10% off Dunkin Donuts

10% off Dunkin Donuts

How was everyone’s last week of fall semester?  This is so exciting, but terrifying at the same time.  Finals are next week and we are all feeling the pressure.  I only have two finals that I really have to worry about, but I’m working a couple of days next week and I have to start studying, now.  How can anyone really survive finals without red-bull or coffee, right?  This post is to inform you, if you didn’t already know, about the Dunking Donuts in the Loyola Stop.

It is so convenient to have a Dunkin Donuts right under the Loyola’s Red Line stop, but if that’s not neat enough there is another perk:

  Loyola students get 10% off their purchase! 

Also, on certain days there are specials just for Ramblers.  IF you’re trying to save some money for finals, I really recommend going down to Loyola’s Dunkin Donuts (ok, it isn’t really ours, but you know what I mean).  This is a short and sweet post because who really wants to read a whole lot during these busy weeks? TTYL. 🙂


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