

Can the Playing Field be Level? Transgender Athletes’ Participation in Sports

To ensure safety and the best experience for athletes to excel in sports, eligibility to play on certain teams and at varying levels of competition has long depended on individuals’ biological factors, the primary factor being sex. This established practice of separating sport participation by two categories, male and female based upon the sex assigned at birth is being reexamined, particularly as it relates to individuals who were born male, now identify as female, and desire to compete in women’s sport. The federal government, state governments, and sport governing bodies are addressing the matters presented by athletes who transition genders, with opposition by both sides of the issues seemingly being the only commonality.

Olympic Compliance and the World Anti-Doping Agency

Morgan Slade Associate Editor Loyola University of Chicago School of Law, JD 2017   With the Olympics involving the participation of over two hundred member countries, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) regularly encounters issues with enforcing athlete anti- doping regulations. Due to repeated doping violations and cheating allegations, the need for a third party regulatory …
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