

Democrats in Washington Push For Stronger Banking Regulations

The Biden Administration acted strongly last month in response to the recent collapses of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank. Each collapse sent shockwaves through the U.S. banking system and shook the confidence of consumers nationwide. The Biden Administration showed swift and steady leadership in urgently addressing the crisis. The President and leading Democrats in Congress continue to push for stronger regulatory oversight with respect to the banks. This shows that the Democrats are on the right side of the banking issue, as they have been for the 16 years following the 2008 financial crisis.

Politicians Allowed to Serve Long After the Retirement Age

With the recent death of trailblazing Congresswoman Diane Feinstein, discussion of whether Congress members, and politicians in general, should be allowed to serve long after the retirement age are becoming even more prevalent. This conversation is important as people who hold opposite opinions have valid arguments that must be considered. On one hand, the United States has banned age discrimination in the workplace. On the other hand, keeping people who have declining physical or cognitive health may pose a safety concern for our nation, especially when we are discussing high ranking officials. Ultimately, we are a nation for the people and by the people. Thus, we decide whether we place age limitations on our elected officials or not by going to the polls.