Author Archives: Jessamyn Anderson

IPS Enrollment Advisor Mariclare Kanaley settles in

Mariclare Kanaley began her new role as IPS Enrollment Advisor this past January.

Courtesy of LUC GPEM

Earlier this semester, IPS Associate Dean Peter Jones introduced Mariclare, writing “Mariclare comes to IPS with a range of experiences that will no doubt enable her to succeed in this role. A graduate of Marquette with a degree in education and an appreciation for the Jesuit mission, she is also bilingual, having lived and studied in Spain for two years. Mariclare was most recently a teacher at St Matthias School here in Chicago (teaching Spanish and also religion courses).”

We recently sat down with Mariclare to learn more about our new enrollment advisor.

Mariclare with her family

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?  (Grew up where, family, etc.) I grew up in Glenview, IL, a bit north of Chicago, with my parents, older brother, two younger sisters, and our dog. We all attended elementary school, high school, and college together (yes, all four of us, by choice!) and afterward went our separate ways. My parents still live in Glenview and after a few years of all working and living in different states and countries, we are all back in Chicago within a few miles of one another. My family is the most important part of my life!

What is your current role at IPS? I am the Enrollment Advisor for IPS. I work with prospective students and applicants of our programs as they determine which areas match their interests, how they are going to finance their education, and I try my best to be as supportive as possible as these candidates take a very important step in their personal and educational journey. I offer personalized conversation by e-mail, and encourage students to sign up for a one-on-one appointment with me to take the time to walk through all of their questions. That’s my favorite part of my role! I love getting to know the people interested in IPS programming and helping find solutions to questions, problems, or worries with the help of the IPS and GPEM staff. A one-on-one meeting can take place over the phone, over an online face-to-face program called Zoom, or in my office here at Chicago’s Water Tower Campus. Interested students can sign up for a meeting on the Enrollment Advisor Appointment Page!

What were you involved in prior to working at IPS? Before joining IPS in January, I had been a classroom teacher for 8 years. I taught middle school in Milwaukee, Spain, and Chicago – they continue to be some of the best years and most inspiring moments of my life. I have a passion for educating, caring, and understanding, and am a big supporter of teachers, adolescents, and parents everywhere. Outside of the classroom I taught yoga – I specialized in hot power yoga and yin restorative yoga; while I don’t currently teach, I still practice as often as I can!

How did you discern IPS to be a next step? I mentioned earlier that my siblings and I all attended the same schools, and both our high school and our university were Jesuit. I saw what an impact Jesuit education had on our character formation, and wanted to stay connected.  Loyola University had always been a dream for me, and I felt that my background and skill set as a teacher would be helpful in the role as the Enrollment Advisor at IPS. I feel truly blessed to be here and continue to learn and grow surrounded by the teams and communities in which I work.

Are you currently involved in other formal pursuits, other than IPS?       I am pursuing my MA in Community Counseling, another goal of mine.

What are some of your favorite Chicago-related pursuits? I love to walk around the city and enjoy the life and architecture, but not during winter! Chicago has a wealth of wonderful restaurants that I like to try, and discovering new places with culture and history is one of my favorite parts of this city.

Finally, can you share a personal spiritual practice that continues to restore and re-energize your mind, body, heart and spirit?     Yoga and meditation are part of my self-care practice. Clearing my mind and ensuring I am available to meet others’ needs was a necessity as a teacher, and it has become a part of my standard restoration practice. There are plenty of apps and tutorials if anyone is interested in trying something new!

We want to thank Mariclare for sharing with us, and we wish her all the best in this new life chapter.

Finally, to view a video of Mariclare prepared by Loyola Chicago’s Graduate and Professional Enrollment Management team, click here.

You can reach Mariclare Kanaley at
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Michael Bland promoted to Adjunct Associate Professor

Long-time Adjunct Faculty member Michel Bland has recently been promoted to Adjunct Associate Professor.

Dr. Bland is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and works as an educator, therapist, a consultant, and a psychometrician.  Dr. Bland has a wide-range of experience in providing direct clinical services to adolescents and adults with post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, as well as individuals dealing with identity issues, life changes, including vocational, employment, relational issues, grief/loss, and geriatric issues in various clinical settings.  Dr. Bland also has provided outreach to victims of sexual abuse including providing individual counseling and group therapy for victims and their families.

We recently asked Professor Bland to share with the IPS community.

How long have you been affiliated with IPS?  In what capacity?        I am completing the end of my tenth year. 

Are you currently involved in other formal pursuits, other than IPS?        I have a private practice on the north side of Chicago.

What classes are you currently teaching this semester?        This semester I am teaching: IPS 512: Ethics for Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Direction, IPS 520: Testing, Measurement & Assessment, and in the fall, I will be teaching IPS 509: Psychopathology.

What continues to draw you to IPS?        After being invited as a guest speaker a few times, I quickly found the spirit and mission of IPS to be very attractive, and in the Spring of 2009, I was asked to teach Psychopathology. I remain because of that same spirit, ministry, and passion. I enjoy the community and the diversity of the student population.

Can you share a personal spiritual practice that continues to restore and re-energize your mind, body, heart and spirit?        I find it important for me to take quiet time for myself to be able to find my foundation and center. I also enjoy having Labrador Retrievers as they remind me to relax, enjoy and walk! Walking them a few miles a day forces me to enjoy the outdoors as well as my time with them!

We congratulate Professor Bland on his recent promotion and hope that he continues to be part of the formation of IPS students.

You can reach Professor Michael Bland at

Racism and The Church: A Community Conversation on ‘Open Wide Our Hearts’

On April 4th, IPS hosted Racism and The Church: A Community Conversation on ‘Open Wide Our Hearts’ at Regents Hall in Lewis Towers.

April 4, 2019 at Regents Hall

The IPS community gathered to explore further issues of race in our context and to foster a communal reflection and discussion.  Panelists discussed the pastoral letter on racism (“Open Wide Our Hearts“) issued by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in November 2018.

To view the livestream panel video, click this link.

To view photos, click this link.

Scheduled speaker Donna Grimes (Assistant Director of African American Affairs, Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, USCCB) was unable to attend but has graciously recorded a video of her thoughts on the ‘Open Wide Our Hearts’ pastoral letter.

To view Ms. Grimes’s video, please click on this link.

Donna Grimes has also provided the following summary of her thoughts on the November 2018 pastoral letter:

I can’t resist comparing the anticipation in the Catholic community surrounding this Pastoral Letter with the Muller Report.  There are countless parallels – rising concerns, an urgent demand for explanations, cries for justice.

The emergency became evident for the bishops with violence in Charlottesville in August 2017.  But, around the country, concerns have long been brewing in the Black community…the recorded beating of Rodney King, the killing of Amadou Diallo, the murder of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and so many more Black men.  And, not to be forgotten, Black women – Sandra Bland, Rekia Boyd.  And the children – Tamir Rice and many victims of drive-by shootings…Too many precious lives stolen.  Few perpetrators are convicted and sentenced.  Cases dropped.  Not guilty verdicts.  Few grieving families are comforted.  Mainstream America’s response including that of the bishops has been anemic rather than outrage and policy.  From the bishops we heard: Stay peaceful, pray, don’t turn your anger toward the police and All Lives Matter.

Why haven’t our church leaders probed and responded to the underlying issues?  I believe it’s because with the exception of abortion, they are mainstream America.  Without taking anything away from individual bishops – particularly in areas with headline cases who reacted with public statements of compassion and community level action – what I’m saying is that their silence has been maddening!  And, there’s no excuse for apparent lack of awareness or understanding of institutional racism.  Fr. Bryan Massingale’s book, Racial Justice and the Catholic Church and Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow have been available for a decade.

The key contribution of this Pastoral Letter has been a platform — to open the door to dialog and action; to begin or resume the work of dismantling racism; to engage in difficult conversations together and within our own circles about racism in the neighborhood and in the Church.  What we can do is not change the channel.  We should address racism together at times, but it’s vital to work on racism within our own groups.  In-group conversations will differ for White people and People of Color.  For instance, White people could focus on white identity, what it means to be White in America and in the world and learning real American history.  People of Color could examine how they internalize racialized messages and concentrate on empowerment strategies.  The Pastoral Letter encourages self-reflection for everyone without implying that everyone should reflect in the same way.

I appreciate various critiques I’ve read about the Pastoral Letter Against Racism.  Whatever shortcomings are exposed in the text of Open Wide Our Hearts, I have to give credit where it’s due.  For instance, despite advice to center on the abuse crisis exclusively at their November 2018 meeting, they decided to keep the letter on their agenda.  Then the bishops approved it with a nearly unanimous vote (2 no, 1 abstention).  Bottom line (P.4):  What they said was, “What is needed, and what we are calling for, is a genuine conversion of heart, a conversion that will compel change, and the reform of our institutions and society.”

Conversion of heart that compels change and reforms our institutions and society is a heavy lift.  But, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

The bishops are correct about what is needed but can we honestly expect them to know how to make it happen?  As Dr. Shawnee Daniels-Sykes (Mt. Mary University) pointed out in a recent post about the Pastoral Letter, it’s only been 50 years since racial segregation was “outlawed.”  But, this is a young country and we have a much longer history of subjugating Black people, other people of color and poor white people.

The good news is that the ball is in our court now.  We could press our own bishops to say more (and do more) to manifest their conviction that Racism is a Life Issue.  Ask, what’s the plan for the diocese for dismantling racism?  How will dismantling racism be addressed in seminaries?  Catholic schools?  Parishes?  How will this imperative play out in hiring and contracting practices?  In the distribution of resources?  Ask your pastor to preach on racism, to create space for courageous conversations in the parish.  The Pastoral Letter calls on all elements of the Church to take action: individuals, families, institutions and organizations.

Catholic colleges, universities – even pastoral institutes – have tremendous opportunities to study, reflect and act; and most importantly, to form anti-racist actors who are our future lawyers, doctors, educators, policy-makers, parents, clergy, business owners, etc.  This means acknowledging the unspoken American value of White Supremacy, a cultural value that is right up there with Freedom and Democracy, recognizing White Privilege, facing White Fragility about race and overcoming these impediments to racial justice.

USCCB staff are finding their way toward implementing the Pastoral Letter Against Racism and assisting Catholic entities to do the same.  Offices are being reminded of the bishops’ stated commitment to engage in efforts to resist racism – to reconsider their approaches, resource materials and methods of advancing the Church’s mission via evangelization and catechesis, youth ministry, priestly formation, and liturgy for example.  In some cases, it’s as fundamental as pointing out that there are other people in the room and one size does not fit all.

One action that I’m especially excited about is working with Catholic schools to address how the history of Native Americans and African Americans is presented in the curriculum.  Another is the listening sessions that the Ad Hoc Committee and staff are arranging in dioceses around the country.  A Study Guide is in development.  The USCCB website provides numerous resources e.g., K-12 lesson plan suggestions, brief backgrounders and parish aids, with more coming.

I’m encouraged by more bright lights, e.g., the creativity of Youth artist-activists like the spoken word collaborative, Split This Rock, by which a diverse group of teens use poetry and art to explore social justice issues.  And, there are the emerging young community organizers who tackle the intersectionality of race with other justice issues.

Speaking of organizers, this reminds me that the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has been going strong for 50 years.  Read stories of hope as CCHD funds racial & economic justice empowerment projects.

I’d like to close with this inspiring message sent by a friend:

A door is much smaller than the house

A lock is much smaller, compared to the door

A key is the smallest of all,

but a key can open the entire house

Thus a small, thoughtful solution can solve major problems.

Let’s get started!

Thank you to all the speakers and those who attended for their presence and commitment to ensuring our faith community remains dynamic and inclusive.

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IPS Alumnus Publishes New Book “Woven Together : Faith and Justice for the Earth and the Poor”

In his new book, Woven Together: Faith and Justice for the Earth and the Poor, James Mastaler makes the case that now, more than ever, it is critical that religious stories encompass a call to moral responsibility for the earth and to the global poor.

James is an alumnus of the Master of Arts in Social Justice program at the Institute of Pastoral Studies and he has a PhD in theology from Loyola.

James S. Mastaler, PhD

The book, with a foreword by distinguished environmental philosopher Holmes Rolston III, has been endorsed by Bill McKibben as a “good-hearted and useful effort to bridge some of the gaps between communities of faith and the environmental justice movement.”

*For an extended description of the book and additional reviews, see​

*Readers are encouraged to connect with the author in the Facebook Group “WE ARE #WovenTogether” or on Twitter @JamesMastaler

*Available wherever books are sold​​ in paperback and e-reader versions, including Kindle on Amazon, or from your local independent bookstore (such as Chicago’s Unabridged Books​).

“Everyone in the room is now your cheerleader.”

A Warm Welcome to New IPS Students from SEC Chair, Hannah Thompson

During last week’s New Student Orientation, Student Engagement Committee (SEC) chair Hannah Thompson welcomed all new IPS students with warmth and energy, delivering the below:

“You are about to embark on an amazing journey!  You should be so excited.  I am a part-time social justice student.   I commute from Elmhurst every week.  For undergraduate, I got my degree in communications. When I graduated from Elmhurst College, I interned at different nonprofits, did some advocacy work with the Federal Communications Commission and the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation for five years then came back to school.”

“In this department, I have had Dr. Mike Canaris and Dr. Peter Jones as professors.  They were tremendous.  Everyone here wants you to succeed.  I feel like they know you will do the work.  As a student who takes twice the time it takes you to do a paper, I can attest that the workload is reasonable.  This is graduate school.  Feel welcome to communicate with professors but you cannot afford to not put in the effort.  As long as they know you’re trying, they will help you.  For example, in Mike’s class, I was doing well on the assignments, but I wanted to throw the textbook out the window.  I expressed that to him, and he said, “I know you don’t have a background in theology.  It’s okay.”  We worked through it.  Every single professor wants you to succeed.  They truly do.”

Photo Source: Chicago Parent Magazine

“Ok, now I get to talk about the fun stuff!  I am the Student Engagement Committee (SEC) chair.  Last year, I was sitting where you are.  I decided to go to the first meeting.  It’s really fun.  Now, I’m in a leadership position.  With my disability, I could have easily been the online student that no one really knew.  That identify did not sit with me very well.  Getting involved really and truly is rewarding.  For one, I can walk into a classroom and have an idea of who that professor is and vice versa.  Your experience is so much richer if you get involved.  We also need members to make the Student Engagement Committee work.  The majority graduated last spring so I hope you at least come to the first meeting scheduled for September 5th at 3 o’clock.  We won’t have it the first week because that would be crazy but the second week on Sep 5th at 3pm, please come.  Getting involved only leads to good things.

“To sum up, everyone in the room is now your cheerleader.  We need to be present.  Get to know people.  These professors have touched my life.  This is a very devoted group of faculty that will challenge you while respecting your beliefs.  As for me, I’m the woman using a wheelchair, who uses a communication device to speak, usually in pink.  I’m real easy to recognize.  I want to get to know you.  I hope to see you around and chat.”

May the entire IPS family have a blessed academic 2018-2019 year and continue its mission to facilitate the integrated ministerial development of diverse and dynamic leaders for creative, compassionate, and courageous service to church and society.


If you want to reach out to Hannah directly, you can email her at  To learn more about IPS, go to  For those interested in applying to IPS, go to

IPS Continues To Invest In Students By Awarding Merit-Based Scholarships

Over the last two years, Loyola University Chicago’s Institute of Pastoral Studies (IPS) has awarded close to 40 merit-based scholarships to various students in an effort to continue its mission to facilitate the integrated ministerial development of diverse and dynamic leaders for creative, compassionate, and courageous service to church and society.

“Due to the generosity of many benefactors, we can provide these scholarships to our students so upon graduation they can make a meaningful difference unencumbered by high levels of debt. We believe the world needs our students,” said Brian Schmisek, director of Loyola’s Institute of Pastoral Studies. “These scholarships reflect the hope and promise we see in them and their bright futures.”

Every year, IPS administers a limited set of scholarship and grant funds.  IPS awards merit scholarships and ministry grants on the basis of academic achievement, leadership, embodiment of the IPS mission, and commitment to social justice.  Merit awards cover a portion of for-credit tuition for the duration of the academic year in a degree program at the institute. Some of the scholarships offered include:

Deacon WP Worden Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Richard C. and Rosemary K. Leach Endowed Scholarship
Blanche Marie Gallagher B. V. M. Endowed Scholarship
Joan G. & Leonard D. Richman Family Foundation Scholarship
Ginny Lynch Memorial Scholarship
Rachel (Randy) Gibbons Endowed Scholarship
Robert O’Gorman Endowed Scholarship

Richard Daly is in his 3rd year at IPS pursuing the M.A. in Pastoral Counseling.  When asked about how receiving an IPS scholarship has impacted his life, Richard, an ordained Episcopalian priest, says:

“This is my third year at IPS. I have taken 30 credit hours so far. The IPS scholarships and grants have greatly and tremendously impacted my life in that I do not have to work as much in my side jobs. I am helping my daughters with their loans and paying my tuition, too. Additionally, I also have more free time to volunteer in the community or serve at a parish. Without that aid, my time would be spent trying to rustle up tuition money through side jobs.”

“Next year, when I retire, the scholarships will help me even more. Though I am in a dialogue with my Bishop’s office about returning to parochial ministry, my studies at the IPS are of high priority to me. If I could not meet my financial obligations to the IPS, I know that without a doubt I would readily and easily give up on this program because I am going to be even further stretched financially in 2019.”

To learn more about IPS scholarships, go to


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New Faces at IPS Staff: Diamond Gant and Kevin Pease

This 2018-2019 academic year, IPS welcomes two new staff members: Diamond Gant and Kevin Pease.


Kevin Pease joined this summer as the Director of Chicago Catholic Scripture School, a program under the Continuing Education umbrella of IPS.  The IPS Chicago Catholic Scripture School fosters a transformational encounter with Jesus Christ through instruction and formation in Sacred Scripture within a Roman Catholic framework.

Kevin is very excited to be back in Chicago (and especially at Loyola!) after seven years away in the California bay area.  After graduating from LUC in 2011 with a B.S. in Secondary Education, Kevin pursued a Master’s in Theological Studies at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in order to teach theology at the high school level.  In 2013, Kevin was hired in the Religious Studies Department of Mercy High School in San Francisco, an all-girls Catholic school, where he taught the Bible for five years.  Kevin looks forward to accompanying adult life-long learners on their own faith journeys with God.


Diamond Gant joined early this month as the new Administrative Assistant for IPS.  We managed to spend some time with recent Loyola alumna, Diamond:

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?  (Grew up where, family, etc.)        Hey, what’s up!? My name is Diamond Gant. I was born and raised on the Southside of Chicago to two loving parents, Doretha and Bobby Gant. I have an older brother named Jamal and we are about 15 years apart. After 4 long and triumphant years, I was blessed to receive my Bachelor’s degree in Multimedia Journalism from Loyola University. On Saturday’s I am a videographer for the “Live from the Heartland Radio Show”. I also own my own YouTube channel where I do reaction videos, vlogs, dancing and more! Speaking of dancing; dance is my passion and this has always been so since I was 4 years old. I’ve done a variation of dance from tap to ballet, modern, jazz, African and Hip-Hop. My favorite style of dance is hip-hop because of its significance to my culture in addition to the fact that I feel like it provides me with more freedom to express myself through different textures and grooves. I am also currently apart of two Chicago based dance groups: CreateInMotion & MINT!

What is your current role at IPS?        I am the Administrative Assistant for IPS and I AM ABSOLUTELY LOVING THIS POSITION! Everyone within the office is so supportive and encouraging.

What were you involved in prior to working at IPS?        Prior to working with IPS I was a camp counselor for the summer of 2018.  Although kids can be a handful at times, I truly enjoy working with them because of how animated and imaginative they are.

How did you discern IPS to be a next step?        I believe that I was able to discern that IPS would be my next step because for one thing, even though I graduated, I am still A RAMBLER AT HEART! I love being surrounded by the support of the Loyola Community. IPS specifically stood out to me because of how kind and helpful the people are within this office.  As someone who identifies as Christian, I feel like I was honestly led here because of how much I’d get to experience and share Christ’s love with others in the office.

Are you currently involved in other formal pursuits, other than IPS?        I have aspirations of returning for Graduate school with the next year or two in order to obtain my master’s in education.

What are some of your favorite Chicago-related pursuits?        Because I live just three train stops away, I enjoy spending a lot of my time exploring Chinatown. The area is full of so much culture and rich history. I enjoy visiting Chinatown square the most because of the abundance of places to eat and shop within the area. I would say that my three favorite places to eat there would be Joy Yee, Triple Crown and BonChon (which is where they actually serve Korean food).   There is are so many things to learn about Chinese culture/history just by spending a few hours in this area alone.

Finally, can you share a personal spiritual practice that continues to restore and re-energize your mind, body, heart and spirit?        As I mentioned before, I usually dance as a way of restoring and re-energizing my mind, body, heart and spirit. I also pray as a way of keeping myself grounded and constantly in communication with Christ.


Please make sure to welcome Diamond and Kevin when you next stop by the IPS office!

To learn more about IPS, go to
For those interested in applying to IPS, go to

IPS Alumna Kimberly Cavnar (MAPS ’80) Receives Damen Award

Kimberly Cavnar (MAPS ’80) was recognized with the Damen Award at the recent Founders’ Dinner.

Named for Loyola University Chicago’s primary founder, Arnold J. Damen, S.J., the Damen Award is granted to an alumnus(a) from each of Loyola’s schools and colleges.  It recognizes the qualities of leadership in industry, leadership in the community, and service to others.

Currently the principal of St. Francis Xavier School, the only Jesuit Catholic PS-8 school in Phoenix, Kim Cavnar has devoted her life to teaching and leadership in education.  Before pursuing graduate studies at Loyola’s Institute of Pastoral Studies, Ms. Cavnar earned a bachelor’s degree in communications from Loyola.  Upon graduation, she served as the University’s associate director of campus ministry and also taught part time from 1977 to 1980 in the Department of Communication Arts.  In addition, she has taught religious studies and served in campus ministry at Nazareth Academy in LaGrange, St. Louise de Marillac High School in Northfield, and St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago.  She taught and served in leadership roles at the Academy of Our Lady of Peace in San Diego, Brophy Jesuit College Preparatory in Phoenix, and Loyola High School of Los Angeles.  Ms. Cavnar earned a second master’s degree in educational leadership from Arizona State University.

Mary Novak, a friend and former colleague of Kim, says, “Kim simply and directly defines Ignatian ideology.”  She continues, “I was lucky enough to know Kim when she was the Assistant Principal in charge of Ministry at Brophy College Preparatory.  I was working in counseling and became involved with the Office of Peace and Justice, through retreats and serving on committees involving student activism and peer formation. Her office was the hub.  Students with a range of differences found solace and solidarity in that space because of Kim’s unique ability to engage even the most apprehensive students.  She is inherently kind, and compassionate, traits driven by her genuine effort to create a society steeped in justice and inclusiveness.”

“Kim Cavnar embodies all that is good in this Jesuit community.  In short, she makes people better, instilling in us in the responsibility to see the wrong in our society and commit to advocate for those most marginalized through prayer and action.  I am so grateful to have had Kim who has mentored and nurtured my spirituality in a life-changing way.  In the words of Pope Francis, “We must restore hope to young people, help the old, be open to the future, and spread love. Be poor among the poor. We need to include the excluded and preach peace.”

Kim embodies all of the above.  Her commitment to Jesuit Education is not her job.  It is her life, and those fortunate enough to have been touched by her guidance, are truly blessed.”

IPS is proud to honor Kimberly Cavnar with the Damen Award.


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