3 Ways to Not Feel Guilty About Your Morning Coffee Fix

With a coffee shop on practically every corner in Chicago, it’s hard to resist the iconic green mermaid. However, all those sweet drinks can lead to some unwanted weight gain. The good news is there are some easy solutions out there to help you keep your drink under 200 calories.

  1. You can make any drink at Starbucks skinny.

This means that when you order a grande caramel macchiato you’re getting skim milk and sugar-free syrup, instead of the calorie heavy 2% milk. Make sure to skip the whipped cream, it may be tasty but it adds unnecessary fat and sugar into your drink.

  1. Create your own drink

Ask for 2 pumps of caramel or vanilla in your iced coffee with skim, soy, or coconut milk instead of ordering a cream heavy latte off the menu.

  1. In the mood for something sweet? Go for a light Frappuccino.

Most of these are 100 calories for a tall versus the over 300 calories for the sugary original. (you can add an extra shot of espresso if you need a midday pick me up)



Have a favorite low calorie drink you like? Share in the comments below or tweet us @RunYourWorldLUC for a chance to win a Starbucks gift card!

14 thoughts on “3 Ways to Not Feel Guilty About Your Morning Coffee Fix

  1. I love these tips but I hate that Starbucks got rid of SF Carmel… that was my go to and guilty pleasure!

  2. There’s always a ton of ways to keep your tea and your coffee low in calories! Watch out for those sugary sweeteners in green teas and go for no milk or non fat milk in your morning coffee.

  3. These are all really great tips for limiting calorie consumption, but limiting calorie consumption is not usually the only or most important way to lose weight (if that is your intention). Sometimes just because you go with skim and sugar free doesn’t necessarily mean it is “healthier” or can prevent weight gain. Alternatives to sugar can be just as or even more harmful than sugar itself on your body. Skim milk carries less nutrients than regular milk, and it is still questioned whether skim milk can actually prevent weight gain. I agree with Julia that tea is the better option if your intentions are to have a healthier drink that won’t hinder your weight-loss objectives.

  4. Thanks for the feedback Nicole! We love to hear readers opinions and the advice they have for our other readers. Feel free to share with us some of your favorite Starbucks drinks or teas @RunYourWorldLUC

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