

Re-Regulating the Automotive Industry & the Road Ahead

A new President and a changing administration mean new priorities across some, if not all of the major executive agencies. One of the more heavily impacted industries will be transportation—specifically the automotive sector. From re-instating stricter emissions standards to moving forward with automated vehicle regulations, the automotive industry in the early 2020s should see innovation and progress at the forefront of the country’s new federal regulatory scheme.

Self-Driving Cars: The “Cars of the Future” Impacted by Regulatory Restrictions

On Friday, October 28, 2017, the National Highway Traffic-Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) announced they are striving to deregulate strict regulations currently slowing production on self-driving cars. NHTSA is seeking to deregulate in an attempt to increase the production and deployment of driverless cars. In the Rulemaking Report released by the Department of Transportation (“DOT”), NHTSA seeks comments to “identify any unnecessary regulatory barriers to Automated Safety Technologies, and for the testing and compliance certification of motor vehicles with unconventional automated vehicles designs, especially those equipped with controls instead of a human driver.”

Handling a Data Breach: Equifax v Google

Google answered Amazon’s Echo Dot by recently launching their own pint-sized smart speaker, the Google Home Mini. Recently, Google was forced to disable one of the features on the Home Mini after it was discovered that a technical glitch led to near 24/7 audio recording. Google responded quickly and appropriately, investigating the cause and quickly releasing an update to disable the hardware responsible for the glitch. The Equifax hack –  a breach of personal data including social security numbers, driver’s license information, and other credit details – exposed nearly half the country and waited months to respond. Upcoming European legislation that can significantly impact American companies with European Union clients may be part of the reason for their drastically different responses.  

Tesla autopilot hardware and how it impacts compliance departments

Gilbert Carrillo Executive Editor Loyola University Chicago School of Law, JD 2017   This past week, Tesla announced that all vehicles produced by the company, as of October 19, 2016, will have hardware needed for “full self-driving capability at a safety level substantially greater than that of a human driver” (aka autopilot). Aside from the …
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New regulations for airlines aim to help customers but what does it mean for compliance departments?

Gilbert Carrillo Executive Editor Loyola University Chicago School of Law, JD 2017   The Obama administration has recently announced new regulation proposals to address common passenger complaints about airline service. Some of these rules would: allow passengers to obtain refunds for delayed baggage, provide customers with more accurate information about performance of the airlines passengers …
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The Road to Regulation

The implications arising from fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and the Department of Transportation (“DOT”) in the early 2010s spelled out a cautionary tale for automotive manufacturers wondering how to comply with increasingly strict regulations.