Trade Secrets in Staffing: Best Practices

Nearly every business relies on confidential information for a competitive advantage. Famous examples include secret formulas, like the recipes for Coca-Cola and Kentucky Fried Chicken. Other examples include valuable algorithms, processes, data, and practices kept reasonably secret by all different types of businesses. If information is kept secret and gains economic value from its secrecy, a trade secret exists, and its owner has the legal right protect it.
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Networking in IP: Identifying Your Interests And Finding A Job

Networking. I’m sure you’ve heard the word thrown around in various professional and academic settings. It’s a term sure to send shivers down the spines of every first-year law student. The reason many students fear networking is likely because they aren’t sure exactly what it entails. For many students with an interest in IP, however, networking can be the key to success once you learn how to use it to your advantage.

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