The GoGlobal Blog


Trekking through Thailand

Trekking through Thailand

Well folks, I’ve finally done it. I’ve achieved one of my life-long-bucket-list-dream-goals … an absolutely incredible trip to Thailand. It was everything I wanted and more … stunning sights, delicious food, and adorable friends to spend time with. Such an amazing week–I don’t even know where to begin!! Okay, that’s a little bit of lie. I can start with …

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I’ve Got 99 Problems…

I’ve Got 99 Problems…

… and they’re all about class registration This post will be a short one, simply reflecting on my study abroad process. I started doing research in early March 2014. There were requirements, times, regulations and other logistical information to confirm in order to successfully adhere to applications, deadlines, requirements, etc. Also, I am temporarily enrolled in another …

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Poland or Bust.

Poland or Bust.

Traveling throughout Poland during my fall break was most likely the best decision I’ll make this semester (besides anytime I decide to get gelato, of course). All three legs of our journey brought laughter, delicious food, and some much needed reflection. After visiting three of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever been in I am …

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Descending Cliffs in Dalat

Descending Cliffs in Dalat

Another week, another absolutely fantastic excursion to a new and exciting part of Vietnam. This past weekend’s adventure? A mini-trip to Dalat, a chilly European-esque mountain town located about four hours north of Saigon–so delightfully refreshing and pretty darn cool. I swear, every new place I go to in Vietnam, the more I fall in …

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Fall Break in Northern Italy

Fall Break in Northern Italy

A week ago I returned from my most exciting adventure in Italy yet! Taking the opportunity of fall break to travel across Northern Italy, I visited 5 cities in 7 days! I started my adventure in Florence, leaving Rome VERY early to make it there in time to tackle all the major sites in one …

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Be careful, but not scared

Be careful, but not scared

Studying abroad is all about the experiences, adventures and friendships you make. As said by D.H. Lawrence, “When one jumps over the edge, one is bound to land somewhere.” This weekend, I did something I never thought I would, I zip-lined! This was an amazing experience, and sure, you can do this back in the …

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Roommate Bonding

Roommate Bonding

Forced interactions with strangers can be very uncomfortable, especially if that first encounter has you and this stranger sleeping 10 ft away from each other. In college, the majority of students will have a roommate at least once, and the space shared may very well be very small. The adjustment of downsizing the square feet of your room …

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Incredible India

Incredible India

This week is the two month mark of my fall semester in Bangalore, India.  Two months?  Already?  I honestly could not tell you where the time has gone, but I’ll attempt.  I came here with a whole list of preconceptions, fears, and expectations — along with a whole bunch of butterflies, nerves and excitement.  The …

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Whistle while you work.

Whistle while you work.

Something has come to my attention in the last couple weeks. While studying abroad you really do have to study.  This week has been my midterms and I have two exams, three papers, and a debate in Spanish. Most of the students I am studying with agree that although the coursework is manageable, it is …

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Climbing Temples in Cambodia

Climbing Temples in Cambodia

… And I’m back in Saigon again, relaxing on a much-needed day off, after an absolutely wonderful trip to Cambodia. To be quite honest, I wasn’t expecting much from this excursion–I wanted to see the temples, take a few pictures, and call it a day. I don’t know what I was thinking. I clearly underestimated the country …

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