
Affordable housing development Chicago

Can Cutting Red Tape Improve Chicago’s Affordable Housing Crisis?

On April 5th, 2024, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson published the Cut the Tape Report as part of his administration’s focus on confronting Chicago’s affordable housing shortage. The report marks the completion of the first step in the process put in place by Mayor Johnson’s Executive Order 2023-21. The order aimed to identify inefficiencies and redundancies in the city’s administrative processes to shorten Chicago’s residential and commercial development timelines. The report resulted from collaboration between fourteen city departments, numerous external stakeholders, and six peer cities, identifying over 100 recommendations for improvements to the development process.

Streamlining Regulatory Compliance in Chicago’s Real Estate Development

In December 2023, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson took a significant step toward revolutionizing the city’s real estate development process by signing Executive Order No. 2023-21. This directive tasked 14 city departments with identifying the key barriers that complicate housing and commercial development that subsequently lead to delays, increased costs, and uncertainty. The goal was to find solutions to accelerate the approval processes, reduce regulatory redundancies, and streamline compliance with city, state, and federal regulations, ultimately making Chicago’s real estate development process more efficient and predictable.