To Be or Not To Be…A Copyright Infringer? Jeff Koons & My Journey to IP

When parents send their kids off to college, they often wish for them to grow as people, have fun, and (perhaps most importantly) major in something that will get them a job. Neuroscience, data science, and finance are the coveted majors – not theatre, communications, or (my personal favorite) art history. I pursued an art history minor in undergrad where I was first exposed to … Continue reading To Be or Not To Be…A Copyright Infringer? Jeff Koons & My Journey to IP

An Unexpected Journey From Healthcare to IP

“Study what interests you and the rest will work itself out” As a high achieving high school student, choosing a college major felt like choosing a career. I remember placing so much pressure on picking my college of study. Then I got some very simple advice from my career counselor at the time. She said, “study what interests you and the rest will work itself … Continue reading An Unexpected Journey From Healthcare to IP

A Record Store Versus a Boy Band: My Experience on Loyola’s IP Moot Court Team

Even before starting law school at Loyola, I knew that I wanted to practice intellectual property (IP) law. IP law involves both transactional law and litigation. While transactional law focuses on the creation and review of documents and contracts, litigation focuses on resolving disputes, often in a courtroom setting. While I have always been interested in IP transactional law, I also saw the value of understanding litigation. Understanding litigation can be key to a lawyer’s transactional practice. A transactional lawyer can learn how to better draft documents and contracts so that a dispute (hopefully!) never arises and litigation is not needed. Continue reading “A Record Store Versus a Boy Band: My Experience on Loyola’s IP Moot Court Team”

The Magic of the Unknown: Discovering IP at Loyola

For as long as I can remember, creative storytelling, imagination, and magic, have always captivated me. From, fascination with Disney at an early-age to getting a degree in theatre design in undergrad, I remain engaged with my creative side as much as I could. However, it was not until my first semester at Loyola University Chicago School of Law that I learned that the magic … Continue reading The Magic of the Unknown: Discovering IP at Loyola