How 911 Sent Me Code 3 To Law School

Imagine this: It’s 4 am and you’re working as an EMT running 911 calls. Dispatch notifies you that you need to respond to a call… now! You turn on the lights and sirens, also known as Code 3, and make your way to the call. You show up. It’s chaotic and you grab the gurney, nitroglycerin, and oxygen tubing amongst others. You save the patient, and everyone is happy. You clean the ambulance and sit down for a moment to relax. But dispatch rings and you’re off again.

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Trademark Tale: From a Mistaken Coca-Cola Enthusiast to Aspiring IP Attorney

Interviewer: “So, what’s your favorite Coca-Cola product?”

Me: I draw a blank at the simple question, trying to think of any Coca-Cola product in existence. A picture of the classic Coca-Cola can flashes in my mind; the bold cursive letters against the vibrant red background. “Well, it has to be Coca-Cola, of course!”

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Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities: My Journey Into Intellectual Property Law

Epilepsy: a life-altering word. Time stood still as the doctor gave me her diagnosis. My knuckles whitened as my grip tightened on the armchair. After years of not knowing the root cause of my health issues, I now had an answer. My diagnosis changed the trajectory of my life as I knew it. This pivotal moment separated my life into a “before” and an “after.” The love for math and science from my “before” life melded into a passion for navigating the landscape of innovation and technology. This passion defined my “after” life, and eventually propelled me into intellectual property law. But, let me start at the beginning with the “before.”

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Why, in a World of Tough Decisions, The Decision to Attend Loyola Was an Easy One

I have always been easily overwhelmed with multiple options when making an important decision.  When deciding where to go to law school, the important decision-making process regarding my education was downright terrifying – at first. After obtaining my bachelor’s in biology at the University of Cincinnati I worked in oncology clinical research for two years. This experience provided me with the certainty that I had the desire to pursue a legal career in the field of intellectual property (“IP”). I found myself drawn toward IP. It felt like the perfect mix between science and law. IP presented me with a unique opportunity to continue to explore my interest in STEM from a different perspective. After taking the LSAT, I began my school search. Contrary to my previous difficulties with decision-making, I quickly discerned that Loyola University Chicago School of Law (“Loyola”) was the best fit for me to launch my career in IP.

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