

The Financial Services Industry and Its Regulatory Landscape: 2021

Every year, hundreds of financial advisors and brokers across the country are convicted of a host of bad acts, which include conducting Ponzi schemes, misappropriating client funds and forging customer signatures. 2021 was no exception. Here are ten recent examples of how the legal system as well as regulators in the financial services industry, respond to allegations of fraud, misappropriation, improper hiring practices, and criminal activity.

Uh Oh Venmo…The CFPB is Cracking Down under the Biden Administration

Chandler Wright Associate Editor Loyola University Chicago School of Law, JD 2022 “Can I Venmo you?” is a phrase that many of us find ourselves saying on a weekly basis. Venmo has become not just a money-transfer application, but also a verb. In some ways, Venmo has also become a social media platform among friend …
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Proposal to Change TULA Late Fee Maximum on Credit Cards: Is it Beneficial or Burdensome?

Megan Aldworth Associate Editor Loyola University Chicago School of Law, JD 2023   The Truth in Lending Act (TILA), established 1968, is aimed to protect consumers against unfair credit practices and billing by lenders. Under TILA, lenders must provide consumers (borrowers) with information that allows them to compare loan terms given by various lending institutions. …
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College Tuition Payment Plans Are Putting Student Borrowers at Risk

Doria Keys  Associate Editor  Loyola University Chicago School of Law, JD 2025 College is typically the first instance in which many Americans encounter debt collection, lending, and credit reporting. The most common way that students borrow is by acquiring student loans, either from the U.S. Department of Education or from private financial institutions. A less …
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No Payday for the CFPB: A Recent 5th Circuit Decision Jeopardizes the CFPB and its Funding

A decision filed October 19, 2022 by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has vacated a payday lending rule put in place by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The rule was put in place to prevent predatory lending practices and unfair practices in their collection. The court decision was not based on the rule being unconstitutional but rather based in how the bureau is funded. The decision has overreaching implications on the future enforcement of CFPB rules.

Congressional Repeal of Consumer Protection Rule Creates Bar to Class-Action Suits Against Banks

In July of 2017, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) Director, Richard Cordray, implemented a rule regulating the ability of banks to prohibit class-action lawsuits from being placed within the fine print of their consumer contracts. By the end of July, the House of Representatives voted to repeal the rule under the Congressional Review Act, which allows lawmakers to overturn any recently issued regulation by an executive agency. The Senate subsequently voted to repeal the rule after a 50-51 vote, where Mike Pence cast his vote to break the 50-50 tie. On November 1st, 2017, President Trump signed the bill repealing the regulation.

Financial Institutions Join Forces for Vendor Management Compliance

Financial institutions often rely on outside vendors to provide information technology services.  While doing so often provides economic efficiency and quicker technological innovation, the risks associated with outsourcing information technology services are significant.  Institutions must develop strong vendor management programs to ensure the safety of their customer’s personal information. Several large financial institutions have come together to create a new consortium to perform vendor and partner due diligence.

Fight over the CFPB’s Arbitration Rule Exposes Rift Between Federal Regulators

Since its inception in 2010, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has garnered its fair share of criticism and controversy.  The regulator was created by the Dodd-Frank legislation to curb the practices and risks, which brought about the financial crisis of 2007-2008.  The CFPB is often criticized by the banks and firms it regulates, but now a fellow federal regulator is casting doubt on the CFPB’s new rule concerning mandatory arbitration clauses found in contracts for commonly used banking products, such as checking accounts and credit cards.  The rule is also opposed by Congress, which is working on measures to repeal the rule, and several financial industry and lobbying groups who are suing the CFPB.

Trump Administration Deregulates Financial Services

The Trump administration is delivering on its promise to deregulate America.  Since taking office, numerous regulations spanning everything from energy to health care have been repealed or weakened.  The financial services industry is not immune to the deregulation movement.  The Trump administration is acting through appointments, executive agencies, and legislation to deregulate the financial services industry.  Proponents of deregulation claim the movement is needed after Dodd-Frank and strict post-financial crisis regulation.  However, in deregulating financial services, the Trump Administration—and compliance professionals—should proceed cautiously. 

Unprecedented Federal Reserve Decision Foreshadows New Compliance Expectations for U.S. Banks

Following the 2016 Wells Fargo scandal in which the bank opened millions of unauthorized bank and credit card accounts to collect fees, federal regulators have worked to address and respond to the corporation’s illegal conduct. On February 2nd, 2018, the U.S. Federal Reserve imposed unprecedented restrictions against Wells Fargo & Co. when it capped the bank’s growth for 2018 such that it could not exceed the total assets owned at the end of 2017. This restriction marks a substantial departure from previous penalties issued for improper compliance. Changes in policies and procedures and this novel punishment reflect a notable shift in the national bank’s expectations of corporate directors.