Navigating the Crossroads: A Journey from Blueprints to Briefs

Embarking on the path of higher education is often a journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected discoveries. As an engineering undergraduate, my passion for problem-solving and innovation led me down a familiar road of equations and design principles. However, it was during my last semester of undergrad that I stumbled upon a new realm of knowledge that would reshape my understanding of creativity and innovation – intellectual property law (IP).

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Airplane against sunset

Still Calculating: Exploring IP as a WeekendJD Student at Loyola

I often hear this question: “But what are you going to do after law school?”

Right now, it’s an unsolved equation. But I’m working through the terms.

Patent Law = Engineering + Law

I’m exploring patent law because it represents the sum of two important interests in my life, engineering and law.
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Cash Rules Everything in IP

Like many other engineering graduates in the state of Michigan, I started my engineering career in the automotive industry. Lucky for me, I landed a pretty fun job in vehicle safety. The crash lab located in the space behind my office ran full speed crash tests on a daily basis. However, I spent most of my day behind a computer analyzing vehicle structures for crashworthiness.
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