Tag: Costume

Halloween Numero Dos

Halloween Numero Dos

Happy Halloween!! Or late Halloween that is 🙂

I had a great Halloween! I was bummed because on Wednesday I had to stay in the library and prepare for a presentation I had today and was unable to dress up and partake in any Halloween festivities. I did get to celebrate last weekend though!

I dressed up both Friday and Saturday. Friday, as I mentioned in my last post, I was Tiger Lily from Peter Pan. On Saturday I dressed up as my roommate Mary Whitmore. Mary is a Loyola Cross Country runner so I wore an old jersey and put on some running shoes. I chose this outfit because on Saturday the Cross Country team had their conference meet and kicked butt! (More on their meet to come).

Check out our pictures, we had so much fun!

Me as a Loyola Cross Country runner and my roommate as an angel.
Our Peter Pan crew! From left to right: Back: Shadow, Peter Pan, Wendy, Tiger Lily (me), Front: Lost Boy, Captan Hook
Halloween Numero Uno

Halloween Numero Uno

So as you all know Halloween falls on a Wednesday this year. That means there are two weekends to celebrate it! Tonight is the first night and boy are my roommates and I excited!

We are doing a group costume and being the characters from Peter Pan! I am Tiger Lily, the Indian princess. My roommate (below) is a lost boy. We also have Wendy, Captain Hook, Peter and best of all, his shadow. One of my friends is wearing a black morph suit and going to follow Peter around all night and act like his shadow!

We are getting ready now and super excited! I’ll upload more pictures of our whole group next week!

My roommate Kelly preparing her Lost Boy costume.
Some of my accessories for Tiger Lily!
Peter Pan's shadow! Awesome costume!