

U.S. Sanctions International Drug Trafficking

On October 03, 2023, the Biden administration announced indictments and sanctions against 28 individuals and entities, including China-based companies and their employees related to the trafficking of chemicals needed for the manufacturing of fentanyl. The sanctions aim to interrupt the global supply chain of fentanyl as the administration have increased their efforts on tackling the opioid epidemic. However, rising tensions in the U.S.-China relationship have delayed progress. On September 15, 2023, President Biden added China to the list of the world’s major illicit drug producing and drug transit countries. In response, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the designation is a malicious smear against China. The Ministry further urged the U.S. to do things in ways that are conducive to cooperation with China, not otherwise. With growing international tensions and an epidemic still afoot, the U.S. faces a challenging uphill battle with fentanyl.

Life or Death: The Fast Track to FDA Approval

After five years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a drug for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis): Relyvrio. While the drug is expected to significantly prolong the life of ALS patients, who typically die within a few years after diagnosis, the fast approval of the drug raises concerns regarding the FDA’s fast-tracking process of approval.

Medical Marijuana and Maintaining FDA Compliance

Regardless of opinions on legalization, many people accept the idea that medical marijuana, and more specifically CBD, can be a powerful treatment for many medical conditions. However, there has been one major roadblock: the FDA. According to the FDA, more than 90 warning letters over the past 10 years have been released to companies claiming that their cannabis products cure various symptoms. The most common is the claim that marijuana prevents or treats cancer. In 2017, as the medical properties of marijuana continue to be trumpeted to the general public, the FDA is still working to protect the public by issuing warning letters to marijuana providers making unsubstantiated claims.

History of Emergency Prescription Fulfillment Policies in the Wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

In the midst of a natural disaster people gather their children and pets, try to locate a temporary home, and worry what situation they may come home to. The first things people think to grab have nothing to do with their prescription drugs. However, according to a study performed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, from 2011-2014, 46.9% of the population was prescribed a drug in the last 30 days; prescription drugs are an important factor in many peoples’ lives. When portions of the population are displaced from their homes during a natural disaster, they often forget their pill bottles and/or prescriptions. Thankfully, following Hurricane Katrina, regulations were put in place to help people in these situations.

As CBD Sales Grow, FTC Cautions Against Misrepresentations

On September 10, 2019 the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent warning letters to three companies that sell oils, tinctures, capsules, “gummies,” and creams containing cannabidiol (CBD) regarding the companies’ false advertising practices. Cannabis is a plant of the Cannabaceae family and contains more than eighty biologically active chemical compounds. The most commonly known compounds are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). CBD does not cause intoxication like THC.