Showing four small red peppers with wrinkly skin and pointed tails

A Tale of Two PuckerButt Peppers: Patent Protection for Craft Agriculture

Introducing Some of the Hottest Siblings You May Not Know About

When you think of the hottest siblings on the planet, do you think of the Hemsworth brothers or the Kardashian sisters? In the world of celebrities, hotness is relative and hard to measure. In the world of super-hot chili peppers, hotness is measured in Scoville Heat Units and can be scientifically tested. When making super-hot chili peppers is your business, protecting your intellectual property (IP) is a spicy subject.

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Fair, Accessible Patent Protection for the Modern Inventor

So, you had an idea – a good one.

It’s new! (Nobody has disclosed it to the public before, and you haven’t either, except within a certain time frame.)

It’s useful! (It’s not just theoretical; it does something in real life.)

It’s non-obvious! (It’s something more than a simple derivative combination of existing components.)

It’s patentable subject matter! (It’s a process, a machine, an article of manufacture, or a composition of matter.)
Continue reading “Fair, Accessible Patent Protection for the Modern Inventor”

Airplane against sunset

Still Calculating: Exploring IP as a WeekendJD Student at Loyola

I often hear this question: “But what are you going to do after law school?”

Right now, it’s an unsolved equation. But I’m working through the terms.

Patent Law = Engineering + Law

I’m exploring patent law because it represents the sum of two important interests in my life, engineering and law.
Continue reading “Still Calculating: Exploring IP as a WeekendJD Student at Loyola”