Tag: Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions


While I’m sure many of you already have  your own New Year’s resolutions lined up for 2015, I am sharing what I would consider to be a helpful list of resolutions for a college-bound, high school senior:

  1. Don’t let senioritis get the best of you. Your second semester grades still matter, so don’t risk losing admission or a scholarship by letting your grades slip. You will have to send in a final high school transcript to your college, so make sure it will impress them.
  2. Create a senior year bucket list (go to prom, try out for the spring musical, join a new club, etc).
  3. Take a ton of photos of your friends & family and actually print them out so you have some to decorate your residence hall room next year.
  4. Make a pro/con list, research, and visit all schools remaining on your short list. Make sure your list has no more than ten schools (hopefully much less) by the time you file FAFSA (which you should do by March 1st).
  5. Learn how to cook a meal in a microwave so you can become the top chef of your floor next year.
  6. Open a student checking/savings account, learn how to write a check, and actively start to manage your own budget so you won’t have to learn this on your own at college.
  7. Learn how to do your own laundry. Then  you can go to college and teach some of your roommates/floormates/suitemates.
  8. Enjoy every remaining moment of your senior year. You have some once-in-a-lifetime moments to look forward to so make sure you appreciate them.

Happy New Years from the Undergraduate Admission Office!

New Year, New Resolutions

New Year, New Resolutions

Okay, so since I’ve covered this Winter Break (past), it’s only fair that I share some of my resolutions for this upcoming year (future). I’ll also share some pictures from this Winter Break that are worthy of my publication in a third short-and-sweet blog.

On New Years Eve, I realized that for the first year in many years, I didn’t have a list of resolutions. Even more than that, I hadn’t thought of any resolutions to even make a list. I felt that a lot of what I wanted, I was already accomplishing, so I gave the list making a rest, and for the last few weeks, I’ve just taken the time to enjoy myself. Now that school has started up again though, I’m beginning to realize that there are several things I’ve been hoping to do, and several more that I want to keep doing. Throw those goals together, and they make up what I’m calling my Resolution List of 2013:

  1.  Train for a half marathon– in junior high, I ran track and field and cross-country, but I stopped when I went to high school. I ran on and off on my own for all the years since leading up to the present, switching between loving and hating running. After a lot of thought (and another change of heart towards being pro-running), I decided that training myself for and running a half marathon between July and October is the perfect goal to try and uphold and accomplish this year.
  2. Score an internship– I’ve been applying to many internships in the last few months, but so far I’ve had little success. The search isn’t easy, which is why I’m going to push myself harder and search and apply more starting now so that I can land an internship for the summer.
  3. Continue eating vegan– several months ago, I changed up my diet and exercise routine drastically, including eating a vegan diet. I’ve since done boatloads of research, and my gut feeling tells me that this is the best path for me. I do have my days, though, when it gets tricky (and I’ll admit I’ve had several slips for cheese), but with the New Year, I know I want to stick to it whole-heartedly.
  4. Start a video blog on youtube- this is a resolution that I want to start by the end of January, although it is still an idea in progress. I’m still deciding on a theme, but I think I know what I want my focus to be. Nevertheless, if anyone has any ideas, feel free to leave a comment!
  5. Keep up with my Loyola blog better- this one is self-explanatory. My university is important to me, and therefore sharing my journey here is important, and this year, I hope to keep up with a minimum of two blogs a week. And more pictures.
2012 Resolutions?

2012 Resolutions?

It has been one year since I officially started my blog. Yeah!

I find myself once again debating what I will commit to this year with regard to New Year’s resolutions. I feel I should be honest with myself and take a look back at what I wanted to do last year and see if I made any strides.

First, I mentioned one person whose goal was to send more hand-written notes. Having blogged about it, I made sure to try to do this more often myself—I admit I sent more hand-written thank you notes all last year than I probably have since I was in the 5th or 6th grade when my mom made sure I was doing so. Second, I never got to try my hand at snowshoeing, but my father-in-law got snowshoes for Christmas so I am committed to trying this when the opportunity presents itself this February. Third, I managed to complete many home improvement projects. Check. Check. Finally, I mentioned better physical fitness, though I must admit I fall down on this each year after a robust start. So yes, I am back in the gym again now—not loving it, but liking it.

What does 2012 bring? What are your resolutions?

My general philosophy is to adopt something positive, rather than focus on something I shouldn’t do. In this vein, my top resolution this year is to get more involved helping out at my church and in my community. I want to find some way I can contribute on a more regular basis.

As for a quick recap, and given my call for great holiday treats in December, I thought I would share a photo of the great art of Lefse making.

I find it ironic that I was sporting my Loyola sweatshirt that day.

Go Ramblers!