Keeping Up With the (Alleged) Infringements

My Pop Culture Obsession

I must confess that I love pop culture. When there is a new sitcom or meme everyone is talking about, I have to see it. I love to be “in the know” and for me, Twitter (now known as “X”) has been my go-to platform for keeping up with trends. Little did I know that social media would be my first exposure to the world of intellectual property (“IP”).

Continue reading “Keeping Up With the (Alleged) Infringements”

High Drug Prices: Meet Bayh-Dole

Imagine this: you have just been diagnosed with cancer. The diagnosis is serious, and if untreated, will end your life. But good news – there is a lifesaving treatment available! It will just cost you $150,000 a year. Not only are you left with the emotional stress of a serious diagnosis, but now have the added financial stress of the unaffordable price tag that comes with the treatment. Is there anything that can be done to make the treatment more affordable? Continue reading “High Drug Prices: Meet Bayh-Dole”