
federal grants

Adding Federal Grant Compliance to the Audit Plan: the University of Florida Case

Greg Grabinski Executive Editor Loyola University Chicago School of Law, JD 2016   One of the best sources for designing a compliance program’s annual audit plan is to look around to see what is happening at peer institutions.  If there is a regulatory settlement in a peer organization’s similar business line, then the subject-matter should …
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Rural Hospitals in Crisis Receive a Boost to Value-Based Care Model from New CMS CHART Model

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) Innovation Center (“CMMI”) recently announced a new model for health care providers in rural areas to receive payment from the federal government. The Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (“CHART”) initiative aims to improve rural health care while promoting the Trump Administration’s push to shift health care providers into a more expansive value-based payment model.