Getting Over the Winter Blues!

Getting Over the Winter Blues!

So, it’s the middle of February and everyday looks pretty much the same- cold, gray, and snowy. I know that I definitely have a hard time staying positive and energetic during this time of year. It can be difficult, but there are some things that you should keep in mind so that the winter blues don’t get you down.

1. Get some SUN!

I know that the days are limited in the winter to get some sun, but the days where the beautiful sun is out- definitely get out there for a quick walk and clear skies. The winter days are shorter and darker than the rest of the year, and the lack of sunlight can make it easy to get sad– but the sun will help!


2. Get some EXERCISE!

Exercise can help get rid of stress and can help us stay fit! Whether it is a quick jog outside or at the gym, getting some exercise will help keep the winter blues away! Exercise helps increase energy and will help release “feel good chemicals”!


3. Lastly, set goals and accomplish them!

The winter blues can make us lazy and tired, but by setting some goals and actually accomplishing them will make both you and I successful and much better. Setting goals and an end date to accomplishing the goal will also make the winter days fly by faster!


It’s important to not let the winter blues get to you, and there are so many other ways to also prevent the blues! The three tips I listed above are just some of the very basic ways to stay active and progressive during the dreary winter months. I hope you take up some of these tips 🙂



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