

Demonetize the Children

The Fair Labor Standards Act (“the Act”), enacted in 1938, protects public and private employees with a federal minimum wage, requirements for overtime pay, and youth employment standards. Despite protections established for children under the Act, children in the entertainment industry are expressly excluded from its protections. Instead, minors in the entertainment industry must rely on state regulation of their employment, which is often stricter and more protective than the Act. However, there is a massive loophole in that the entertainment industry in most states does not include child influencers and social media stars. With the increase in social media in the last decade, children in the social media sector are left in limbo about their rights and employment protections. State entertainment laws for minors must be extended to include the fast-growing number of children growing up in social media fame.

Hey U.S. Government, The Romance Scammers Are Eating Americans Dry

The rise of online dating and social media has brought people closer together but has also given rise to a growing threat: romance scams. These fraudulent schemes prey on individuals seeking love and companionship, resulting in emotional and financial devastation. These scams involve perpetrators who create fake online personas to deceive individuals into forming romantic connections. Once trust is established, scammers exploit emotions to extract money from their victims, often under the pretense of financial emergencies or travel expenses.

This is the Troubled Teen Industry

In 2020, many millennials turned to YouTube to watch what we thought would be a behind-the-scenes look into the life of Paris Hilton. What we didn’t expect was to learn that, just like thousands of teenagers across this country, Paris endured trauma while living in a “troubled teen” home. Since then, along with Congress, Paris has lobbied to enact laws to regulate the troubled youth facilities as it uses loopholes to get around what some would consider to be cruel punishment against kids.