

Crypto Platforms Under Scrutiny by Various U.S. Agencies

Since the beginning of 2023, the cryptocurrency market has faced legal action from multiple U.S. agencies in efforts to control a sector that, until recently, mostly operated beyond the bounds of conventional financial regulation. As a result of the executive order issued by the Biden Administration in March 2022, various federal agencies examined the risk and benefits of cryptocurrencies and have issued official reports. These reports have led to coordinated action against the crypto market. The administration aims to “ensure that cryptocurrencies cannot undermine financial stability, to protect investors, and to hold bad actors accountable.” In their attempts to promote regulation, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the U.S. Department of Treasury, have acted against the crypto market on several fronts, frightening off bank allies, suing crypto firms for violating investor protection laws, and targeting exchanges connected to money laundering.

Kraken Settles with the SEC in a $30 Million Deal

Sophie Shapiro Associate Editor Loyola University Chicago School of Law, JD 2024 Kraken will pay $30 million to settle SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) allegations that it broke the agency’s rules with its cryptoasset staking products and will discontinue them in the United States as part of the agreement with the regulator. What is Kraken? …
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U.S. Sanctions Nine Companies Involved in Iranian Oil Operations

Hannah Newman   Associate Editor   Loyola University Chicago School of Law, JD 2024  On February 9, 2023, the United States imposed sanctions on companies accused of producing, selling, and shipping hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of Iranian petrochemicals and petroleum. Iran, a major producer of hydrocarbons, holds some of the world’s largest deposits of oil …
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Too Big to Fail?: Ticketmaster and the Live Entertainment Debacle

After months of near-total silence, Beyonce opened Black History Month with a bang when she finally blessed the Beehive with what they had been impatiently waiting for since the release of her seventh studio album: the announcement of the Renaissance World Tour. Her loyal fans have been anticipating this news since Renaissance was released too much acclaim at the end of July 2022. However, alongside anticipation, fans are battling a strong feeling of anxiety at the prospect of not being able to secure tickets for the coveted shows. And no wonder. Ticketmaster – the vendor through which tickets for the Renaissance tour are being sold – recently, and very publicly, bungled another highly awaited ticket sale.

Regulating the Black Experience

Taelor Thornton Associate Editor Loyola University Chicago School of Law, JD 2024 Advanced Placement (AP) Music History, AP World History, AP Art History, AP European History, and now AP African American History. The College Board (the Board) offers 39 AP classes on many different subjects, and has recently added an African American history course. The …
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Major Question Doctrine Stirs Controversy over Biden’s Debt Relief Plan

Last week, the Supreme Court began hearing oral arguments regarding President Biden’s $400 billion debt relief program. Two cases will be up before the Court that challenge President Biden’s Federal regulatory authority. The program aims to forgive $10,000 in student debt for borrowers earning less than $125,000 per year, while Pell grant recipients will be entitled to an additional $10,000 in debt forgiveness.

Off the Rails: the Norfolk Southern Train Derailment and its Aftermath

On February 3, 2023, Ohio was suddenly and unexpectedly rocked by an accident whose long-term consequences are still unfolding. A Norfolk Southern-operated freight train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in the village of East Palestine. This accident, which poses severe threats to the environment and safety of the local community, has raised significant concerns about the environmental implications of train accidents and the safety of transporting hazardous materials through residential areas.

Biden Administration to Knock “Chip” off China’s Shoulders: Proposed Export License Revocation Seeks to Remove Huawei’s Access to the US Market

The Biden administration has considered not only ending all future export licenses between US microchip producers and Huawei, but also revoking existing licenses to sell microchips to the Chinese tech company. This move is just one section of increasing tensions between China and the United States but could have long-reaching consequences for the United States and the global tech market.

Investors in NFTs find Potential Protection through Real Estate Investment Trusts

Cryptocurrency’s lack of regulation has been a major focus in the news recently. Furthermore, there is a lack of regulation over non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as well, which is a further concern for consumer safety. Although the first known NFT was established in May of 2014, NFTs didn’t really take-off until 2017. Due to the unique nature of NFTs (being either jpegs, real estate, etc.) the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), along with other regulatory authorities, still haven’t clearly laid out if NFTs are securities or what rules/regulations will apply. Unless securities are clearly at issue it is unclear if NFTs will fall under securities laws at this point in time. However, there is a potential way consumers can invest in NFTs related to real estate and still find protection through the SEC.