop skill sets for being able to articulate this beneficial wrestling clearly and convincingly to the church, academy and world. The last emphasizes the idea that neither theology/mission, nor any of the gifts we are given, are ultimately for our own advancement, but rather to serve our brothers and sisters in the human race, and the divine or transcendent however we come to name that reality in our lives.

Do you have a mentor or an experience in your life that helped shape who you are today? 
Whenever I stop to reflect on this, it honestly floors me how blessed I have been with almost mind-boggling mentors in the steps along my academic and spiritual journey. A question like this is difficult to answer without sounding like you are name-dropping! But, I’m also delighted to give credit where it is due. Brad Hinze, Paul Lakeland, Rick Ryscavage, and Beth Johnson have all been so supportive of my work and influential in my intellectual development. And Paul Murray at Durham University and I remain very close, in a friendship that transcends merely professional or academic interests at this point. However, my time spent studying under Francis A. Sullivan and then working for Avery Cardinal Dulles for five years, including not only assisting the latter with research and publishing, but also providing palliative care for him in his last days when he was suffering tremendously from post-polio syndrome, were probably the most formative experiences for me as a theologian.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time outside of the classroom?
I love all things Italian: culture, food, art, etc. I have been lucky to spend a lot of time there, as well as on the Spanish island of Mallorca, where I often visit in the summer months with friends who are at this point like family. I studied sports-journalism for a few years before theology, so I still love sports and am excited to adopt everything about life in Chicago – short of betraying my Eagles and Phillies.

Any fun facts about yourself or interesting story you wish to share?
My father was a federal agent who led the protection details for cabinet members and on many presidential trips across seven administrations. My mother was a teacher and substance abuse coordinator for a school district. My students always seem interested in that. I also have a very close friend who is a writer and producer for the TV show “Scandal.”


Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

RECongress Wrap-up

At IPS, it is about working hard and having meaningful conversation, all while enjoying the company you are with. During this year’s Religious Education Congress, a few of our team members showed exactly how that is done!

IPS was well represented this year by our Director Brian Schmisek, Enrollment Advisor Chrissy Sofranko, Coordinator of Parish Leadership and Management Programs Mark Bersano, and Coordinator of Student Services Koonal Patel.

For everyone, the main goal of the event was to get as many people as possible interested in IPS. The numerical goal was set at 80 new prospects, and by the end of the second day, they achieved that goal! Moreover, by the end of the third and final day, our IPS team had almost 100 new prospects!
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“We wanted to have really engaging interactions with people who came to our booth. We wanted them to leave remembering us more than any other university they interacted with,” commented Chrissy. “Being in the booth with Koonal, Mark and Brian is a lot of fun. We are all extraverted and energetic, so we created interactions that made us memorable to the participants.”

“Talking to the prospective students also gives us a chance to discern what they are looking for career wise and if IPS would be a good fit for them,” added Koonal.

Mark and Brian also made it a point to showcase the new programs at IPS and connect with alumni and friends who attended. It was also important for them to network with people that IPS could create potential partnerships with in the future.

The annual RECongress event is indeed very beneficial to IPS.

“It has been the most successful RECongress we have ever been to in terms of the number of people who stopped by our booth, the number of people who liked us on Facebook, the people who showed up at the alumni event, and the people interested in the new programs we have to offer,” noted Brian.

“We already have a lot of established relationships with speakers and constituents, so we want to foster those relationships,” added Chrissy. “We also want to reach out to students who are interested in our online programs. IPS offers three different Master degrees that can be pursued entirely online.”

Koonal made a good point when he said, “It is good to know what people want to do and what they are interested in, so at IPS, we can tailor our programs and classes to what is needed.”

With over 40,000 people at RECongress, the energy in the room is dynamic and palpable.

“Everybody is represented there. You can find Catholic publishers, rosary vendors, universities, seminaries, religious orders and more. This allows for great conversation for how to move things forward in the church with energy,” commented Mark.

“It was great just meeting so many people that have shared values and are interested in ministerial education,” added Brian.

This year was even more special because Brian was asked to lead two sessions during RECongress. During his talks, he discussed “Resurrection Faith” and “Pauline Spirituality for Lent.”

“It was a bonus to have those,” said Brian. “IPS attends each year and being asked to speak this year was an honor. It was great to connect with people who are interested in those topics.”


Everyone agreed that the IPS alumni and friends reception was their favorite part of the trip.

“It was a wonderful chance to talk to people and hear about their experiences at IPS. We were also able to brainstorm how we could work together in the future,” said Mark. “We even rounded up people at our booth to come to the event.”

“It was a great way to connect with our online students, who we do not always get to meet in person,” noted Koonal. “The reception is also more laid back, so we can have longer conversations with people and hear what they have been doing or are interested in doing.”

At the end of the IPS reception, guests were treated to a nice view of the Disneyland fireworks show. In fact, the Disney fireworks were so nice, that a few of our staff members even found their way to the park for some fun after the busy weekend.

Overall, they said it was a successful and fun event, and they look forward to next year! Not to mention how nice it was to be in California in March.

With over 40,000 people in attendance, RECongress is the largest annual gathering of its kind in the world. It hosts a variety of workshops, exhibitors and more.


The theme for this year was “See” or “Ver.” It was chosen from the blind man’s encounter in John 9: 1-41.

The Congress says, “Reflecting on this amazing scenario, our imaginations are stretched, we are drawn to see beneath the surface and discover the paradox: the blind man is the one who sees while the seeing ones are entombed in their own darkness… Spiritual blindness is at the center of the exchange and the challenge for all is to see at a deeper level… We are encouraged then to renew our vision, open up to the life-changing Light of Christ, and lead others to See anew.”



Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

IPS Celebrates Six Retiring Faculty Members

As this year comes to an end, IPS must say goodbye to six incredible faculty members. It has been an honor to have each of them as members of the IPS and greater Loyola community. They have been mentors for our students, enriched the lives of everyone at IPS and continue to be leaders in the community. You will always be a part of IPS.
Thank you.

140820_WTC_Summer02Please read what our IPS retirees would like to share:

Stephen Krupa, S.J.
“The IPS years have been very special for me. I will miss most my IPS Faculty and Staff colleagues and, of course, the students. I am grateful for all that my students and colleagues taught me over the years, and I hope that I contributed to the moving forward of the gospel and mission of Jesus by what I taught while at the Institute.”

Mary Christine Athans, BVM, Ph.D.
“As a Loyola alum from my undergraduate days, it has been wonderful to be teaching at IPS since I returned to Chicago in 2002. The enthusiasm, remarkable background and diversity of the students as well as my marvelous colleagues at IPS made my first ‘retirement’ a joy. Thank you for becoming a special part of my life!”

Dr. James Whitehead
Dr. Evelyn Whitehead
“Over forty years the Institute of Pastoral Studies has been for us a community of colleagues and friends, a fruitful setting for our ministry, and our spiritual home. We are most grateful!”

Dr. Gerard Egan
Dr. Jeanette Egan
“We would like to thank Fr. Garanzini for his tenure as President. The improvements we have witnessed in the years we taught here at Loyola (Gerry 40, Jeanette 29) have been amazing. Thank you Fr. Garanzini.

Next, we would like to thank all the IPS directors, faculty and staff from Fr. Jerry O’Leary to the present. THANK YOU ALL. We especially like to thank Paul Giblin for his help in experimenting with a variety of ways in teaching the counseling skills courses, but also in suggesting ways to develop the core of these courses, which we have team taught since IPS offered a MA in Pastoral Counseling. THANK YOU PAUL.

Lastly, and most importantly, we wish to thank our students, male and female, lay and religious, young and not so young, from over a dozen countries around the world. You have been wonderful, helping us in every instance to form communities of trust which are essential for our mode of teaching. You have enriched our lives. We have learned, grown and had some good times together. THANK YOU to each and everyone of you.

We will miss the IPS community.”

flagsPlease join us on April 10th for a retirement celebration as we say farewell to these six wonderful IPS faculty members. We will celebrate and honor their achievements, remarkable careers and devoted service in their communities.


Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Student Feature: Meet Tom

Between computer science, cooking, family and training for triathlons, Tom Micinski has found a way to pursue his MAPS degree from IPS. Find out more below about his many talents and work with St. Teresa of Avila Parish. Happy to have you Tom!

Photo of Micinski at graduation from the Lay Ecclesial Ministry (LEM) program with the Archdiocese of Chicago.


Hometown: Mishawaka, Indiana

A favorite of yours?
My favorite hobby is cooking. I worked as a personal chef and caterer for about 10 years, but now cooking is just a hobby.

A quote that has significance to you?
“Whoever has God lacks nothing; God Alone Suffices” – St. Teresa of Avila

What is your previous education?
I have a BS from Northern Illinois University in Computer Science and I have a MS from DePaul University in Computer Science (Data Communications).

What were you doing before beginning your IPS journey?
I have been working as the Facilities Manager at St. Teresa of Avila Parish in Lincoln Park for the past six years. Before that, I was a cook for a religious community in Chicago.

What made you decide to come to Loyola IPS?
I was accepted to the Lay Ecclesial Ministry (LEM) program with the Archdiocese of Chicago. Part of this program includes a masters level education component and I chose Loyola for my studies within the LEM program.

What are your studies focused on?
My studies are focused on pastoral work, especially as they relate to Catholic parish-life. I am enrolled in the MAPS program at Loyola. At the end of my education, I hope to work as a Pastoral Associate within the Archdiocese of Chicago.

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing during your time here at Loyola IPS and how does that relate to your future goals?
Right now, the biggest accomplishment I am looking forward to is graduating! With a full-time job and children in middle school, completing the MAPS degree program is proving to be a challenging endeavor.

Do you have a favorite class or one you look forward to taking?
I have enjoyed all my classes at Loyola. The teachers have been very knowledgeable about the subject matter and the classroom discussions have been engaging. If I had to pick one, I think I would pick Christian Moral Theology because many of the components of this class pertain directly to my life and work. Introduction to Canon Law, which I am currently enrolled in, is proving to be a close second because it will have direct applications to my future work as a Pastoral Associate.

Do you see any challenges you will have to overcome during your time here? If so, what is one of them?
The biggest challenge I face is balancing my time between work, family and studies.

Do you have any recommendations for future students?
Ask a lot of questions and engage with your professors and fellow students. You never know what ‘spark’ will come out of a conversation.

In what way will you go forth to “change the world?”
The progression of my life has not been a straight path; it has been more like a winding road. Therefore, I have a hard time picturing exactly what lies ahead around the next curve. I just hope I can help meet the needs of the parishioners at a parish, bringing them closer to God’s Kingdom.

Are you currently working on any interesting project(s) that you wish to share?
The parish where I work, St. Teresa of Avila Parish, is currently working on a major church renovation. The parish has been in Lincoln Park for 125 years and many people can drive by the church without knowing it is a Catholic church. It was rebuilt in the 1960s after a fire, so the structure is more modern than the typical Catholic church in Chicago. One goal of this renovation is to make the parish’s presence more visible within the community by replacing the front brick wall with a variety of glass windows, including some stained glass windows from the original convent. It has been an exciting project and is scheduled to be completed before Easter!

What is a fun fact or story about you?
I love the outdoors and staying active. After heart surgery about four years ago, I got involved with triathlons as part of my recovery. I am now hooked on the sport because it allows me to enjoy the outdoors in a variety of ways; running, biking and swimming.


Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

Faculty Profile: Meet Fr. Madden

Father Patrick Madden is returning for a fourth semester at IPS. He will be teaching an online course: Introduction to the New Testament.

Fr. Madden holds a degree in Biblical Studies from The Catholic University of America and currently serves as a priest for the Catholic Diocese of Shreveport, Louisiana. Previously, Fr. Madden was a full-time hospital chaplain for eight years and has experience teaching at both St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore and the University of Dallas. In addition, he served as Director of the Greco Institute and remains there as adjunct faculty.


During his time at IPS, Fr. Madden hopes that his students get to understand that God’s dealings with His people are a historical development.

“The main mistake that beginners make is that people think they will find the teachings of the church in the Bible. Nobody who wrote the Bible believed in Original Sin or the Blessed Trinity or the divine nature of Jesus, but all of these are legitimate developments of biblical thought,” noted Fr. Madden.

One of his favorite phrases is, “What did it mean when the ink was wet?”

“A concrete example of this would be the meaning of the phrase ‘Son of God.’ Every author of the NT agrees that Jesus is the ‘Son of God,’ but each understands this differently. For example, Matthew and Luke understand ‘Son of God’ as involving a miraculous conception. By contrast, knowing nothing of a miraculous conception, Paul links Jesus’ divine sonship with the resurrection (Rom 1:4). John also displays no awareness of a miraculous conception, but has no hesitation to link Jesus with the ‘Word’ that existed with God in the beginning. The richness of the NT is revealed when we examine the details of precisely what each author means. A common mistake of beginners is to ‘read right past’ such a phrase, and think, ‘I know what Son of God means: I say it every Sunday in the creed: eternally begotten of the Father, true God from true God, etc.’ However, importing this later (valid) development of Christian theology back into the NT will result in a misunderstanding of what the biblical authors were teaching.”

Fr. Madden hopes that he and his students can remember to be humble because “we know a lot less than we think we know.”

Moreover, he believes that the evolution of the church is not over. He poses the questions:

  • If Paul in Romans 16 calls the woman Junia an apostle, what would successors of the apostles look like in the church today?
  • What is our pastoral response going to be to the questions that we are facing today?

“We honor the great saints and those who have gone before us, not by repeating their answers, but by doing what they did – getting the core message of Christianity into dialogue with the events and the spirit of the times,” said Fr. Madden. “There is continuity, but there is also diversity.”

Above all else, he wants this class to be pastoral. “I can show them the evolution, but it is up to the students to take what they learn in my class, and other classes, to find out how the gospel gets incarnate in each of their chosen ministries,” said Fr. Madden. “For me, the study of scripture has been immensely liberating, and I love to teach adults because they are here because they want to be.”

Fr. Madden says his favorite part about teaching is that it forces him to learn. “They say if you want to learn something, teach it. You don’t really understand something until you have to explain it,” stated Fr. Madden. “I learn from the research I do and I also learn from the feedback I get from students. They keep this 66 year old young. I love to learn. It keeps my mind active.”

IPS is happy to welcome Fr. Madden back and is looking forward to this new semester with great faculty.


Join the conversation by following @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! Also, network with the Loyola Chicago IPS community on LinkedIn.

IPS Continues to Bring Events to the Community

Loyola IPS is busy year-round developing, sponsoring and hosting various events that bolster its mission of educating adults for professional ministry, spiritual development and faith-based leadership.

On Friday, November 7, IPS hosted its second retreat. The theme of the event was an “Advent Retreat for Teachers.”

During the retreat, multimedia was used to help teachers access scripture and their own personal faith stories. The event also showcased tools to help educators evoke the same response in their students.

In addition, this retreat was used as a day of renewal for professionals who do not always have the time to put energy back into their own spirituality and well-being.

Attendees included over 50 elementary, middle school and secondary teachers from seven different Catholic schools across the area. Enjoy some photos from the event below:


The next day, IPS partnered with the School of Continuing and Professional Studies to sponsor a Speakers Bureau Workshop Series event held at St. Donatus Parish.

At the event, Dr. Salvador Gutíerrez from GUSSI Coaching talked about “Managing Results in a Diverse World,” which included a theoretical lecture and team building exercises on topics like emotional intelligence, working with teams and working jointly with other parishes.

Our goal at IPS is to serve the Church though innovative educational programming delivered around the Archdiocese. This event took place in Vicariate VI and was beneficial to the Hispanic community in that area. Parishioners from several local parishes attended.

Below are some comments we received from participants about their experience:

  • “I am aware that I need to be more patient when taking care of my husband. I will do a conscious effort to improve in this area.”
  • “This exercise affirmed the need to work in team and to recognize the talents of others when ministering to youth.”
  • “Often times, I do not communicate well, especially when my emotions are not in place. I know I need to control my temper and think about the impact of my words.”
Here are some photos from this successful event:

Did you attend any recents events with IPS? Share your experience in the comments below! Do you want to find out more about upcoming events? Visit our website!

Also, for more updates and information, follow @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram!

A Reflection With Sr. Carol

On Saturday, October 25, Sister Carol Keehan delivered a motivating and challenging speech during our 50th Anniversary Celebration. If you have a few minutes, I encourage you to read and reflect on her remarks below.

“Thank you very much for the honor of speaking with you tonight on this great occasion.  You are celebrating a wonderful service to the entire Church. When I looked at the focus of your institute and thought of how many lives have been touched by your students and graduates over the past 50 years, it struck me as incredible. My congratulations to Michael Garanzini, President and CEO of Loyola, to Brian Schmisek, your director and to the entire faculty and all the supporters of this wonderful Institute of Pastoral Studies.

Fifty years is an incredible accomplishment and a great anniversary. When these things come up, it is always a challenge to determine how to best celebrate and acknowledge this. I can tell you as someone who is looking at 100 years at an association next year, we are struggling to determine the best way to celebrate.  And then I thought of you and what you have for celebrating your achievement. And I have to admit you have really pulled it off with pizazz. First of all, you have a new Pope whose obsession is pastoral care, whose focus is clearly the family and evangelizing people where they are because God loves them so much and welcomes them with mercy and we should do no less. If there was ever a moment in the sun for pastoral theology studies, this is your moment and I am so pleased that it is occurring on your 50th anniversary.

Your Institute was a wonderful response to the exhortations of Vatican II and the documents that came out of it. In addition, your early curriculum has continued to respond so well to changing needs and situations. You have assembled a stellar faculty that you should be so proud of. I am especially grateful as someone in health care to see the focus you are bringing to that important arena. We have a great need for well-prepared pastoral care staff and mission leaders. And that need is only going to get more significant in the foreseeable future. Thank you for taking this on in such a professional and credible way.

Now, I have delivered the good news. The challenging news that I have to deliver is that the world today has even greater needs than it did when you were founded 50 years ago. It is bloodier and more dysfunctional. Our world, whether we talk about our neighborhood, our country or our globe, is suffering so much. We could each recite a litany of the overwhelming issues that so often result in violence to self and others as well as the mental, physical and spiritual poverty that afflicts us all no matter where we live. Couple this with a media system and communication structure that not only saturate us but often drown out any alternative message.

The extreme polarization in almost any of our life systems, whether they be family, neighborhood, religions, civil society, government and even our Church, not only leave us drained and disillusioned but can obscure hope. We shudder to think of the impact of this on children.

Yet, we are a people confirmed in hope. A hope not based on a new product, technique or approach that will fix this, but a hope that based on the message and promises of Jesus Christ. Your program is a striking example of that – built on the eternal truths, not counseling techniques, pop psychology, etc. You do what you do because you believe in the dignity of each person no matter what externals obscure that. And you believe in redemption and the possibility to grow into greatness.

Our world at every level hungers to know and believe this. Just look at the response to our new Pope over the last 18 months. How many people who never talk to us about faith or religion, or if they did it was to lament the abuse scandal, now cannot stop quoting the Pope. He is suddenly everyone’s Pope and has been said so often, he hasn’t changed a single rule or theological truth. He has been pastoral.

You as an institute of pastoral theology understand his approach best, you realize the ultimate aim of theology is to pastor the people of God. You have developed such impressive programs to meet and accompany people where they are, in some of the toughest times of their lives.

You understand that there is no incompatibility between the immutable teachings of our faith and the most profound one of all of those teachings, the love and mercy God has for each of us. You also know well the need and power of accompaniment. The potential of grace to do great things in each of us, no matter where we start. Just look at history, St. Paul, St. Augustine, Jacques and Raissa Maritian, Dorothy Day to name only a few of great lovers of God who didn’t show much promise at one stage of their lives and even less orthodoxy. We continue to marvel at what Grace accomplished each of them. It is a core teaching of our faith that that Grace is still operative today.

The last three weeks have been very challenging and at the same time hopeful for many of us. When did a Synod ever get more attention? Listening to the deep concerns many bishops have for those who cannot receive communion, who feel rejected by their church, who long to follow their children up the aisle, and to married people who want their church to appreciate the beauty of married love, the challenges our cultures present today, their love for all their children and their pain at the way some are treated at times. The frank and open discussions about offering the welcome and mercy of God and not appearing to compromise important commandments of God and the wisdom of church teaching over the centuries was heartening in so many ways.

Unfortunately, in some instances these discussions appear to have been hijacked by some in the Church and the media, the loudest and most strident voices now seem to dominate the conversation. We cannot let this continue to be the case throughout this year as we journey to the October 2015 Synod.

That is where you come in, what a way to celebrate your 50th anniversary if you could focus your tremendous knowledge on both theology and pastoral theology to help the church at every level find a way forward, a way that allows “the God of surprises” to show us the best way to express and live out the profound compatibility of his Commandments and his welcoming mercy. You, of all groups of theologians, have the most potential to help the church be loyal to both of these immutable truths. Your exploration of this challenge during the coming year could be an enduring gift to the church.

You know how much families need the support of a robust faith life that includes sacramental participation and also how important it is to have such profound respect for marriage vows that living them fully and not tossing them aside at the first problem becomes a priority for couples and the Church as she accompanies them. You have the experience of working with couples who have incredibly beautiful marriages after working through hard issues.

You have also seen marriages that have no potential to survive as sacramental unions and often do great harm to the partners and their children.

I would say that probably no group of theologians more than those in pastoral theology knows better the importance of family and children for achieving happiness and the eternal salvation of the partners.

The sacredness of all families is clear from St. Paul’s words to the Ephesians, “this then is what I pray, kneeling before the father, from whom every family, whether spiritual or natural takes its name.”  All families not just those that are models of virtue.

Exploring this and being a voice that genuinely respects both important values and finds a path as the Psalmist prays “that we may know Lord your way on earth” would be such a blessing for so many.

I cannot believe that it is impossible to do this. Commandments and truths of our faith are never threatened by God’s mercy. Being scandalized by Mercy unfortunately has been a problem for centuries. And it is never when we are closest to the heart of our God. I would also say I think it is dangerous to our own souls. It is one of the things that seemed to irritate Jesus most in the Gospels.

There is a French play that describes the last judgment and the virtuous and the condemned have been judged and each are in line waiting to go to their eternal rewards or damnation when suddenly a rumor starts to circulate that God has decided that all are to be saved and everyone is getting into heaven. At that point, the righteous start to complain, it’s not fair, they haven’t worked as hard, haven’t been as pure etc. and in that instant they are condemned.

It is safer to be on the side of Mercy.

You began 50 years ago in response to Vatican II and in particular to the document Gaudium et Spes, The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World.  As I reread this beautiful document, I was struck at how often it notes the church’s role in helping to read the signs of the times, the realities of our world today and how to help families fully live their faith in the midst of these.

I hope you will be incentivized to take up the challenge of helping our church at all levels find a way to be the instrument of God’s mercy and at the same time fully express its clear commitment to the sacred teachings that are so much a part of our faith today. You have so much to offer and I will pray you will share that with our Church.”


Student Feature: Meet Mary

This week, we would like you to get to know a little more about Mary Hahn and her experience with IPS thus far.


Hometown: I currently live in Roselle, IL

A favorite thing: I enjoy running and have completed a half marathon

Previous education: I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education

What were you doing before beginning your IPS journey?
I have been a junior high school language art teacher for the past 26 years

What made you decide to come to Loyola IPS?
Loyola has the best hospital chaplaincy program in the Midwest

What are your studies focused on?
I am pursuing a Master of Arts degree in Pastoral Studies, health care/hospital chaplain concentration

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing during your time here at Loyola IPS?
I would really like to graduate the program with honors

Do you have a favorite class or one you look forward to taking?
I am really looking forward to the class, Ministry of Suffering

Do you see any challenges you will have to overcome during your time here?
Just having enough time in the day to be a student, a teacher, a wife and a mother at the same time

Do you have any advice for future students?
Don’t rush the program, allow enough time to absorb what you are learning in your classes, not just trying to get them done

In what way will you go forth to “change the world?”
I would like to be working in a behavioral health center with teens

Are you currently working on any interesting project(s) that you wish to share?
I am part of a Marian Bible Study right now that is really beautiful


For more exciting news and updates, follow @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram! 

Study Abroad and Take a Roman Holiday with IPS

Registration is now open for our Rome Program, Summer 2015.

Occurring June 21 – July 1, the focus of study will be “Peacebuilding in a Global, Interfaith Context,” taught by Dr. Marian Diaz.

This course will explore the theory and practice of peacebuilding from a primarily Catholic perspective. Catholic Social Teaching and interfaith perspectives on peacebuilding will be emphasized in light of contemporary situations. A focus on a variety of Catholic organizations engaging in peacebuilding will help students explore current approaches to peacebuilding.

This is an opportunity not to be missed! Previous participants have said:

  • “All of the tours were excellent and the sites were well chosen. There was a great variety and very relevant to the course work.”
  • “I thoroughly enjoyed all of it, from the class, the dinner, the tours and the mass celebrated with father Krupa. The fellowship of the students was also wonderful and enriching on so many levels.”
  • “I would just encourage each IPS student to try and make this trip during their time in the program, it is a once in a lifetime experience.”
  • “The schedule of events for sightseeing/excursions were second to none. I felt like I had the insider’s view everywhere we went. Everyone was thoughtful to be inclusive as the days unfolded. No one was left behind. The group looked out for one another and truly made a community.”

Visit the Rome program’s website to find out more about:

  • Early bird discounts (register before Dec. 19)
  • Alumni discounts
  • How to register and make payments
  • International Study Scholarship opportunities
  • The itinerary & course description
  • Answers to frequently asked questions

To learn more, you may also contact Gina Lopez at 312.915.7450 or

Enjoy these photos from our last trip:

For more exciting news and updates, follow @BrianSchmisek on Twitter and @LoyolaIPS on Instagram!