Tag: Loyola University Chicago

Southside Market

Southside Market

May 8th is quickly approaching and so are the final papers, presentations, research labs, and exams.  As I was walking through Damen, I decided to stop at the smoothie stop.  I figured why not?  I am going to graduate soon, and I have not had the luxury to look at all the new buildings.  I tried a sample of the smoothie, and it was delicious!

Then, I decided to visit my first dormitory as a freshman: Simpson.  It brought back so many memories!  It was bittersweet, as I saw all the new freshman walking into the dining hall.  That used to be me.  Time flies so fast that it is absolutely nerve-wrecking.  However, I saw something that made me utterly upset!

The Southside market was gone.  New offices have taken the place of the small, but efficient market.  It was sad to realize that Loyola is everything that it used to be, but with newer buildings and people.  Therefore, it is but it isn’t the same.  Does that make sense?

It made me upset that new students will never know what the Rambler Room or the Southside market was.  However, I understand that they are going to have many new memories with the new market on Sheridan Rd., Potbelly, and Damen.  However, this is metaphorically what happens when you grow up right: everything around you seems to change.

RIP Southside: you were very convenient during finals week. ;(


Red Line Conversations feat. The Guy in The Blue Sweater

Red Line Conversations feat. The Guy in The Blue Sweater

You hear the craziest of things on the red line.  This is why I try to remember to pack my headphones.  It is honestly such a sad experience when I forget them, but I cannot lie and say that is not entertaining!  I have heard some of the most inaccurate facts that make me giggle, but leave me with a good time.  Then, there are some conversations that just get you so angry.

Well, this was the case the other day.  The other day, I was on the red line, minding my own business, like usual.  All of a sudden, I saw a guy look at my Loyola brand tote, which I proudly bought at the Loyola Bookstore, and he he started talking to his friend about college.  He was saying remarks like: “college is not important, why do people waste their time on college, I can get rich without school, etc.”  Here I am thinking like is this guy serious?  I mean, his opinions are nonetheless, his opinions.  I, also, do not disagree that there are some super successful people out there who never got a college degree.  This is fine, but the way he was talking was not okay.

It made me reflect and really think about college.  Instead of upsetting me, I turned it around and made it into something positive.  A college education is not for everyone, but that does not mean that one should start discouraging people from attending college in the first place.  There are so many reasons as to why one should go to college.  The most important one to me, and the one that I felt like telling him, is that a college degree gives you credibility, knowledge, and makes you a competitive employee.

If those three things do not stick out to you then I don’t know what to tell you.  There are many people in college who do not end up making it, but that all comes down to persistence.  How willing are you to stick out through the highs and lows of college?  College are for the people who are willing to put in the work.  College is work and it is not for everyone!  We are a few of the lucky ones, so next time you’re feeling down remember this: you’re a small percentage and your education is worth it.

The Guy in The Blue Sweater: you were wrong.


How did I forget to register for graduation?

How did I forget to register for graduation?

I am excited to graduate, but I forgot to register for graduation.  The irony, like how does that even happen!?  This is what happened.  My biochemistry lab partner has a big family and since we only get 4 tickets per graduate she asked me if I had any extra tickets.  I am an only child, and I only need two or three tickets.  She would ask me every week, and I kept forgetting to ask my mom if we were going to use the extra ticker for anybody else.  I kept putting it off and telling her that I would find out later.

Later never came, guys!  It wasn’t until my best friend, Therese, asked me if I had registered for the tickets, yet.  I was like, wait – what!?  I am supposed to register?  I guess that annoying e-mail that kept coming up in my inbox was actually pretty important.  I do not know how this happened.  I do not know how I never questioned it.

So, here I am in biochemistry lab, last Thursday, answering the questionnaire and registering for my tickets.  I was late so all of my 4 tickets are in the 200 level, all the way to the back.  I was little upset at myself for not being more responsible and careful!  However, with everything that is going on, I figured that the 200 level tickets were okay.  I remember when we went to see Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias and the set up was nice; I’m assuming that on Graduation Day, it will be the same.

This was crazy, though.  I really thought that I was not going to be able to get any tickets!  I am so glad, I did. This goes to show to not leave anything until the last minute. 😛

Senioritis is on point right now.

A Short Ramble (no pun intended)

A Short Ramble (no pun intended)


35 days until Graduation Day, but no one is counting.  Wow, Class of 2015, we did it!  Guys, it is so hard to not make this a mushy post.  I really don’t want to, but I might have to.  The other day, as I was walking to my Tu/Thur 10 am class, I ran into an old friend who was just leaving Biochemistry class.  I spoke to her briefly and we caught up on our plans.

She asked me why I was not pre-medicine anymore, and I told her my interest in pursuing a graduate degree in something else.  She has always been so sweet and when I found out that she was still pre-med, I was so excited!  She has worked so hard and has gotten exceptional grades.  You want to know how?  She did not have to tell me for me to realize her smart techniques!  I know she tried very hard in each class, but she always…ALWAYS…made study groups.

If you are new to Loyola, or if you are already a Rambler, listen carefully: make study groups.  Besides the fact that it is much more fun (avoid going with your best friends because you will just end up having rap battles – true story), it is very helpful!  I am not sure why this makes us remember information better.  Perhaps because we are making connections between the time when Amanda sneezed while she was explaining the Krebs cycle?  (What is this: true story #2?)  All I know is that this is how I made many of my friends, as well!

I am going to get mushy, now.  When my friend told me that she was studying every day for the MCAT, it made me feel so proud and happy about being a Rambler.  I did feel sympathy because I remember studying for the MCAT, but the sole fact that she was studying was what made me happy.  I am so appreciative that I had the opportunity to study in such a prestigious University; nonetheless, the people here are beyond smart and helpful.  My peers are amazing people and it is such a great feeling to share a passion for education with all of these people.

If you are debating between which university to attend, let me give you a hint: pick Loyola.  You will not be disappointed! 🙂

Until next time!





I believe that by now everyone accepts and understands my fitness posts.  (Yes, you guessed it – here’s another one).  However, in this blog post, I want to talk about a topic that I had not heard about before.

So, Mary, one of my good friends and Halas fitness instructor had previously posted on Facebook a beautiful picture of herself in workout gear.  This picture looked like it was professionally taken.  I creeped on her profile until I realized that she was a member of “CHAARG.”

I was so confused because I was so used to her talking about “Booty Lift,” “Turbo Kick,” “Beachbody,” “21 Day Fix,” “Shakeology,” etc.  So, I shot her a text and asked her what it was.

I was very interested when I found out, so I had to Google it!  What intrigued me the most was the motto: “CHAARG has been liberating girls from the elliptical since 2012.”  I knew that these girls had the same mind set as I did!  I am all for #lifting, #girlswholift, #swolenation (haha), #butreally.  Besides the fact that I have lost the most weight by incorporating dumbbells into my workouts, I had to say that this program was so right.

I love lifting and doing plyo workouts; I’m a fanatic of intense workouts, but I also love running.  However, through out my years at Loyola, I have found out through my peers that there is more to losing weight and being healthy + fit.  Weight lifting and alternating workouts ASIDE from the elliptical will get you ultimate results.  Besides, you will feel strong. REALLY STRONG.

Mary is working on starting a chapter at Loyola University!  This is so exciting because this movement has just started and is active in 17 universities in the U.S. , let’s make it 18!?

I enjoy talking about this because I love living a healthy lifestyle.  I do binge on certain occasions and some of my friends follow the 80 and 20 diet.  80% healthy foods and 20% of whatever they want.  So, if this is motivating then my purpose for this post is fulfilled.

You know you’re body and you have your own definition of fun, but most importantly what will work for your body.  CHAARG is just that. Check it out!

Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias at Loyola!

Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias at Loyola!


Saturday night was epic.  I mean I’m a girl that always cracks up jokes, even when I’m the only laughing time after time.  So for me to see Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias live was beyond perfect!  I am so glad that my boyfriend talked me into buying tickets!  After a crappy week of feeling super sick it was nice to feel better and laugh my tears out!

Before the show started there were already many, many people lined up at the entrance of the doors.  It was worth the cold wait, as we were not too far behind!  We were able to get floor seat, but TO MY LUCK I sat next to a tall person (I’m only 4’11).  Even though, I couldn’t get a direct view of Fluffy, I was still able to see him perform via the screens.

His friend and the famous “Maaaaaartin” kicked off the show!  Following him were two other comedians until Fluffy came out.  I cannot express how funny he was!  At one point my boyfriend was in tears.  Unfortunately, we were refrained from taking pictures and/or videos.

My favorite part was when one student “booed” Fluffy when he stated that hybrids were a good example of doing “good to nature.”  Fluffy just said “Oh, really?” and went through an entire joke to shut him up.  He picked on him for the rest of the night.  Actually, I do not think that he ever got to the hybrid joke because he trailed off saying other ones.

He truly is a stand up comedian because he would just start talking about anything and everything.  His jokes were effortlessly!  Fluffy went an hour past what he said he was going to perform.  At one point he was so fed up with the time he unplugged the timer!

He ended the show with old, classic jokes.  He did say that he didn’t like to repeat old material, but everyone was chanting out that they wanted the old jokes!  He sighed and said: “Fine, y’all better still laugh, though!”  Once he started it seemed like a unified chorus.  Everyone knew what he was going to say, and it was so funny!

I am so happy that Loyola brought him to Colossus 2015! The DOP staff at Loyola did a great job; it was such an organized event. I had SO much fun!  I cannot wait to see him again.

“Frankie, where’s ma?”

Supporting Special Olympics

Supporting Special Olympics


I absolutely love the placing of Damen.  It was my lifesaver during winter when I needed to catch the L.  Its placement is perfect, and it allowed me to stop for a coffee during those chilly, chilly days! I do have to admit that sometimes I try to avoid all of the people by the desk, who are trying to stop you, for the merely reason that we can all be a little socially awkward.

Sometimes the guy handing out stuff is way too cute, but I am having one of those bad hair days, didn’t do my nails, raccoon and baggy eyes day.  So, yes, forgive me, but I will avoid eye contact and walk past you.  However, on most occasions, I still take the time to talk and receive whatever they are handing out!  This past week, I am so glad that I did just that.

They used a medal to catch my attention and it did because it definitely made me stop.  ASA is hosting a Ladybug Olympics to support Special Olympics.  I thought this was very thoughtful and original.  I enjoy seeing how active the sororities are with their philanthropies!  I wish I had a team to participate, so if anyone is up for it, I would love to be part of a team!  The event is on March 20th at 4:30 P.M.  It is a volleyball tournament with games, prizes and food! If you want to make a team email: gchan@luc.edu for info.

9 Loyola Myths

9 Loyola Myths


Over the past 3 years in admission, I have noticed there are A LOT of misconceptions about Loyola University Chicago. I am going to use my blog this week to set the record straight. Here are what I consider to be the top 9 Loyola myths:

  1. We are not the same school as Loyola Maryland, Loyola New Orleans or Loyola Marymount. We are all completely separate schools. The only thing we have in common other than our name are our Jesuit background and values. So no, you cannot study at another Loyola in the U.S. However, you can Study Abroad at other universities all over the world or at one of our three campuses in Rome, Beijing or Ho Chi Minh City, which are in fact run by Loyola University Chicago.
  2. You do not have to be Catholic (or even religious) to go to a Jesuit University. About half of our students identify as being Catholic and as a Catholic University, we do offer regular masses, Taize prayer, resources and mentors for our Catholic students. Loyola has the only student-run mosque in Illinois and we have an incredibly strong Hillel Community on campus. We also have several different prayer spaces in our Student Center including a Puja Prayer Room. We are a home to all faiths and encourage interfaith dialogues and for students to lead their own spiritual path with assistance from Campus Ministry which provides resources, services, and mentors on-campus. I also want to throw out that you do not need to be Catholic to attend one of our Retreats at the Loyola University Retreat and Ecology Campus, these retreats are awesome and open to everyone.
  3. We are actually in the city of Chicago (not a suburb) and are right next to Lake Michigan (not a block away, our buildings are a foot or two from the lake).
  4. We are not a commuter school. Yes, in the past, a lot of students did commute to Loyola, but not in recent years. Now all first and second year students are required to live on-campus and while upper-classmen have the option to live on or off-campus, most stay on campus or live within a block or two of campus. However, the students exempt from the housing policy still have a community and home on campus thanks to Off-Campus Student Life.
  5. Housing is not hard to find on or around campus. As mentioned above, we require that 1st and 2nd year students live on-campus and we have several upperclassmen residence halls at both the Lake Shore Campus and the Water Tower Campus. There are also hundreds of non-Loyola owned or operated apartments near campus.
  6. Our acceptance rate is not 92% or 98%. It is closer to 63%. This is one of those cases where you can’t believe everything you read on the internet so if you’re questioning something you read, call or email your admission counselor!
  7. We are not a school that lacks athletic success, spirit, or history. We are a Division One school in the Missouri Valley Conference and last year our Men’s Volleyball Team won the NCAA National Championship on our very own campus. Go Ramblers! We are also the only D1 School in Illinois to ever win a NCAA Men’s Basketball National Championship, which we did in 1963, but we are still proud of the win and of our contribution to NCAA history via the Game of Change.
  8. Chicago’s weather isn’t always horrible. Our fall is actually warmer than most of the Midwest thanks to the wind blowing warm air off the lake. Most of the time, we don’t see snow or really cold days until late December when students are already home for Winter Break. Yes the beginning of the spring semester is cold and has some snow, but harsh winters build character and stories you’ll be telling the rest of your life. And don’t forget how much of the year (typically March – November) brings truly amazing weather to Loyola. During these nice months you can find our students hanging out at street festivals, enjoying the great outdoors that you CAN find in the city, and by hanging out at “Loyola Beach” (really called Hartigan Beach).
  9. We are not “the wolves”. We are the Ramblers! However, Lu Wolf is indeed the name of our mascot.


Beneficial Bulletin Boards

Beneficial Bulletin Boards

The other week, I met with my professor to go over some exam questions.  I got to LSB super early because it was super cold that day and you know that the CTA loves to delay the brown line for whatever reason.  I, literally, ran to her office only to find out that our meeting was scheduled at 9:30, and I had arrived a half hour too soon.  I told her I would come back, so I started walking around the first floor in LSB, took out my planner and pen, and started my routine.

My routine consists of solely walking around LSB, Flanner, Cudahy, etc and reading the bulletin boards that are filled with flyers.  This is my way of staying engaged with everything that is going on around me!  I am not going to lie, sometimes I am so exhausted to read all of my forty emails; unfortunately, some of the ones I delete are on-campus activities!  However, I feel that I make up for this when I am on campus reading all of these flyers.

This is how I found about all of the graduate programs that I am applying to, and how I learned about some Kaplan MCAT courses that I took last year.  I know that I talked about keeping an open eye whenever you’re around campus.  This is one of the reasons why!  It can be so beneficial in the long run.  Take the time and look around.  Read the flyers because you never know what you can find out!

Loyola’s Phoenix Newspaper

Loyola’s Phoenix Newspaper


I am going to take the time to talk about the Loyola’s Phoenix Newspaper because come on, everyone reads it…right?  Well, honestly, I never read it religiously.  In fact, it took two whole years during my undergraduate career to actually get into the habit of reading it.  Now as a senior, I find myself reading it more and more.  What is the reason behind this?  Who knows!  Could it be nostalgia that I will never walk around campus, as an undergraduate, and snatching a newspaper from the stand, again?  Or could it be that different things interest me more now than before?

Nonetheless, I was reading this week’s newspaper on the train.  I was so intrigued by the front cover; I mean it is Rahm Emmanuel on the cover.  This reminded me of one of our most important rights: Freedom of Speech.  Many of the editors choose to talk about things that may be sensible to others, ut they still do it.  This makes me very proud that we are able to voice our opinions and bring up subjects that other schools would find “offensive.”  This really lets us practice our Freedom of Speech.

I remember picking up the newspaper for the first time and thinking that I was going to read sugarcoated stories.  Also, I thought that I would be reading a story about Loyola page after page.  In contrast, it provided essential topics that can be found in the news or in any other local newspaper.  The only difference is that the editors are our fellows Ramblers.  I find this inspiring, don’t you?  I believe that we are rising, and I am thankful that Loyola allows such topics to be discussed.  I believe that this is the only way to grow; perhaps, this is why I found myself picking up the newspaper more often.  Try it.  Perhaps you will agree, disagree, or laugh at some of the stories.  After all, you do not have anything to lose.  Let’s gain some insight together!