The Driving Force of Formula 1: Trade Secrets

My fascination for motorsports skyrocketed since attending my first NASCAR race last summer. So naturally, I discovered Formula 1 (F1), a similar motorsport. F1 is the highest level of open-wheel-single-seater auto racing sport. Most importantly, F1 is known for pushing the boundaries of technology and engineering.

Although F1 generally did not captivate me as much as NASCAR, the F1 intellectual property (“IP”) dramas involving trade secrets got my attention. First, I will explain why there is trade secret drama to begin with, and not a different type of IP drama. Then, I will cover some trade secret fundamentals. And, of course, I will share the trade secret drama that inspired this post: Spygate.

So, hold on to your seats as we go on this ride!

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A Trademark Telenovela: Nestlé USA Fights to Keep Mexican Classics Off the Shelves

With winter (or Abuelita season) approaching, Chocolate Abuelita (a classic Mexican hot chocolate) is at the top of many Mexican minds. However, this time, the thought comes with a bit of uncertainty. This summer, a trademark infringement lawsuit between Nestlé USA and Ultra Mundiales, a Mexico-based distributor, took over Mexican Instagram and TikTok.

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Tracks to Trademarks

Better read fast because as Ricky Bobby once said, ‘If you ain’t first, you’re last.’

If you breathed the same air as me this summer, you probably know I became a huge NASCAR fan. After hearing the first car roar on Michigan Avenue (even before walking into the Chicago Street Race), NASCAR earned my allegiance. So lucky you, you get to read about it too, haha! However, this time, with a recently acquired trademark lens.
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The Magic of the Unknown: Discovering IP at Loyola

For as long as I can remember, creative storytelling, imagination, and magic, have always captivated me. From, fascination with Disney at an early-age to getting a degree in theatre design in undergrad, I remain engaged with my creative side as much as I could. However, it was not until my first semester at Loyola University Chicago School of Law that I learned that the magic … Continue reading The Magic of the Unknown: Discovering IP at Loyola