Home is in Chicago

Home is in Chicago

Recently, someone asked me what my favorite thing about Loyola was.

I was surprised in that I could not immediately come up with an answer. I was taken aback, because I guess I’d never really stopped to consider what I really did like about this school and everything within it.

After a few minutes of thinking, and a few awkward stutters, I figured out my favorite thing about going to Loyola: I felt like I had found a home, complete with support system and several amazing Thai restaurants around the corner, 500 miles away from the place I’d called home my entire life.

I’ll spare you all the slightly depressing “I miss my family” rant, but I guess I just wanted to post and let the world know that it is totally and completely possible to move away, and be terrified, and know that in the end it will be okay. You’ll make friends, you’ll find your group, and you’ll adjust. You’ll make mistakes, and you’ll learn from them. You WILL embarrass yourself and roll your eyes at your actions and probably mutter “rookie mistake, kid” to yourself. But that’s part of it, and you should look forward to it.

So, in short, I’m glad that Loyola has provided me with a home, rather than just a bunch of homework and a place to sleep. I’m glad that I feel that I feel like I actually belong here, and that’s the thing I love most about Loyola: the opportunity it’s given me to explore who I am and mold myself, all while I can feel safe and at home.

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