Intro to IP Through IP Speed Mentoring

At the end of my first semester of law school at Loyola University Chicago School of Law, I was sitting in Professor Cynthia Ho’s office, trying to figure out how to learn more about IP. I’d heard that my chemistry background is a type of a science background beneficial to a patent law career, but did not yet know what that involved. Professor Ho suggested that I attend the next IP speed mentoring event that Loyola was hosting. At that moment, I was thinking “What exactly is speed mentoring?”, “All those strangers!” and “What will I say?”

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THE Ohio State University and THAT Trademark Application

I will never forget the first time I heard it. It was in an information session hosted by my high school’s college counseling department. The college counselor was talking about finding the “right school for you” by evaluating criteria like school size and location. He suggested, for example, if we liked the big, midwestern feeling of the University of Michigan campus, that we also consider visiting the University of Iowa or Ohio State University. And then it happened. He stopped, and with a wry smile said, “oh I’m sorry, THE Ohio State University.” I didn’t end up attending OSU, as I chose the University of Wisconsin instead, but that memory resurfaced this summer after it was announced that OSU had decided to attempt to trademark the word “the.”

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