My Dynamic Journey to IP Law


[fyoo-zhin] (noun), A process or mechanism of combining two distinct matters into one.

For most of my life, I didn’t consider law school at all. I was interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), fields that I thought had nothing to do with law. In my head, TV-depictions of lawyers like Harvey Specter or Olivia Pope were the only representations of legal work. So basically, I thought attorneys managed million-dollar-deals or put criminals behind bars.

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Dance and Louboutin Red Soles: The Doors That IP Opens and How Loyola Walks You Through Them

I took a few years off after college to figure out exactly what I wanted to do. I majored in neuroscience but wasn’t interested in pursuing a career in research or medicine. In the meantime, I was a professional dancer for a NHL team, but knew my time as a dancer was limited. Through lucky breaks and following the signs in front of me, I stumbled upon intellectual property (“IP”) law at Loyola.

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Places of Discovery Like Loyola

Finding Intellectual Property Law

Photo taken by Suet Lee.

My favorite Saturday college pastime was teaching kids about everything from ozobots to farm automation to the Polar Virtual Reality Exhibit. I taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Discovery Building, a place where students and their families can explore science, technology, engineering, and math concepts through fun activities. The Discovery Building also houses the Morgridge Institute for Research, a private, nonprofit research institute dedicated to biology studies and interdisciplinary biomedical research. That is where I first discovered intellectual property (IP) law as a career path. How? By seeing its application in the lab!                                       

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Reconsidering My Law School Decision: Why I (Finally) Chose Loyola

In April 2020, I was committed to attending a law school that was not Loyola. After making the tuition deposit, however, something didn’t feel right. I began rethinking whether that school would be the best place to spend the next three years. But where would I go?

My goal was to attend a school with a strong IP program. However, I wanted more than a curriculum. I wanted a community, a place that would make me happy when I walked through the doors every day. After making this realization, I scheduled calls with deans, professors, alumni, and students at other law schools to gain insights into their experiences.

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Patents and Pancakes

I had a fairly clear idea when I came to Loyola University Chicago School of Law that I wanted to focus on patent law. Having a science background, it seemed like a natural fit given the intersection between patent law and science. However, my interests weren’t solidified until I read patent cases assessing the validity of a patented pancake recipe. You’ll have to learn a little bit about my childhood to understand why those interests solidified though. 

A consistent motivating force throughout my life has been figuring out how things worked. As a kid, whenever I got bored with a toy, I would sneak tools from my dad’s toolbox and take it apart. I wanted to get a better understanding of how the toy worked. Knowing that I’d get a lecture on why I shouldn’t break my toys, I’d try to put them back together—often unsuccessfully. Nevertheless, the hunt for that forbidden knowledge was worth the lecture and one less toy. I needed to figure out how it worked, no matter the consequences.

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My Journey to IP at Loyola University Chicago

(Not) Aboard the IP Train

I first heard about intellectual property (IP) law during my junior year of college. I had a friend in the school of engineering who planned to pursue a career in patent law. My friend explained to me that a patent is a way to protect someone’s invention. She also mentioned that patent law is a subset of a larger legal area called IP. When I asked how someone becomes a patent attorney, she said that you need a science degree. As an economics major, I was put-off by this statement. I thought that IP was not an option for me. I can gladly say that I was wrong. Before I explain why IP is an option for me, let me explain how I ended up at law school in the first place! Continue reading “My Journey to IP at Loyola University Chicago”

The Road To Loyola

Life in the Rear View

I spent six years working in broadcast journalism and nearly two years in digital marketing before coming to law school. Titles switched, duties expanded and employers changed, but intellectual property (“IP”), especially copyright, was always at the core. I existed in a constant state of media creation and consumption. Come along for the ride, and I’ll explain how. Continue reading “The Road To Loyola”

IP Takes Center Stage

Can Law Involve the Arts?

I spent the majority of my time in theaters growing up. I was a shy kid, but something about the stage brought me out of my shell. It may sound counterintuitive that acting in front of hundreds of strangers is what helped me get over my fear of public speaking, but it worked for me. Through performing I found my confidence, my voice, and above all else, my “niche.” By the time I graduated from high school I had been in dozens of local and regional shows and had thought seriously about pursuing a career in theater. However, when I went away to college I chose to instead pursue a political science degree. I set my long-term sights on attending law school, believing that being a litigation attorney was as close as I could get to “performing” professionally. I assumed my love for the creative arts would always be a hobby, but didn’t think it was a practical career path. Thankfully, I was wrong. Continue reading “IP Takes Center Stage”

My Journey to IP Law at Loyola University Chicago

My path to intellectual property (IP) law at Loyola University Chicago School of Law has not been a linear one. My undergraduate transcript looks as if every class was put into a hat and drawn at random. For instance, in one quarter of undergrad I took Intro to Biochemistry, Anthropology of Islam, and Food Safety and Regulation. I find many topics and classes interesting and want to learn a little bit of just about anything. My varying interests have been both an asset and a burden throughout my academic career. However, in law school, I am thankful for my unique background for getting me to where I am today.

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Why Loyola: From Peter Pan to Intellectual Property

When I first looked into Intellectual Property Law shortly after taking the LSAT, I thought that I was automatically ineligible without a science background. But, I was happy to learn that my initial assumption was wrong. It turns out you don’t have to have a science or STEM background to work in Intellectual Property.  Those things are only required for those interested in the patent bar, which is only required to practice on behalf of inventors before the USPTO. In reality, IP is more than just patents, and a diverse background might be more helpful than you think.

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