

The Rise of AI: Why Congress Must Regulate Artificial Intelligence Before it is too Late

In November of last year, Open AI launched ChatGPT, an AI chatbot that engages users with dialogue to answer questions, write responses to prompts, and interacts with the user. Google quickly responded to the technological advancement by creating their own version of a chatbot called Bard that Google claims will draw “on information from the web to provide fresh, high-quality response.” AI has quickly embedded itself into most everyday activities. Additionally, in light of recent mass layoffs, experts predict that AI could displace tens of millions of jobs in the United States in the coming years. And with new chatbots run by AI, AIs have gone from simply replacing people to assisting people with tasks. As with all emerging technology, the general public may worry about regulating something that can be so intrusive and yet powerful and helpful to society. With the unsurmountable amount of knowledge provided by AI in seconds, it is necessary that Congress catch up to the emerging technology and create regulations for AI that can respect intellectual property and copyright laws and eradicate how AI adds to racial and gender disparities in the United States.

Regulating the Worst Kind of AI-Generated Content

On September 05, 2023, a bipartisan coalition of all fifty state attorneys general along with four attorneys general from U.S. territories came together to sign a letter to Congress. The letter urged Congress to establish an expert commission to specifically study how artificial intelligence (AI) contributes to the exploitation of children. The attorneys general further stressed the urgency of expanding existing laws on Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) restrictions to include AI-generated content.