Closing out the 2017-2018 academic year

Sarah Gregory
Executive Content Editor
Loyola University Chicago School of Law, JD 2018

With less than a week left in the semester, the Journal of Regulatory Compliance editors are hard at work studying for exams, gearing up for summer jobs, or eagerly awaiting graduation. However, before we shutter INSIDE COMPLIANCE for the summer session, I want to take this opportunity to look back over the past year, and how much our members have accomplished.

The Journal of Regulatory Compliance is a young law journal, even for Loyola University Chicago School of Law. It’s only been a few years since our first annual symposium, and the debut of the Center for Compliance Studies here at Loyola University Chicago School of Law. In many ways, this year was an experiment—we debuted a new Board structure, a new editorial process, a new blog format and a new time of year for our Symposia. Despite that uncertainty, the 30-plus members of the Journal of Regulatory Compliance have accomplished extraordinary things.

Journal members helped our Senior Symposium Editors, Kim Seay and Alex Thompson, host the 2nd Annual Compliance Symposium on the subject of unenforced regulation. We had incredible attendance, and were delighted to welcome a slate of incredible speakers. Senior and Associate Editors alike have begun editing Issue III of the Journal of Regulatory Compliance under the direction of Executive Publications Editor Corinne Nierzwicki. And with the guidance of Executive Managing Editor Kevin Pasciak and myself, our members have been honing their writing abilities as they contribute to INSIDE COMPLIANCE.

During the 2017-2018 year, our Senior and Associate Editors wrote over 140 new posts, on topics as diverse as compliance in the age of flying cars, the complex web of banking regulation surrounding legalized cannabis, and the potential EPA regulatory conflicts with regard to the proposed “border wall.” This is not counting several interviews with prominent compliance professionals, or the many posts generated by our members looking at the regulatory implications of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in 2017.

(See below for a full list of our top 10 most popular posts of 2017-2018.)

This year we also debuted Guest Posts, where regulatory and compliance professionals have the opportunity to write columns discussing their practice. The opportunity to expand INSIDE COMPLIANCE beyond the boundaries of a student publication has been invaluable, and we thank all our guest contributors!

In the end, all this new content has paid off—INSIDE COMPLIANCE saw 3,282 new visitors this year alone, with 7,996 unique page views from users across the globe. Traffic streamed to our blog from facebook, LinkedIn, and twitter, thanks to our members’ posting about their achievements and our twitter mirror, @LUCCompliance.

As Executive Content Editor, I could not be prouder of what has been accomplished by our members, and how powerfully this has pushed the Journal of Regulatory Compliance forward. On behalf of the Board, I want to thank every one of our Senior and Associate Editors for their hard work and dedication. We could not have achieved this without you.

I also want to welcome our incoming Board—Tierney Mason, Hubert Shingleton, Sara Oakes, Marvin Morazan, and Richard Shepherd. As the previous Executive Editors for such a young journal, we have spent a lot of time building from the ground up; letting go seems just as difficult. However, with our new Board at the helm, we know the 2018-2019 academic year will be in good hands.

Thanks again to everyone, and we’ll see you in August!

The 2017-2018 Membership at the 2nd Annual Compliance Symposium (Feb. 2018)




  1. Government Scrutiny of Patient Assistance Programs by Emily Boyd
  2. Spotify’s Settlements Rock the Music Scene: Artists Continue to Seek Compensation for Alleged Willful Copyright Infringement by Marena Diaz
  3. The Need for a Modified Upjohn: Internal Investigations and When to Warn by Sarah Gregory
  4. My Summer with the Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services by Corinne Nierzwicki
  5. Guest Post: A Post-Regulatory Recipe for Economic Leadership by William Devine
  6. Challenges and Opportunities in Regulating Cryptocurrency by Sergio Juwa
  7. History of Emergency Prescription Fulfillment Policies in the Wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma by Sarah Johnson
  8. A Look at Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity by Margaret Williams
  9. Is Federal Securities (De)Regulation Obscuring State Blue Skies? by John Gitta
  10. SEC Begins to Regulate Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies by Thomas Siracusa