How 911 Sent Me Code 3 To Law School

Imagine this: It’s 4 am and you’re working as an EMT running 911 calls. Dispatch notifies you that you need to respond to a call… now! You turn on the lights and sirens, also known as Code 3, and make your way to the call. You show up. It’s chaotic and you grab the gurney, nitroglycerin, and oxygen tubing amongst others. You save the patient, and everyone is happy. You clean the ambulance and sit down for a moment to relax. But dispatch rings and you’re off again.

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Trademark Tale: From a Mistaken Coca-Cola Enthusiast to Aspiring IP Attorney

Interviewer: “So, what’s your favorite Coca-Cola product?”

Me: I draw a blank at the simple question, trying to think of any Coca-Cola product in existence. A picture of the classic Coca-Cola can flashes in my mind; the bold cursive letters against the vibrant red background. “Well, it has to be Coca-Cola, of course!”

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Navigating the Crossroads: A Journey from Blueprints to Briefs

Embarking on the path of higher education is often a journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected discoveries. As an engineering undergraduate, my passion for problem-solving and innovation led me down a familiar road of equations and design principles. However, it was during my last semester of undergrad that I stumbled upon a new realm of knowledge that would reshape my understanding of creativity and innovation – intellectual property law (IP).

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Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities: My Journey Into Intellectual Property Law

Epilepsy: a life-altering word. Time stood still as the doctor gave me her diagnosis. My knuckles whitened as my grip tightened on the armchair. After years of not knowing the root cause of my health issues, I now had an answer. My diagnosis changed the trajectory of my life as I knew it. This pivotal moment separated my life into a “before” and an “after.” The love for math and science from my “before” life melded into a passion for navigating the landscape of innovation and technology. This passion defined my “after” life, and eventually propelled me into intellectual property law. But, let me start at the beginning with the “before.”

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My Ride to IP at Loyola

My first exposure to intellectual property (IP) unexpectedly started with t-shirts. If you asked me five years ago if it is easy to get approval for a phrase on a t-shirt, I probably would’ve said yes. However, now I know it can sometimes be anything but easy. In college, I was the President of Notre Dame’s (ND) Equestrian Team. To raise funds for the club, my fellow officers and I wanted to stamp “Ride Like a Champion Today” on t-shirts and sell them. We based this slogan off the “Play Like a Champion Today” phrase commonly used for ND Football. Expecting it to be a simple and quick process like our other t-shirt fund-raising campaigns, we sent in our mock-up for approval, but the athletics department answered with a resounding NO. What!?

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Airplane against sunset

Still Calculating: Exploring IP as a WeekendJD Student at Loyola

I often hear this question: “But what are you going to do after law school?”

Right now, it’s an unsolved equation. But I’m working through the terms.

Patent Law = Engineering + Law

I’m exploring patent law because it represents the sum of two important interests in my life, engineering and law.
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From Lululemon to Loyola: Finding My Way to IP

My first experience with Intellectual Property (IP) was in a business law class that I took during my senior year of undergrad. We had new units every week, and I was introduced to the topics of trademarks, copyrights, and patents as they relate to businesses. These turned out to be my favorite units from the semester because I loved learning about the ways businesses use IP to protect their ideas and make money off them. I didn’t realize that brand names, logos, and even the way individual products are designed could all be protected by IP law. I really enjoyed learning about how IP intersects with a business’s ability to build their brand recognition.

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