
drug pricing

Can Congress Regulate Big Pharma?

Drug companies need to fund the research and development necessary to create better products. This means that pharmaceutical companies have fought for years to maintain control over the prices of said drugs. But this standard is being challenged with a new bill that was introduced to the House of Representatives on June 25, 2018.

Mylan Medicaid Fraud Investigations

Kaitlin Lavin Executive Editor Loyola University Chicago School of Law, JD 2017   Mylan has already been under public scrutiny for increasing the price of its EpiPen allergy shots. Last week the State of West Virginia launched a Medicaid fraud investigation questioning Mylan’s price hike and compliance with drug rebate laws. Mylan Pharmaceuticals participates in …
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A Way Around HHS 340B Program Delays

Access to quality, comprehensive health care services seems to always be at the forefront of our health care industry. One’s ability to gain access measured in terms of utilization, is dependent upon financial affordability, and physical accessibility. While a seemingly small issue under the overarching ‘access to health care’ topic, talks about access to medication and its affordability in particular for the vulnerable and underinsured patients must also be addressed. A number of health organizations have sued HHS for delaying the implementation of rules that would force drug companies to be transparent about their pricing and punish them for overcharging participating hospitals in the federal program that discounts outpatient medication. Due to HHS’ delays, hospitals cannot challenge drug manufacturers for overpricing outpatient medication thus they cannot access refunds of discounts that are due to them under statute.