Optimism during Undergrad…it’s possible.

Optimism during Undergrad…it’s possible.



Keeping a positive outlook under stressful situations during your Undergraduate career is a difficult task, I agree..  Let’s be real, it’s like destiny throws in a personal life dilemma right before a huge exam.  We have all been there, when other problems cannot let us concentrate.  This post is not on how to tackle your problems, but how to remain positive amidst everything that is being thrown at you.

1) STOP OVER-THINKING.  Yes, you want to calculate the grade you need on this midterm to keep your A.  You start making up scenarios in your head about things that will NOT happen. STOP.  Take it as it comes!

Over-thinking creates problems that weren’t even there in the first place.

2) LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE.  A lot of us are quick to look at how far we have to go, but fail to realize how far we’ve come!  Perhaps, you didn’t prepare well enough for a practical, oh well.  Now, you know.  Focus on things that you can do right next time around.

When it rains look for rainbows, when it’s dark look for stars. 

3) SMILE.  I know this seems simple, but it really helps.  Smile at strangers (in a non-creepy way, of course), or compliment someone, perhaps he/she needed to hear that.  This always brings positive vibes into my life.

Better to be the one who smiled than to be the one that didn’t smile back.

4) BE AROUND HAPPY.  Surround yourself with happy people.  Bitter people will just sour up your life and do no good for you.  Optimistic people are the best kind of people.

 Invest in people who invest in you.

5) LOVE YOURSELF.  Nothing in this world will make any sense if you don’t love yourself first.  You cannot love those around you without appreciating your worth.  It might sound cheesy, but during undergraduate sometimes you just don’t feel good enough.  Find it in you to see your flaws as blessings.  Personally, this has been the hardest one for me to achieve, but it’s a work in progress.

Love yourself as much as you want to be loved.

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