The Coffee Shop

The Coffee Shop

I’ve always preferred coffee shops as my place to study. Back home, I have several local favorites to choose from and was worried that when I came to Loyola I wouldn’t have any similar type of atmosphere to study in. (Because at orientation and on the tours no one really tells you where to hangout and study at, as they mostly keep to campus.) However, upon exploring the city streets, I’ve found one of my new favorite coffee houses, simply titled: The Coffee Shop. It’s a quaint, hole in the wall kind of place, with ample seating and the perfect environment for you to study for the big math test you have the next day. The staff is always more than willing to help out, and there’s always some kind of meal option (plus dessert!) for those who don’t have time to take a break and run to one of the dining halls.

Located at 1135 West Sheridan Road, it’s nearly impossible to miss due to the waiter statue standing outside, inviting customers in, every day of the week. This is a spot I find great for later study sessions, as they are open until midnight everyday of the week. Check ahead of time, as they do host many events (one of the latest being slam poetry) and customers crowd the shop’s tightest corners. Word to the wise, bring a jacket, as the inside temperature may not always match the weather outside.

Happy Studying!

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