
Healthcare Providers

Neuropsychological Exams for Physicians: Good Practice or Discrimination?

Recent instances of politicians experiencing medical episodes in the public eye have sparked discussions regarding age limits for politicians. However, a parallel conversation is emerging about the healthcare professionals responsible for our well-being. About four years ago, a small number of health care institutions began implementing various forms of neuropsychological testing policies for older physicians. Since then – over the past few years – this practice has continued to grow and become increasingly controversial. The ongoing debate centers around determining the appropriate age to commence testing for physicians, the specific parameters to test for, and the ethics of mandating such testing. These questions remain subjects of ongoing debate, yet considering the rising demographic of physicians over the age of 60, there is a growing argument for integrating some form of neuropsychological examination.

Trump Administration Creates New Division of Health and Human Services

The Trump administration has established a new division within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) called the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division. The stated purpose of this office is to “restore federal enforcement of our nation’s laws that protect the fundamental and unalienable rights of conscience and religious freedom.”

One day after the creation of this division, HHS proposed a new rule, providing further protections to healthcare workers who object to providing certain types of care to patients—including elective sterilization, gender reassignment surgery, or emergency contraception—based on their personal religious beliefs. Additionally, the Trump administration issued a new directive, reversing an Obama administration directive which prohibited states from refusing to send federal funds to qualified providers. This new division, new rule, and new directive serve to ensure the already-existing rights of physicians, nurses, and healthcare staff at the expense of their patients.

Rule Changes, Regulatory Waivers Expand Access to Health Care Services During Pandemic

Recent regulatory waivers and rule changes by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) have resulted in a notable increase in patients seen remotely, according to two recent studies. The studies suggest that CMS regulatory waivers and rule changes, which included expanded access to COVID-19 testing and telehealth services in response to challenges faced by health care providers and patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, have increased remote delivery of mental health care and highly specialized clinical practices like plastic surgery.

Compliance in Healthcare: Understanding Zone Program Integrity Contractor Investigations and Audits  

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have a multitude of resources to detect and protect against fraud and abuse in claims. Particularly, CMS has at least six types of contractors that provide different roles in the prevention, detection, and reporting of fraud and abuse in healthcare. This list includes Recovery Auditors, which serve to reduce fraud and abuse by detecting and collecting overpayments from entities and Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) Contractors, which determine rates of improper payments by reviewing claims under Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS). Another auditor that providers should be particularly mindful of are the Zone Program Integrity Contractors (ZPICs). This article is an overview ZPICS, its role in Medicare, and outlines the steps providers should take when faced with an audit by ZPICs.